
时间:2021-09-04 15:29:36
#current forecast
current_api = ''
current_url_zip = current_api + urllib.parse.urlencode({'Zip': zip})
#current_url_key = 

json_data = requests.get(future_url_key).json()

#print (json_data)
future_temp_day_0 = json_data['list'][0]['main']['temp'] #current day
future_temp_day_1 = json_data['list'][1]['main']['temp'] #tomorrow
future_description_day_0 = json_data['list'][0]['weather']['description'] #current description
future_description_day_1 = json_data['list'][1]['weather']['description'] #current description
#Kelvin to F conversion
fTemp_0 = int((future_temp_day_0 - 273.15) * (9/5) + (32))
fTemp_1 = int((future_temp_day_1 - 273.15) * (9/5) + (32))

So I am using the openweathermap api. I want to be able to pull the current day [temperature][weather description] and tomorrows [temperature][weather description]. The problem is when I try to reference the [weather description] it pulls it from json_data['list'][3] and not json_data['list'][1]. It iterates to the next spot even though I am referencing the [1] item.

所以我使用的是openweathermap api。我希望能够拉当前[温度] [天气描述]和明天[温度] [天气描述]。问题是,当我尝试引用[天气描述]时,它从json_data ['list'] [3]而不是json_data ['list'] [1]中提取它。即使我引用[1]项,它也会迭代到下一个位置。

               "description":"few clouds",
         "dt_txt":"2018-02-19 21:00:00"
               "description":"scattered clouds",
         "dt_txt":"2018-02-20 00:00:00"

2 个解决方案



The weather key contains a list of dicts, so you should use [0] if you want the description of the first entry of the list:


future_description_day_0 = json_data['list'][0]['weather'][0]['description']
future_description_day_1 = json_data['list'][1]['weather'][0]['description']



future_description_day_1 = json_data['list'][0]['weather']
data = [P['description'] for P in future_description_day_1 if 'description' in P]
    if(len(data) == 4):                 # You can set the length of the data if it is more than 4 which i had been described.  
        weather_desc_1 = data[0]   
        weather_desc_2 = data[1]
        weather_desc_3 = data[2]
        weather_desc_4 = data[3]

        print 'Weather desc_1: ',weather_desc_1
        print 'Weather desc_2: ',weather_desc_2
        print 'Weather desc_3: ',weather_desc_3
        print 'Weather desc_4: ',weather_desc_4

        weather_desc_1 = 'Null'
        weather_desc_2 = 'Null'
        weather_desc_3 = 'Null'
        weather_desc_4 = 'Null'
except IndexError:
    print 'No wether description available from the data ' 



The weather key contains a list of dicts, so you should use [0] if you want the description of the first entry of the list:


future_description_day_0 = json_data['list'][0]['weather'][0]['description']
future_description_day_1 = json_data['list'][1]['weather'][0]['description']



future_description_day_1 = json_data['list'][0]['weather']
data = [P['description'] for P in future_description_day_1 if 'description' in P]
    if(len(data) == 4):                 # You can set the length of the data if it is more than 4 which i had been described.  
        weather_desc_1 = data[0]   
        weather_desc_2 = data[1]
        weather_desc_3 = data[2]
        weather_desc_4 = data[3]

        print 'Weather desc_1: ',weather_desc_1
        print 'Weather desc_2: ',weather_desc_2
        print 'Weather desc_3: ',weather_desc_3
        print 'Weather desc_4: ',weather_desc_4

        weather_desc_1 = 'Null'
        weather_desc_2 = 'Null'
        weather_desc_3 = 'Null'
        weather_desc_4 = 'Null'
except IndexError:
    print 'No wether description available from the data '