
时间:2022-12-22 15:33:47

I am now developing module that generate data as following structure into json from mysql.


       "name":"jhon doe",

To achieve this, firstly, I retrieve employee data by register_date range as follow.


 $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE register_date>'2011-04-31' AND register_date<'2011-07-01'");

Then I iterate each row from result and retrieve education information from education table as follow:

然后从result中迭代每一行,从education table中检索教育信息如下:

 while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
   $education=mysql_query("SELECT degree,description from education where emp_id=$id");
   // assigning education array as educaiton field in $row
   // write json_encode($row) to output buffer

This project's data structure is not my design and I know it's not a good idea setting employee'id as foreign key in education table, instead, It should be set education id as foreign key in employee table. My problem is that (by using this data structure) retrieving education list for each row of employee is huge performance issue because there may be about 500000 record of employee for a month and for that amount, mysql select queries have to be processed 500000 times for education data retrieval for each employee. how should I optimize.

这个项目的数据结构不是我设计的,我知道把员工id设置为教育表中的外键不是一个好主意,而是应该将教育id设置为员工表中的外键。我的问题是,(通过使用这个数据结构)检索教育员工列表的每一行是巨大的性能问题,因为可能会有大约500000名员工一个月的记录和金额,mysql select查询教育必须处理500000次数据检索为每一个员工。我该如何优化。

1.Should I change data structure?
2. Should I create mysql stored procedure that generate json string directly from database?
3. Should I denormalize education data in employee table?
which is most efficient approach or any suggestion?


Please help me.


3 个解决方案



As pointed out in the comments, you could probably just use some sort of JOIN.


Other than that I'd like introduce you to the following quick & dirty solution. This might use a lot of ram.


$arr_education = array();
$res_education = mysql_query("SELECT emp_id, degree, description FROM education");

while($row_education = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_education)) {
    $arr_education[$row_education["emp_id"]] = array("degree"=>$row_education["degree"], "description" => $row_education["description"]);

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE register_date>'2011-04-31' AND register_date<'2011-07-01'");

while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    //$arr_education[$row["id"]] is an array containing the education-entries for the employee
    $tmp = $row;
    $tmp["education"] = $arr_education[$row["id"]];
    echo json_encode($tmp);

To your specific questions:


  1. If emp -> education is a 1 to 1 relation you should change the data structure.

    如果emp ->教育是1到1的关系,您应该改变数据结构。

  2. Don't do that


  3. Don't do that


Consider switching to PDO! http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php It won't help you in this specific case but you're should never use mysql_* functions.

考虑切换到PDO !在这个特定的情况下,它不会帮助您,但是您永远不应该使用mysql_*函数。



You can query education data after fetching employees and assigning them in php loop.


$result = mysql_query("select * from employee where register_date > '2011-04-31' and register_date < '2011-07-01'");

$employees = [];

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $id = $row['id'];
    $employees[$id] = $row;

$ids = join(', ', array_keys($employees));

$result = mysql_query(sprintf('select degree, description, employee.id as employee_id from education left join employee on emp_id = employee.id where employee.id in (%s)', $ids));

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $id = $row['employee_id'];

    if (!isset($employees[$id]['education'])) {
        $employees[$id]['education'] = [];

    $employees[$id]['education'][] = $row;



Better you can use the SP's for processing the data and then to return JSON string. Let the DB system process and iterate. I think it will improve a lot compared with the current implementation.




As pointed out in the comments, you could probably just use some sort of JOIN.


Other than that I'd like introduce you to the following quick & dirty solution. This might use a lot of ram.


$arr_education = array();
$res_education = mysql_query("SELECT emp_id, degree, description FROM education");

while($row_education = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_education)) {
    $arr_education[$row_education["emp_id"]] = array("degree"=>$row_education["degree"], "description" => $row_education["description"]);

$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employee WHERE register_date>'2011-04-31' AND register_date<'2011-07-01'");

while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    //$arr_education[$row["id"]] is an array containing the education-entries for the employee
    $tmp = $row;
    $tmp["education"] = $arr_education[$row["id"]];
    echo json_encode($tmp);

To your specific questions:


  1. If emp -> education is a 1 to 1 relation you should change the data structure.

    如果emp ->教育是1到1的关系,您应该改变数据结构。

  2. Don't do that


  3. Don't do that


Consider switching to PDO! http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php It won't help you in this specific case but you're should never use mysql_* functions.

考虑切换到PDO !在这个特定的情况下,它不会帮助您,但是您永远不应该使用mysql_*函数。



You can query education data after fetching employees and assigning them in php loop.


$result = mysql_query("select * from employee where register_date > '2011-04-31' and register_date < '2011-07-01'");

$employees = [];

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $id = $row['id'];
    $employees[$id] = $row;

$ids = join(', ', array_keys($employees));

$result = mysql_query(sprintf('select degree, description, employee.id as employee_id from education left join employee on emp_id = employee.id where employee.id in (%s)', $ids));

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $id = $row['employee_id'];

    if (!isset($employees[$id]['education'])) {
        $employees[$id]['education'] = [];

    $employees[$id]['education'][] = $row;



Better you can use the SP's for processing the data and then to return JSON string. Let the DB system process and iterate. I think it will improve a lot compared with the current implementation.
