
时间:2021-08-17 15:26:08

I'm trying to force Linq to preform an inner join between two tables. I'll give an example.


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[People] (
   [PersonId] [int] NOT NULL,
   [Name] [nvarchar](MAX) NOT NULL,
   [UpdatedDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL
   ... Other fields ...

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CompanyPositions] (
   [CompanyPositionId] [int] NOT NULL,
   [CompanyId] [int] NOT NULL,
   [PersonId] [int] NOT NULL,
   ... Other fields ...

Now I'm working with unusual database as there's a reason beyond my control for people to be missing from the People table but have a record in CompanyPositions. I want to filter out CompanyPositions with missing People by joining the tables.


return (from pos in CompanyPositions
        join p in People on pos.PersonId equals p.PersonId
        select pos).ToList();

Linq sees this join as redundant and removes it from the SQL it generates.


[Extent1].[CompanyPositionId] AS [CompanyPositionId], 
[Extent1].[CompanyId] AS [CompanyId], 
FROM  [dbo].[CompanyPositions] AS [Extent1]

However it's not redundant in my case. I can fix it like this


// The min date check will always be true, here to force linq to perform the inner join
var minDate = DateTimeExtensions.SqlMinSmallDate;

return (from pos in CompanyPositions
        join p in People on pos.PersonId equals p.PersonId
        where p.UpdatedDate >= minDate
        select pos).ToList();

However this now creates a needless where clause in my SQL. As a purest I'd like to remove this. Any idea's or does the current database design tie my hands?


4 个解决方案



Since PersonId is declared NOT NULL (and I assume it is declared as an FK to People) then I'm not sure how you could have a CompanyPosition with a person that is not assigned; and Linq can't see how you can eiter, which is why as you have observed Linq considers the join redundant.

由于PersonId被声明为NOT NULL(并且我假设它被声明为人们的FK),所以我不确定如何将一个CompanyPosition与未分配的人一起;而Linq看不出你怎么能这样做,这就是为什么你观察到Linq认为连接是多余的。



If you're using LinqToSql, you can use LoadWith similar to this:


var context = new MyDataContext();
var options = new DataLoadOptions();
options.LoadWith<People>(x => x.CompanyPositions);
context.LoadOptions = options;



I don't know how to force linq to use a join. But the following statment should give you the required result.


return (from pos in CompanyPositions
        where (p in People select p.PersonId).Contains(pos.PersonId)
        select pos).ToList();



ClientSide transformation:


from pos in CompanyPositions
join p in People on pos.PersonId equals p.PersonId
select new {pos, p}
).ToList().Select(x => x.pos);

More direct filtering:


from pos in CompanyPositions
where pos.People.Any()
select pos



Since PersonId is declared NOT NULL (and I assume it is declared as an FK to People) then I'm not sure how you could have a CompanyPosition with a person that is not assigned; and Linq can't see how you can eiter, which is why as you have observed Linq considers the join redundant.

由于PersonId被声明为NOT NULL(并且我假设它被声明为人们的FK),所以我不确定如何将一个CompanyPosition与未分配的人一起;而Linq看不出你怎么能这样做,这就是为什么你观察到Linq认为连接是多余的。



If you're using LinqToSql, you can use LoadWith similar to this:


var context = new MyDataContext();
var options = new DataLoadOptions();
options.LoadWith<People>(x => x.CompanyPositions);
context.LoadOptions = options;



I don't know how to force linq to use a join. But the following statment should give you the required result.


return (from pos in CompanyPositions
        where (p in People select p.PersonId).Contains(pos.PersonId)
        select pos).ToList();



ClientSide transformation:


from pos in CompanyPositions
join p in People on pos.PersonId equals p.PersonId
select new {pos, p}
).ToList().Select(x => x.pos);

More direct filtering:


from pos in CompanyPositions
where pos.People.Any()
select pos