
时间:2022-06-30 15:29:24

In Python:


a = "l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3]"
# l[0] etc. have their own value

my_function(a) #doesn't work

#but this does work
my_function(l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3])

Can the string a be 'transformed' so that the function sees the variables? Thank you.


Later update: Thank you for answering my question. I am including the bigger problem and why I had to resort to the eval function (not desired according to your answers). The function:


class Line(object):
def __init__(self, pt1, pt2, *pt):
    pt1 = Point(pt1[0],pt1[1])
    pt2 = Point(pt2[0],pt2[1])
    self.vertices = [pt1, pt2]
    for i in pt:

def __getitem__(self, key):
    pt = self.vertices[key]
    p = Point(p[0],p[1])
    return p

#Here is the part with the issue:

def move(self, dx, dy):
    pts = len(self.vertices)
    l = self.vertices

    pt1 = Point(Point(l[0].x, l[0].y).move(dx, dy).x, Point(l[0].x, l[0].y).move(dx, dy).y)
    pt2 = Point(Point(l[1].x, l[1].y).move(dx, dy).x, Point(l[1].x, l[1].y).move(dx, dy).y)
    if pts == 2:
        mv = LineString(p1, p2)
    if pts > 2:
        bla = ''
        for i in [2,pts]:
            px = Point(l[i].x, l[i].y).move(dx, dy).x
            py = Point(l[i].x, l[i].y).move(dx, dy).y
            l[i] = Point(px,py)
            bla += 'l[' + str(i) + '], '
            arguments = bla[:-2]
            mv = LineString(pt1, pt2, *eval(arguments))
    return mv

According to your answers, there are better ways of solving this..


3 个解决方案



To do this, you can combine the eval function to evaluate the string with the * operator to apply my_function on the resulting tuple:



However, doing this without a very good reason is almost always an indication of bad design. eval makes your code vulnerable to run-time errors and code injection attacks, and removes important performance optimizations. If you describe your actual requirements, it is likely that someone can propose a better solution.

然而,没有很好的理由这样做几乎总是表明设计不好。 eval使您的代码容易受到运行时错误和代码注入攻击的影响,并消除了重要的性能优化。如果您描述实际需求,可能有人可以提出更好的解决方案。



You had an XY problem.
Your real X problem was to pass an arbitrary number of objects to a function.
After having defined a string containing the identifiers of these objects, the Y solution to extract back the objects from this string became your graal.
But I'm pretty sure that the following snippet answers to your real X problem:


    if pts > 2:
        blal = []
        for i in [2,pts]:
            px = Point(l[i].x, l[i].y).move(dx, dy).x
            py = Point(l[i].x, l[i].y).move(dx, dy).y
        mv = LineString(pt1, pt2, *blal)

It's a facility offered by Python to pass arbitrary number of arguments to a function, not present in all programming languages. Would be a pity to complicate one's life , not using it.


I think that new members should be informed, or even prevented, not to upvote and accept answers too rapidly.



I think that you can replace the code block in your question with this one:


from itertools import chain

class Line(object):
    def __init__(self, pt1, pt2, *pt):
        self.vertices = map(lambda x: Point(*x),
                            chain((pt1,pt2), pt))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return Point(*self.vertices[key])

    def move(self, dx, dy):
        return LineString(*[ Point(Point(v.x, v.y).move(dx, dy).x,
                                   Point(v.x, v.y).move(dx, dy).y)
                             for v in self.vertices])   

You could even define Point() in such a way that it would accept a couple (tuple, list... , I dont't know what your pts are) instead of elements of pt
So, you could write Point(x) instead of Point(*x) and

你甚至可以用这样的方式定义Point(),它会接受一对(元组,列表......,我不知道你的pts是什么)而不是pt的元素所以你可以写Point(x)代替Point(* x)和

self.vertices = map(Point, chain((pt1,pt2), pt))

instead of


self.vertices = map(lambda x: Point(*x),
                    chain((pt1,pt2), pt))

but would need to write Point((v.x,v.y)) instead of Point(v.x,v.y)




Python methods take arbitrary argument lists. What this means is that your function can take any number of arguments.


