
时间:2021-11-21 15:33:25

I am trying out some examples with analytical functions and i have created a sql fiddle to understand a count distinct over partition by clause.This is my sqlfiddle.

我正在尝试一些分析函数的例子,我已经创建了一个sql小提琴来理解一个明显超过partition by子句的计数。这是我的sqlfiddle。

create table dummy (value1 varchar2(10),value2 varchar2(10));

insert into dummy values ('abc','abc1');
insert into dummy values ('abc','abc1');
insert into dummy values ('abc','abc2');
insert into dummy values ('def','abc1');
insert into dummy values ('ghi','abc2');
insert into dummy values ('xyz','abc3');
insert into dummy values ('xyz','abc3');

select value1,
       count(distinct value2) over (partition by value1) as ValCount
from dummy

If you look at the result set, i would expect valcount as 1 for the third row but instead its 2 and am not sure why that's the case.


2 个解决方案



abc (value 1) has only 2 distinct values on the second column (abc1 and abc2), and since you count the distinct values on column2 partitioned over column 1 you should indeed get 2




The valcount should be 2.


You've partitioned by value1, so the count executes within that context. That is to say, in the group of results where value1 = "abc", there are 2 distinct values of value2 ("abc1", "abc2").

您已经按value1进行了分区,因此计数在该上下文中执行。也就是说,在value1 =“abc”的结果组中,有2个不同的value2值(“abc1”,“abc2”)。



abc (value 1) has only 2 distinct values on the second column (abc1 and abc2), and since you count the distinct values on column2 partitioned over column 1 you should indeed get 2




The valcount should be 2.


You've partitioned by value1, so the count executes within that context. That is to say, in the group of results where value1 = "abc", there are 2 distinct values of value2 ("abc1", "abc2").

您已经按value1进行了分区,因此计数在该上下文中执行。也就是说,在value1 =“abc”的结果组中,有2个不同的value2值(“abc1”,“abc2”)。