- package com;
- //SpanQuery:跨度查询。此类为抽象类。
- import;
- import;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
- import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token;
- import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
- import org.apache.lucene.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index;
- import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store;
- import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
- import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
- import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- public class SpanQueryTest {
- private RAMDirectory directory;
- private IndexSearcher indexSearcher;
- private IndexReader reader;
- private SpanTermQuery quick;
- private SpanTermQuery brown;
- private SpanTermQuery red;
- private SpanTermQuery fox;
- private SpanTermQuery lazy;
- private SpanTermQuery sleepy;
- private SpanTermQuery dog;
- private SpanTermQuery cat;
- private Analyzer analyzer;
- // 索引及初使化
- public void index() throws IOException {
- directory = new RAMDirectory();
- analyzer = new WhitespaceAnalyzer();
- IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, true);
- Document doc1 = new Document();
- doc1.add(new Field("field",
- "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", Store.YES,
- Index.TOKENIZED));
- Document doc2 = new Document();
- doc2.add(new Field("field",
- "the quick red fox jumps over the sleepy cat", Store.YES,
- Index.TOKENIZED));
- writer.addDocument(doc1);
- writer.addDocument(doc2);
- writer.optimize();
- writer.close();
- quick = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "quick"));
- brown = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "brown"));
- red = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "red"));
- fox = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "fox"));
- lazy = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "lazy"));
- sleepy = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "sleepy"));
- dog = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "dog"));
- cat = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "cat"));
- indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
- reader =;
- }
- private void dumpSpans(SpanQuery query) throws IOException {
- // 检索效果和TermQuery一样,可以把他当成TermQuery
- Hits hits =;
- for (int i = ; i < hits.length(); i++) {
- // System.out.println(hits.doc(i).get("field"));
- }
- // 但内部会记录一些位置信息,供SpanQuery的其它API使用,是其它属于SpanQuery的Query的基础。
- Spans spans = query.getSpans(reader);
- int numSpans = ;
- float[] scores = new float[];
- for (int i = ; i < hits.length(); i++) {
- scores[] = hits.score(i);
- }
- while ( {
- numSpans++;
- int id = spans.doc();
- Document doc = reader.document(id);
- Token[] tokens = AnalyzerUtils.tokensFromAnalysis(analyzer, doc
- .get("field"));
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = ; i < tokens.length; i++) {
- // the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- // spans记录了位置信息,比如搜索brown,brown在这句话中位于第三个位置,所以spans.start()=2,spans.end()=3
- // 在第二项的位置后加<,第三项后加> 返回<brown>
- if (i == spans.start()) {
- buffer.append("<");
- }
- buffer.append(tokens[i].termText());
- if (i + == spans.end()) {
- buffer.append(">");
- }
- buffer.append(" ");
- }
- buffer.append("(" + scores[id] + ") ");
- System.out.println(buffer);
- }
- // indexSearcher.close();
- }
- // SpanTermQuery:检索效果完全同TermQuery,但内部会记录一些位置信息,供SpanQuery的其它API使用,是其它属于SpanQuery的Query的基础。
- public void spanTermQueryTest() throws IOException {
- dumpSpans(brown);
- //// 搜索结果
- // the quick <brown> fox jumps over the lazy dog (0.22097087)
- }
- // SpanFirstQuery:查找方式为从Field的内容起始位置开始,在一个固定的宽度内查找所指定的词条。
- public void spanFirstQueryTest() throws IOException {
