
时间:2021-06-05 15:32:44

When googlebot crawls pages does it have session? For example I am storing some variables on the session and using them in my site's pages. When googlebot crawls these pages will I still have the session-variables? In my global.asax I am storing some variables on the session at session start. Will I have any problem with Google bot?


4 个解决方案



The answer to one of your question is: yes, you will have problems with Google bot.


Generally we've encountered two types of issues with google bot:


  1. it sometimes does not retain HTTP cookies between requests. Our application relies on custom cookies and the there were plenty of google bot requests caught to carry no cookies at all.

    它有时不会在请求之间保留HTTP cookie。我们的应用程序依赖于自定义cookie,并且有大量谷歌机器人请求被捕获,根本不携带cookie。

  2. it makes long breaks between consecutive requests. For example, it retrieves your page and asks for it's scripts later on.


Both will cause troubles with your session. First - you need a precise ASPNETSessionID cookie to be passed between requests. Googlebot will probably sometimes fail to do that. Second - if there's a long timespan between requests, your session is going to terminate even if the cookie is there.

两者都会导致你的会话出现问题。首先 - 您需要在请求之间传递精确的ASPNETSessionID cookie。 Googlebot有时可能无法做到这一点。第二 - 如果请求之间的时间间隔很长,即使cookie存在,您的会话也将终止。



Googlebot actively tries to avoid sessions and does not support cookies. From First date with the Googlebot: Headers and compression (March 2008)


I usually avoid cookies (so no "Cookie:" header) since I don't want the content affected too much by session-specific info. And, if a server uses a session id in a dynamic URL rather than a cookie, I can usually figure this out, so that I don't end up crawling your same page a million times with a million different session ids.


I imagine most regular search engine bots will be similar in this respect. Google is trying to build an index of unique URLs. The URL is the unique key that identifies a unique page of content. Cookies (and sessions) are not passed when a user clicks a link in the SERPS. Google is primarily indexing pages, not sites.

我想大多数常规搜索引擎机器人在这方面都是类似的。 Google正在尝试构建唯一网址的索引。 URL是标识唯一内容页面的唯一键。当用户单击SERPS中的链接时,不会传递Cookie(和会话)。 Google主要是为网页编制索引,而不是网站。



Generally the answer is no, however other crawlers (of which there are plenty) work other ways.


I should note that I have seen an instance of a google crawler for Adwords (not the normal googlebot) which DID present a session cookie.




It's very unlikely, I think. It should create a new session every time it crawls your website.




The answer to one of your question is: yes, you will have problems with Google bot.


Generally we've encountered two types of issues with google bot:


  1. it sometimes does not retain HTTP cookies between requests. Our application relies on custom cookies and the there were plenty of google bot requests caught to carry no cookies at all.

    它有时不会在请求之间保留HTTP cookie。我们的应用程序依赖于自定义cookie,并且有大量谷歌机器人请求被捕获,根本不携带cookie。

  2. it makes long breaks between consecutive requests. For example, it retrieves your page and asks for it's scripts later on.


Both will cause troubles with your session. First - you need a precise ASPNETSessionID cookie to be passed between requests. Googlebot will probably sometimes fail to do that. Second - if there's a long timespan between requests, your session is going to terminate even if the cookie is there.

两者都会导致你的会话出现问题。首先 - 您需要在请求之间传递精确的ASPNETSessionID cookie。 Googlebot有时可能无法做到这一点。第二 - 如果请求之间的时间间隔很长,即使cookie存在,您的会话也将终止。



Googlebot actively tries to avoid sessions and does not support cookies. From First date with the Googlebot: Headers and compression (March 2008)


I usually avoid cookies (so no "Cookie:" header) since I don't want the content affected too much by session-specific info. And, if a server uses a session id in a dynamic URL rather than a cookie, I can usually figure this out, so that I don't end up crawling your same page a million times with a million different session ids.


I imagine most regular search engine bots will be similar in this respect. Google is trying to build an index of unique URLs. The URL is the unique key that identifies a unique page of content. Cookies (and sessions) are not passed when a user clicks a link in the SERPS. Google is primarily indexing pages, not sites.

我想大多数常规搜索引擎机器人在这方面都是类似的。 Google正在尝试构建唯一网址的索引。 URL是标识唯一内容页面的唯一键。当用户单击SERPS中的链接时,不会传递Cookie(和会话)。 Google主要是为网页编制索引,而不是网站。



Generally the answer is no, however other crawlers (of which there are plenty) work other ways.


I should note that I have seen an instance of a google crawler for Adwords (not the normal googlebot) which DID present a session cookie.




It's very unlikely, I think. It should create a new session every time it crawls your website.
