嵌套更新SQL Server和SELECT

时间:2021-09-24 15:37:35

I need to have a query as below:


SELECT top (1) @AddressRepeatNum=a.CheckNumber FROM(
UPDATE dbo.SearchList SET CheckNumber=CheckNumber+1 
OUTPUT inserted.CheckNumber AS CheckNumber 
WHERE PageAddress=@Address and CheckNumber<6
) as a

but it doesn't work. How should I rewrite it to work? In a simple word, I want to add one to a column of my table and then if it was larger than 5 then do something


1 个解决方案



You cannot do a select directly on an update like that. You insert the output information to a table variable and then you select from the table variable.


DECLARE @AddressRepeatNum INT, @Address varchar (500) = 'Test'
DECLARE @Check table (checknumber INT)
UPDATE dbo.SearchList SET CheckNumber=CheckNumber+1 
OUTPUT inserted.CheckNumber into @Check
WHERE PageAddress=@Address and CheckNumber<6

SELECT TOP (1) @AddressRepeatNum=CheckNumber 
FROM @check 
ORDER BY CheckNumber 



You cannot do a select directly on an update like that. You insert the output information to a table variable and then you select from the table variable.


DECLARE @AddressRepeatNum INT, @Address varchar (500) = 'Test'
DECLARE @Check table (checknumber INT)
UPDATE dbo.SearchList SET CheckNumber=CheckNumber+1 
OUTPUT inserted.CheckNumber into @Check
WHERE PageAddress=@Address and CheckNumber<6

SELECT TOP (1) @AddressRepeatNum=CheckNumber 
FROM @check 
ORDER BY CheckNumber