有没有办法为自动扩展的Cloud Dataflow指定最小数量的工作人员?

时间:2021-10-29 15:23:23

I'd like to specify a minimum number of workers for my job that autoscaling will not go below (akin to how it works for max_num_workers). Is this possible? My reason is that sometimes the worker startup takes long enough that the autoscaling decides to drop the number of workers to one, even though doing so is not optimal for my job. I'd still like to use autoscaling in case the job is larger than my estimated minimum.


2 个解决方案



Minimum number of workers is not yet supported. Could file a ticket with job details so that it support can take a look to understand why it downscales to too few workers?




According to the Autoscaling documentation, you could specify the maximum number of workers in the --maxNumWorkers option and the --numWorkers as the initial number of workers. You could find a description of these options in this document




Minimum number of workers is not yet supported. Could file a ticket with job details so that it support can take a look to understand why it downscales to too few workers?




According to the Autoscaling documentation, you could specify the maximum number of workers in the --maxNumWorkers option and the --numWorkers as the initial number of workers. You could find a description of these options in this document
