时间:2022-02-09 15:23:16

I am migrating data from a series of old data tables to new tables. In this process I came upon some issues.


I need to create a table, copy some data from old table to new one then drop old table. To achieve this, I need to write a script that does not show errors even if you run it on a migrated database, meaning even if the old tables are not there I should not see errors and simply skip the process.


Following is what I came up with up to now:


IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE Object_ID = Object_ID('Old_Table'))
    GOTO Migrated_Before

  -- Drop OldTable Indexes, PK's and FK's;
  -- CREATE newTable ....;
  -- Add Indexes, PK's, Fk's;
  -- INSERT INTO NewTable(someFields) FROM OldTable.Fields, OtherTable.Fields ...;
  -- DROP OldTable;


Here is the issue, Drop and Create need GO to commit changes before continue to next stage otherwise, next command will fail, however putting GO between GOTO and Label will make label undefined for GOTO.


How can I force each process to run before continue to next one without writing IF multiple times?


Solution: I leave the solution here as reference for others. I added begin transaction before every statement that need to happen before proceeding to next statement, for example, create table or drop FK's. and also replaced goto and label with begin end (my first solution)

解决方案:我把解决方案放在这里供他人参考。我在每个需要发生的语句之前添加了开始事务,例如,创建表或删除FK。用start end(我的第一个解决方案)替换goto和label

3 个解决方案



Try using begin transaction, commit instead of go




Try putting the CREATE, DROP and following 3 commands in a separate stored procedure and call that procedure after GOTO. This SP will contan the required GO statement. This may keep the scope of Label as it is.




I can run this code below without any "GO"


if object_id('abc') is not null
    drop table abc
create table abc (asdf varchar(10))

if object_id('abc') is not null
    drop table abc
create table abc (asdf varchar(10))

if object_id('abc') is not null
    drop table abc
create table abc (asdf varchar(10))

Also, you can just check for object_id() of null instead of querying the sys.objects table.




Try using begin transaction, commit instead of go




Try putting the CREATE, DROP and following 3 commands in a separate stored procedure and call that procedure after GOTO. This SP will contan the required GO statement. This may keep the scope of Label as it is.




I can run this code below without any "GO"


if object_id('abc') is not null
    drop table abc
create table abc (asdf varchar(10))

if object_id('abc') is not null
    drop table abc
create table abc (asdf varchar(10))

if object_id('abc') is not null
    drop table abc
create table abc (asdf varchar(10))

Also, you can just check for object_id() of null instead of querying the sys.objects table.