- // the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- // 在给定的范围搜索,前两个为the quick
- // brown 在doc1的第三个位置,用SpanFirstQuery从起点查找的话,他的跨度必须为>=3才能找到
- SpanFirstQuery firstQuery = new SpanFirstQuery(brown, );
- dumpSpans(firstQuery);
- ////搜索结果
- // the quick <brown> fox jumps over the lazy dog (0.22097087)
- }
- // SpanNearQuery:功能类似PharaseQuery。SpanNearQuery查找所匹配的不一定是短语,还有可能是另一个SpanQuery的查询结果作为整体考虑,进行嵌套查询。
- public void spanNearQueryTest() throws IOException {
- // the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- // 第二个参数为两个项的位置之间允许的最大间隔
- // 在这里两个较远的项为quick和fox,他们之是的最大间隔为5,所以slop必须>=5才能搜到结果
- SpanNearQuery nearQuery = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[] { quick,
- brown, fox }, , true);
- dumpSpans(nearQuery);
- // 与PhraseQuery短语搜索相似
- // 这里搜索quick,dog,brown,要想得到结果,就要将brown向后移动5个位置才能到dog的后面,所以slop要>=5才能找到结果
- // 第三个参数,如果为true表示保持各项位置不变,顺序搜索
- nearQuery = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[] { quick, dog, brown }, ,
- false);
- dumpSpans(nearQuery);
- //////搜索结果/////
- // 第一个dumpSpans的结果 the <quick brown fox> jumps over the lazy dog (0.34204215)
- // 第二个dumpSpans的结果 the <quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog> (0.27026406)
- }
- // 从第一个SpanQuery查询结果中,去掉第二个SpanQuery查询结果,作为检索结果
- public void spanNotQueryTest() throws IOException {
- // the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- SpanNearQuery quick_fox = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[] { quick,
- fox }, , true);
- // 结果为quick brown fox 和 quick red fox
- dumpSpans(quick_fox);
- // SpanNotQuery quick_fox_dog = new SpanNotQuery(quick_fox, dog);
- //
- // dumpSpans(quick_fox_dog);
- // 在quick_fox结果中,去掉red,结果为quick brown fox
- SpanNotQuery no_quick_red_fox = new SpanNotQuery(quick_fox, red);
- dumpSpans(no_quick_red_fox);
- //////搜索结果///////第一个dumpSpans结果为前两条,第二个dumpSpans结果为第三条
- //the <quick brown fox> jumps over the lazy dog (0.18579213)
- //the <quick red fox> jumps over the sleepy cat (0.18579213)
- //the <quick brown fox> jumps over the lazy dog (0.18579213)
- }
- // SpanOrQuery:把所有SpanQuery查询结果综合起来,作为检索结果。
- public void spanOrQueryTest() throws IOException {
- SpanNearQuery quick_fox = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[] { quick,
- fox }, , true);
- SpanNearQuery lazy_dog = new SpanNearQuery(
- new SpanQuery[] { lazy, dog }, , true);
- SpanNearQuery sleepy_cat = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[] { sleepy,
- cat }, , true);
- SpanNearQuery qf_near_ld = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[] {
- quick_fox, lazy_dog }, , true);
- dumpSpans(qf_near_ld);
- SpanNearQuery qf_near_sc = new SpanNearQuery(new SpanQuery[] {
- quick_fox, sleepy_cat }, , true);
- dumpSpans(qf_near_sc);
- SpanOrQuery or = new SpanOrQuery(new SpanQuery[] { qf_near_ld,
- qf_near_sc });
- dumpSpans(or);
- /////////搜索结果 第一个dumpSpans结果为第一条,第二个为第二条,第三个为第三,四条
- // the <quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog> (0.3321948)
- // the <quick red fox jumps over the sleepy cat> (0.3321948)
- // the <quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog> (0.5405281)
- // the <quick red fox jumps over the sleepy cat> (0.5405281)
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
- SpanQueryTest test = new SpanQueryTest();
- test.index();
- test.spanOrQueryTest();
- }
- }
- class AnalyzerUtils {
- public static Token[] tokensFromAnalysis(Analyzer analyzer, String text)
- throws IOException {
- TokenStream stream = analyzer.tokenStream("contents", new StringReader(
- text));
- boolean b = true;
- List<Token> list = new ArrayList<Token>();
- while (b) {
- Token token =;
- if (token == null)
- b = false;
- else
- list.add(token);
- }
- return (Token[]) list.toArray(new Token[]);
- }
- }