Let me start by saying that I am new to mysql and have searched on this site and others for a solution that will work for me. I've gotten fairly close (I think), but can't seem to find a solution.
I'm working on a Joomla site using RSForms software. I need to search a table where one row contains FirstName, another row contains LastName, and another row contains Email. Ultimately, I am looking for SubmissionId that is common to all 3. SubmissionId is a number generated by some form software that groups all of the form submission's elements by this id. I need to search for this id that is common to all 3. Each of the 3 elements may contain duplicates of the search. For instance, searching for the first name "John" will likely produce multiple results. I want to find the SubmissionId that matches "John" and last name "Doe" and email "johndoe@gmail.com" so I can use that to look up other information. It is also possible that there could be multiple matches for "John", "Doe", and johndoe@gmail.com".
我正在使用RSForms软件在Joomla网站上工作。我需要搜索一个表,其中一行包含FirstName,另一行包含LastName,另一行包含电子邮件。最终,我正在寻找所有共同的SubmissionId 3. SubmissionId是由某个表单软件生成的数字,它通过此id对所有表单提交的元素进行分组。我需要搜索所有3共有的id .3个元素中的每一个都可能包含搜索的重复项。例如,搜索名字“John”可能会产生多个结果。我想找到匹配“John”和姓氏“Doe”的SubmissionId,并发送电子邮件“johndoe@gmail.com”,以便我可以使用它来查找其他信息。 “John”,“Doe”和johndoe@gmail.com“也可能有多个匹配。”
I've tried many variations of the following (with/without ANY) and putting the results into an array and counting through each element. I've only had success in acquiring the first instance of "John".
$getresults = $db->setQuery("SELECT SubmissionId FROM my_table_values WHERE FormId = '$formid' AND FieldValue = '$fname' AND SubmissionId = ANY
(SELECT SubmissionId FROM my_table_values WHERE FormId = '$formid' AND FieldValue = '$lname' AND SubmissionId = ANY
(SELECT SubmissionId FROM my_table_values WHERE FormId = '$formid' AND FieldValue = '$email' ))");
2 个解决方案
One possibility is to use a query that joins my_table_values
with itself, even two times, to create something that can then be checked. For instance ... (fair warning: extemporaneous coding) ...
select A.submission_id from my_table_values A inner join my_table_values B using (SubmissionID) inner join my_table_values C using (SubmissionID) where (A.formID="email" and A.fieldValue= "foo@bar.com") and (B.formID="lastname" and B.fieldValue= "bar") and (C.formID="first name" and C.fieldValue="bletch")
从my_table_values中选择A.submission_id内部联接my_table_values B使用(SubmissionID)内部联接my_table_values C使用(SubmissionID)其中(A.formID =“email”和A.fieldValue =“foo@bar.com”)和(B.formID) =“lastname”和B.fieldValue =“bar”)和(C.formID =“名字”和C.fieldValue =“bletch”)
You will need to examine
that query to see (a) if the SQL processor accepts it, and (b) what sort of execution-plan it came up with. Preferably, all of the fields should be indexed. You need to see that it plans to use the indexes each time to narrow the list of possibilities, and that it plans to use the most-selective field (e.g. "email") first.
(The using (fieldname)
syntax is specific to MySQL. You might need to use on
to do the same thing.)
$getresults = $db->setQuery("
MAX(IF(FieldValue = '$fname',SubmissionId, NULL) as fnameId,
MAX(IF(FieldValue = '$lname',SubmissionId, NULL) as lnameId,
MAX(IF(FieldValue = '$email',SubmissionId, NULL) as emailId
FROM my_table_values
WHERE FormId = '$formid'
GROUP BY FormId");
One possibility is to use a query that joins my_table_values
with itself, even two times, to create something that can then be checked. For instance ... (fair warning: extemporaneous coding) ...
select A.submission_id from my_table_values A inner join my_table_values B using (SubmissionID) inner join my_table_values C using (SubmissionID) where (A.formID="email" and A.fieldValue= "foo@bar.com") and (B.formID="lastname" and B.fieldValue= "bar") and (C.formID="first name" and C.fieldValue="bletch")
从my_table_values中选择A.submission_id内部联接my_table_values B使用(SubmissionID)内部联接my_table_values C使用(SubmissionID)其中(A.formID =“email”和A.fieldValue =“foo@bar.com”)和(B.formID) =“lastname”和B.fieldValue =“bar”)和(C.formID =“名字”和C.fieldValue =“bletch”)
You will need to examine
that query to see (a) if the SQL processor accepts it, and (b) what sort of execution-plan it came up with. Preferably, all of the fields should be indexed. You need to see that it plans to use the indexes each time to narrow the list of possibilities, and that it plans to use the most-selective field (e.g. "email") first.
(The using (fieldname)
syntax is specific to MySQL. You might need to use on
to do the same thing.)
$getresults = $db->setQuery("
MAX(IF(FieldValue = '$fname',SubmissionId, NULL) as fnameId,
MAX(IF(FieldValue = '$lname',SubmissionId, NULL) as lnameId,
MAX(IF(FieldValue = '$email',SubmissionId, NULL) as emailId
FROM my_table_values
WHERE FormId = '$formid'
GROUP BY FormId");