
时间:2022-04-11 15:26:28

I have a table with columns that allow null values and has a default null value. On update, if the field is empty (not data inserted) my script inserts 0 instead of null. I have gone through similar questions as mine and i have tried the advice given but am still not able to fix my issue. Here's my code


if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    # process the form
    $student_id = $_POST["student_id"];
    $subject_id = $_POST['subject_id'];
    if (is_null($_POST["test1"])){$test1 = null;} else {$test1 = $_POST["test1"];}
    if (is_null($_POST["test2"])){$test2 = null;} else {$test2 = $_POST["test2"];}
    if (is_null($_POST["test3"])){$test3 = null;} else {$test3 = $_POST["test3"];}

    for($i=0; $i < count($student_id); $i++) {
        $studentid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $student_id[$i]);
        $subjectid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $subject_id);
        $test_1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $test1[$i]);
        $test_2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $test2[$i]);
        $test_3 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $test3[$i]);

        $query = "UPDATE fullresult SET test1='{$test_1}', test2='{$test_2}', test3='{$test_3}' WHERE student_id={$studentid} AND subject_id={$subjectid}";
        $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);

When i echo the query, this is what i see and am wondering why i still get 0 inserted


UPDATE fullresult SET test1=' 10', test2=' ', test3=' ' WHERE student_id=51 AND subject_id=2

4 个解决方案



is_null does not return true for an empty string. Try changing your if statements to something like this:


$test1 = trim($_POST["test1"])
if (!strlen($test1)) $test3 = null;



You could use



to check if there are numeric characters in it.


The function


mysqli::real_escape_string -- mysqli_real_escape_string — Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection

(Source: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php)


Since you want to have null inside the database you should rewrite the code


    if (is_null($_POST["test1"])){$test1 = null;} else {$test1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST["test1"]);}

to have the values escaped only if needed (which is in case you have a value in $_POST)

仅在需要时转义值(如果您在$ _POST中有值)



What about


if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    # process the form
    $student_id = $_POST["student_id"];
    $subject_id = $_POST['subject_id'];

    # only retrieve FILLED IN answers
    $tests = array();
    if(isset($_POST["test1"]) && strlen($_POST["test1"])) $tests['test1'] = $_POST["test1"];
    if(isset($_POST["test2"]) && strlen($_POST["test2"])) $tests['test2'] = $_POST["test2"];
    if(isset($_POST["test3"]) && strlen($_POST["test3"])) $tests['test3'] = $_POST["test3"];

    if(!empty($tests)){ # if there were no answers, there's no point in updating the database
        for($i=0; $i < count($student_id); $i++) {
            $studentid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $student_id[$i]);
            $subjectid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $subject_id);

            # now let's build the "SET" part of the query
            $set = array();
            foreach($tests as $key => $value) $set[]=mysqli_real_escape_string($key)."='".mysqli_real_escape_string($value)."'";
            $set = implode(', ',$set);

            # ...and finally update
            $query = "UPDATE fullresult SET {$set} WHERE student_id={$studentid} AND subject_id={$subjectid}";
            $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);

The point of this approach is that if you don't include a key=>value pair in your UPDATE query, it will be filled in with its default value.

这种方法的要点是,如果您在UPDATE查询中没有包含key => value对,它将使用其默认值填充。



You must set 'null' word, not null value.


if (is_null($_POST["test1"])){$test1 = 'null';} else {$test1 = $_POST["test1"];}
if (is_null($_POST["test2"])){$test2 = 'null';} else {$test2 = $_POST["test2"];}
if (is_null($_POST["test3"])){$test3 = 'null';} else {$test3 = $_POST["test3"];}



is_null does not return true for an empty string. Try changing your if statements to something like this:


$test1 = trim($_POST["test1"])
if (!strlen($test1)) $test3 = null;



You could use



to check if there are numeric characters in it.


The function


mysqli::real_escape_string -- mysqli_real_escape_string — Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection

(Source: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php)


Since you want to have null inside the database you should rewrite the code


    if (is_null($_POST["test1"])){$test1 = null;} else {$test1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST["test1"]);}

to have the values escaped only if needed (which is in case you have a value in $_POST)

仅在需要时转义值(如果您在$ _POST中有值)



What about


if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    # process the form
    $student_id = $_POST["student_id"];
    $subject_id = $_POST['subject_id'];

    # only retrieve FILLED IN answers
    $tests = array();
    if(isset($_POST["test1"]) && strlen($_POST["test1"])) $tests['test1'] = $_POST["test1"];
    if(isset($_POST["test2"]) && strlen($_POST["test2"])) $tests['test2'] = $_POST["test2"];
    if(isset($_POST["test3"]) && strlen($_POST["test3"])) $tests['test3'] = $_POST["test3"];

    if(!empty($tests)){ # if there were no answers, there's no point in updating the database
        for($i=0; $i < count($student_id); $i++) {
            $studentid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $student_id[$i]);
            $subjectid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $subject_id);

            # now let's build the "SET" part of the query
            $set = array();
            foreach($tests as $key => $value) $set[]=mysqli_real_escape_string($key)."='".mysqli_real_escape_string($value)."'";
            $set = implode(', ',$set);

            # ...and finally update
            $query = "UPDATE fullresult SET {$set} WHERE student_id={$studentid} AND subject_id={$subjectid}";
            $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);

The point of this approach is that if you don't include a key=>value pair in your UPDATE query, it will be filled in with its default value.

这种方法的要点是,如果您在UPDATE查询中没有包含key => value对,它将使用其默认值填充。



You must set 'null' word, not null value.


if (is_null($_POST["test1"])){$test1 = 'null';} else {$test1 = $_POST["test1"];}
if (is_null($_POST["test2"])){$test2 = 'null';} else {$test2 = $_POST["test2"];}
if (is_null($_POST["test3"])){$test3 = 'null';} else {$test3 = $_POST["test3"];}