
时间:2021-06-05 15:33:08

I have this query that already works, i need to write count query for this (need pagination), and i have issues using count with DISTINCT ON, anyone knows correct syntax and way to use it, i already googled but was not able to find any count queries with DISTINCT ON


As result i'm expecting total number of rows from this query that already works


select DISTINCT on (csd.team_contest_id)
        c.id as contestId
            from contest as c
            left join company_sponsor_team as csd on csd.contest_id = c.id
            left join sponsor as s on s.id = c.sponsor_id
            left join team as d on d.id = c.team_id
            left join player as m on c.creator_id = m.id
            WHERE c.id = c.id 
            AND ((c.team_id is not null and c.sponsor_id is null and lower(d.name) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%TAN%')))
            OR (c.team_id is not null and c.sponsor_id is not null and lower(s.name) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%TAN%')))
            OR (c.team_id is null and lower(s.name) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%TAN%')))) AND (CURRENT_DATE < c.archive_date)

1 个解决方案



If you want to count the number of rows, use a subquery:


select count(*)
from ( <your query here> ) x;

If you have an aversion to subqueries, you can always do:


select count(distinct csd.team_contest_id)
from . . .  <the rest of your query here>;

This returns the same value assuming that csd.team_contest_id is not NULL.




If you want to count the number of rows, use a subquery:


select count(*)
from ( <your query here> ) x;

If you have an aversion to subqueries, you can always do:


select count(distinct csd.team_contest_id)
from . . .  <the rest of your query here>;

This returns the same value assuming that csd.team_contest_id is not NULL.
