I have SQL job and i want to change the time zone to a different time zone
1 个解决方案
Assuming you're asking about a schedule on a SQL Server Agent job, SQL Server Agent uses the timezone of the host machine. You have to either change the timezone of the host machine that the SQL Server instance is running on or manually make the adjustment in the job schedule.
假设您询问有关SQL Server代理作业的计划,SQL Server代理将使用主机的时区。您必须更改运行SQL Server实例的主机的时区,或者手动在作业计划中进行调整。
Assuming you're asking about a schedule on a SQL Server Agent job, SQL Server Agent uses the timezone of the host machine. You have to either change the timezone of the host machine that the SQL Server instance is running on or manually make the adjustment in the job schedule.
假设您询问有关SQL Server代理作业的计划,SQL Server代理将使用主机的时区。您必须更改运行SQL Server实例的主机的时区,或者手动在作业计划中进行调整。