Here is an example:


def foo(*args, **kwargs):
   print args


Now, suppose you wanted to pass a list with values in it as arguments:


mylist = ['a','b','c','d']

Now this will result in:


(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],)

A tuple with your list as the first argument. What we want is the same affect as foo('a','b','c','d'). To get that, we need to expand the list, like this:



Now you'll get the same result:


('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')

Taking this and applying it to your problem:


def foo(*args, **kwargs):
   print "Total arguments: {}".format(len(args))

v = "a, b, c"
>>> foo(v)
Total arguments: 1
>>> foo(*v.split(','))
Total arguments: 3



To do this, you can combine the eval function to evaluate the string with the * operator to apply my_function on the resulting tuple:



However, doing this without a very good reason is almost always an indication of bad design. eval makes your code vulnerable to run-time errors and code injection attacks, and removes important performance optimizations. If you describe your actual requirements, it is likely that someone can propose a better solution.

然而,没有很好的理由这样做几乎总是表明设计不好。 eval使您的代码容易受到运行时错误和代码注入攻击的影响,并消除了重要的性能优化。如果您描述实际需求,可能有人可以提出更好的解决方案。



You had an XY problem.
Your real X problem was to pass an arbitrary number of objects to a function.
After having defined a string containing the identifiers of these objects, the Y solution to extract back the objects from this string became your graal.
But I'm pretty sure that the following snippet answers to your real X problem:


    if pts > 2:
        blal = []
        for i in [2,pts]:
            px = Point(l[i].x, l[i].y).move(dx, dy).x
            py = Point(l[i].x, l[i].y).move(dx, dy).y
        mv = LineString(pt1, pt2, *blal)

It's a facility offered by Python to pass arbitrary number of arguments to a function, not present in all programming languages. Would be a pity to complicate one's life , not using it.


I think that new members should be informed, or even prevented, not to upvote and accept answers too rapidly.



I think that you can replace the code block in your question with this one:


from itertools import chain

class Line(object):
    def __init__(self, pt1, pt2, *pt):
        self.vertices = map(lambda x: Point(*x),
                            chain((pt1,pt2), pt))

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return Point(*self.vertices[key])

    def move(self, dx, dy):
        return LineString(*[ Point(Point(v.x, v.y).move(dx, dy).x,
                                   Point(v.x, v.y).move(dx, dy).y)
                             for v in self.vertices])   

You could even define Point() in such a way that it would accept a couple (tuple, list... , I dont't know what your pts are) instead of elements of pt
So, you could write Point(x) instead of Point(*x) and

你甚至可以用这样的方式定义Point(),它会接受一对(元组,列表......,我不知道你的pts是什么)而不是pt的元素所以你可以写Point(x)代替Point(* x)和

self.vertices = map(Point, chain((pt1,pt2), pt))

instead of


self.vertices = map(lambda x: Point(*x),
                    chain((pt1,pt2), pt))

but would need to write Point((v.x,v.y)) instead of Point(v.x,v.y)




Python methods take arbitrary argument lists. What this means is that your function can take any number of arguments.


Here is an example:


def foo(*args, **kwargs):
   print args


Now, suppose you wanted to pass a list with values in it as arguments:


mylist = ['a','b','c','d']

Now this will result in:


(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],)

A tuple with your list as the first argument. What we want is the same affect as foo('a','b','c','d'). To get that, we need to expand the list, like this:



Now you'll get the same result:


('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')

Taking this and applying it to your problem:


def foo(*args, **kwargs):
   print "Total arguments: {}".format(len(args))

v = "a, b, c"
>>> foo(v)
Total arguments: 1
>>> foo(*v.split(','))
Total arguments: 3