使用nodejs gcloud api在谷歌云存储中移动/重命名文件夹。

时间:2022-12-20 15:25:57

I am trying to rename or move a folder in google cloud storage using the gcloud api.

我正在尝试使用gcloud api重命名或移动谷歌云存储中的一个文件夹。

A similar question explains how to delete a folder: Delete folder in Google Cloud Storage using nodejs gcloud api

一个类似的问题解释了如何删除文件夹:使用nodejs gcloud api在谷歌云存储中删除文件夹

But how can one rename a folder? or move to another path?


2 个解决方案



You can try something like this:


'use strict'

var async = require('async')
var storage = require('@google-cloud/storage')()
var bucket = storage.bucket('stephen-has-a-new-bucket')

bucket.renameFolder = function(source, dest, callback) {
  bucket.getFiles({ prefix: source }, function(err, files) {
    if (err) return callback(err)

    async.eachLimit(files, 5, function(file, next) {
      file.move(file.name.replace(source, dest), next)
    }, callback)

bucket.renameFolder('photos/cats', 'photos/dogs', console.log)



There are no folders. There is simply a collection of objects that all happen to have the same key prefix, for example photos/animals/cat.png and photos/animals/dog.png both have a common prefix photos/animals/ and that's what makes them appear to be in the same folder.


You will need to copy (or move) each of the objects to its new key, for example move photos/animals/cat.png to photos/pets/cat.png and move photos/animals/dog.png to photos/pets/dog.png.

您需要将每个对象复制(或移动)到它的新键,例如移动照片/动物/猫。png图片/宠物猫。png和移动照片/动物/狗。png图片/宠物/ dog.png。

That said, Google Cloud provides a way to do this from the command line using gsutil mv.

也就是说,谷歌Cloud提供了一种使用gsutil mv从命令行执行此操作的方法。



You can try something like this:


'use strict'

var async = require('async')
var storage = require('@google-cloud/storage')()
var bucket = storage.bucket('stephen-has-a-new-bucket')

bucket.renameFolder = function(source, dest, callback) {
  bucket.getFiles({ prefix: source }, function(err, files) {
    if (err) return callback(err)

    async.eachLimit(files, 5, function(file, next) {
      file.move(file.name.replace(source, dest), next)
    }, callback)

bucket.renameFolder('photos/cats', 'photos/dogs', console.log)



There are no folders. There is simply a collection of objects that all happen to have the same key prefix, for example photos/animals/cat.png and photos/animals/dog.png both have a common prefix photos/animals/ and that's what makes them appear to be in the same folder.


You will need to copy (or move) each of the objects to its new key, for example move photos/animals/cat.png to photos/pets/cat.png and move photos/animals/dog.png to photos/pets/dog.png.

您需要将每个对象复制(或移动)到它的新键,例如移动照片/动物/猫。png图片/宠物猫。png和移动照片/动物/狗。png图片/宠物/ dog.png。

That said, Google Cloud provides a way to do this from the command line using gsutil mv.

也就是说,谷歌Cloud提供了一种使用gsutil mv从命令行执行此操作的方法。