
时间:2022-03-13 15:33:48

Is there a limit on how many datasets I can create in one BigQuery project? I did not find this limit anywhere mentioned in documentations.


I am asking this because I want to create a dataset per day. Under the daily dataset, there will be the same number of tables being created with the daily data. E.g.,


   - table1
   - table2
   - table1
   - table2
   - table1
   - table2

Also if I want to do a query over a range of datasets, can I do something better than explicitly selecting from every single dataset? For instance,


select date, sum(price) from 
 group by date order by date

I guess not, but just try to confirm.




1 个解决方案



1. Datasets per project


There is no hard limit to the amount of BigQuery datasets you can create per project. However, if you have created a huge amount, then this might provide some challenge when trying to list, for example, all programmatically. ALso, having hundreds of datasets might not be very easy to navigate in the BigQuery UI. Note also that it looks like the bq command line tool doesn't currently paginate over 50 datasets per project (it only displays the first 50, we'll consider adding pagination functions as a feature request).

每个项目可以创建的BigQuery数据集的数量没有硬性限制。但是,如果您已经创建了大量的数据,那么当您试图以编程的方式列出这些数据时,这可能会带来一些挑战。此外,拥有数百个数据集在BigQuery UI中导航可能不太容易。还要注意的是,bq命令行工具目前似乎没有为每个项目对超过50个数据集进行分页(它只显示前50个数据集,我们将考虑添加分页函数作为特性请求)。

2. Quering over a range of datasets


Explicitly listing each dataset.table combination is currently the only way to specify a query to be run over a range of datasets. However, improved syntax for referencing multiple tables is a very common developer request, so we are exploring improvements (such as possibly selecting a range of tables via a pattern rather than a list). For announcements about new features, sign up for the bigquery-announce list.




1. Datasets per project


There is no hard limit to the amount of BigQuery datasets you can create per project. However, if you have created a huge amount, then this might provide some challenge when trying to list, for example, all programmatically. ALso, having hundreds of datasets might not be very easy to navigate in the BigQuery UI. Note also that it looks like the bq command line tool doesn't currently paginate over 50 datasets per project (it only displays the first 50, we'll consider adding pagination functions as a feature request).

每个项目可以创建的BigQuery数据集的数量没有硬性限制。但是,如果您已经创建了大量的数据,那么当您试图以编程的方式列出这些数据时,这可能会带来一些挑战。此外,拥有数百个数据集在BigQuery UI中导航可能不太容易。还要注意的是,bq命令行工具目前似乎没有为每个项目对超过50个数据集进行分页(它只显示前50个数据集,我们将考虑添加分页函数作为特性请求)。

2. Quering over a range of datasets


Explicitly listing each dataset.table combination is currently the only way to specify a query to be run over a range of datasets. However, improved syntax for referencing multiple tables is a very common developer request, so we are exploring improvements (such as possibly selecting a range of tables via a pattern rather than a list). For announcements about new features, sign up for the bigquery-announce list.
