![python file python file](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9iYnNtYXguaWthZmFuLmNvbS9zdGF0aWMvTDNCeWIzaDVMMmgwZEhCekwybHRZV2RsY3pJd01UVXVZMjVpYkc5bmN5NWpiMjB2WW14dlp5ODNNekE0Tnprdk1qQXhOakV4THpjek1EZzNPUzB5TURFMk1URXdPVEl6TXpFeU16a3dOUzB4T1RRM01ESTJPVEU0TG5CdVp3PT0uanBn.jpg?w=700&webp=1)
>>> help(open)
Help on built-in function open in module __builtin__:
open(name[, mode[, buffering]]) -> file object
Open a file using the file() type, returns a file object. This is the
preferred way to open a file. See file.__doc__ for further information.
>>> f=open('E:\\tmp.txt')
>>> f
<open file 'E:\\tmp.txt', mode 'r' at 0x0000000002F84540>
>>> f.read()
>>> list(f)
>>> f.read(5)
>>> f.read()
>>> f=open("E:\\tmp.txt")
>>> f.read
<built-in method read of file object at 0x0000000002F845D0>
>>> f.read()
>>> f.read()
>>> f=open("E:\\tmp.txt")
>>> f
<open file 'E:\\tmp.txt', mode 'r' at 0x0000000002F84540>
>>> f.read(5)
>>> f.seek()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#14>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: seek() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
>>> f.tell()
>>> lines=list(f)
>>> for eachLine in lines:
print eachLine
>>> f
<open file 'E:\\tmp.txt', mode 'r' at 0x0000000002F84540>
>>> f.read()
>>> f.seek(0,0)
>>> f.readline()
>>> f.seek(0,0)
>>> fw=open('E:\\tmp.txt','w')
>>> fw.write('let's go')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> fr=open('E:\\tmp1.txt','w')
>>> fr.write('nihao')
>>> fr.close()
![python file python file](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9iYnNtYXguaWthZmFuLmNvbS9zdGF0aWMvTDNCeWIzaDVMMmgwZEhCekwybHRZV2RsY3pJd01UVXVZMjVpYkc5bmN5NWpiMjB2WW14dlp5ODNNekE0Tnprdk1qQXhOakV4THpjek1EZzNPUzB5TURFMk1URXdPVEl6TXpFeE1qUTVPUzAzT1RZd05UUTFOalV1Y0c1bi5qcGc%3D.jpg?w=700&webp=1)