
时间:2021-09-25 15:33:03

I have a JSON file output as below


  u'_embedded': {
u'workouts': [
    u'start_datetime': u'2015-02-16T08:47:00+00:00',
    u'name': u'Walk',
    u'updated_datetime': u'2015-02-16T19:20:36+00:00',
    u'created_datetime': u'2015-02-16T19:20:36+00:00',
    u'notes': u'',
    u'reference_key': None,
    u'start_locale_timezone': u'Europe/London',
    u'source': None,
    u'_links': {
      u'user': [
          u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/',
          u'id': u'******'
      u'self': [
          u'href': u'/v7.1/workout/*******/',
          u'id': u'*******'
      u'privacy': [
          u'href': u'/v7.1/privacy_option/1/',
          u'id': u'1'
      u'route': [
          u'href': u'/v7.1/route/*******/',
          u'id': u'*******'
      u'activity_type': [
          u'href': u'/v7.1/activity_type/9/',
          u'id': u'9'
    u'has_time_series': False,
    u'is_verified': False,
    u'aggregates': {
      u'active_time_total': 1020.0,
      u'elapsed_time_total': 1020.0,
      u'distance_total': 1729.99651968,
      u'speed_avg': 1.6972231232,
      u'steps_total': 0.0
  u'_links': {
u'self': [
    u'href': u'/v7.1/workout/?limit=20&user=******&offset=0'
u'documentation': [
    u'href': u'https://developer.underarmour.com/docs/v71_Workout'
  u'total_count': 1

From this code, I wish to pull the workout id on it's own, which is in the


u'user': [
      u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/',
      u'id': u'******'

I've managed it using json.loads in a different piece of code, although as in my code below, I am not sure how to implement it so I can use json.loads instead of x.json() as I am using, so I've become lost. I've attempted to do it as I would using json.loads by using indexes, but it just throws an error. Below is a snippet of the code and what I have attempted


route = requests.get(url='https://oauth2-api.mapmyapi.com/v7.1/workout/?user=********', verify=False,
                    headers={'api-key': CLIENT_ID, 'authorization': 'Bearer %s' % access_token['access_token']})

route = route.json()

for info in route['workouts']['self']:
print info['id']

#print route

Any help as to how to pull the data from the JSON would be hugely appreciated, or how to edit my code to allow me to use json.loads instead.




3 个解决方案



As it's a python dict object you use proper keys to get the values. From the dictionary you provided, if the the dictionary is d then.

因为它是一个python dict类型的对象,所以您使用适当的键来获取值。从你提供的字典中,如果字典是d。

itm = d.get(u'_embedded').get(u'workouts')[0]

itm is,


{u'_links': {u'activity_type': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/activity_type/9/',
    u'id': u'9'}],
  u'privacy': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/privacy_option/1/', u'id': u'1'}],
  u'route': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/route/*******/', u'id': u'*******'}],
  u'self': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/workout/*******/', u'id': u'*******'}],
  u'user': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/', u'id': u'******'}]},
 u'aggregates': {u'active_time_total': 1020.0,
  u'distance_total': 1729.99651968,
  u'elapsed_time_total': 1020.0,
  u'speed_avg': 1.6972231232,
  u'steps_total': 0.0},
 u'created_datetime': u'2015-02-16T19:20:36+00:00',
 u'has_time_series': False,
 u'is_verified': False,
 u'name': u'Walk',
 u'notes': u'',
 u'reference_key': None,
 u'source': None,
 u'start_datetime': u'2015-02-16T08:47:00+00:00',
 u'start_locale_timezone': u'Europe/London',
 u'updated_datetime': u'2015-02-16T19:20:36+00:00'}

get the user information:


 print itm.get(u'_links').get(u'user')

 [{u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/', u'id': u'******'}]

now get get id:


print itm.get(u'_links').get(u'user')[0].get(u'id')

You might iterate over the list instead of using index value.




That is not JSON. Its a Python dictionary. Do you see: single quotes for strings and u'blah blah'? That's not JSON. They are python object representations.

这不是JSON。Python字典。你看到了吗,字符串的单引号和u'blah '?这不是JSON。它们是python对象表示。

Use ast.literal_eval to parse everything back from a string to a python object.


>>> import ast
>>> with open('input') as f:
...     obj = ast.literal_eval(f.read())
>>> obj
{u'_links': ......... } #Your entire object appears here.
>>> for item in obj["_embedded"]["workouts"]:
...     print item["_links"]["user"]
[{u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/', u'id': u'******'}]



That is already a Python dict. It is not JSON and there is no need to load it.




As it's a python dict object you use proper keys to get the values. From the dictionary you provided, if the the dictionary is d then.

因为它是一个python dict类型的对象,所以您使用适当的键来获取值。从你提供的字典中,如果字典是d。

itm = d.get(u'_embedded').get(u'workouts')[0]

itm is,


{u'_links': {u'activity_type': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/activity_type/9/',
    u'id': u'9'}],
  u'privacy': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/privacy_option/1/', u'id': u'1'}],
  u'route': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/route/*******/', u'id': u'*******'}],
  u'self': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/workout/*******/', u'id': u'*******'}],
  u'user': [{u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/', u'id': u'******'}]},
 u'aggregates': {u'active_time_total': 1020.0,
  u'distance_total': 1729.99651968,
  u'elapsed_time_total': 1020.0,
  u'speed_avg': 1.6972231232,
  u'steps_total': 0.0},
 u'created_datetime': u'2015-02-16T19:20:36+00:00',
 u'has_time_series': False,
 u'is_verified': False,
 u'name': u'Walk',
 u'notes': u'',
 u'reference_key': None,
 u'source': None,
 u'start_datetime': u'2015-02-16T08:47:00+00:00',
 u'start_locale_timezone': u'Europe/London',
 u'updated_datetime': u'2015-02-16T19:20:36+00:00'}

get the user information:


 print itm.get(u'_links').get(u'user')

 [{u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/', u'id': u'******'}]

now get get id:


print itm.get(u'_links').get(u'user')[0].get(u'id')

You might iterate over the list instead of using index value.




That is not JSON. Its a Python dictionary. Do you see: single quotes for strings and u'blah blah'? That's not JSON. They are python object representations.

这不是JSON。Python字典。你看到了吗,字符串的单引号和u'blah '?这不是JSON。它们是python对象表示。

Use ast.literal_eval to parse everything back from a string to a python object.


>>> import ast
>>> with open('input') as f:
...     obj = ast.literal_eval(f.read())
>>> obj
{u'_links': ......... } #Your entire object appears here.
>>> for item in obj["_embedded"]["workouts"]:
...     print item["_links"]["user"]
[{u'href': u'/v7.1/user/******/', u'id': u'******'}]



That is already a Python dict. It is not JSON and there is no need to load it.
