sql语句 - 两个表之间的关系

时间:2022-11-18 15:24:01

I have two tables in access: Messages which has :


  • MessageID
  • 邮件ID
  • MessageFrom
  • MessageFrom
  • MessageTO
  • MessageTO
  • MessageSubject
  • 信息主题
  • Messages
  • 消息

User which has


  • UserID
  • 用户名
  • Username
  • 用户名
  • Password
  • 密码

. Those two tables have a relationship between UserID and MessageTO.


My user connects and I have to check if it's the right login / password in my database. THEN I need to display informations from both tables. I am not sure how to join them.


var mycon;
mycon = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var myrec = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset"); 
mycon.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\Omnivox.mdb"); 

var txtpassword = Request.QueryString("txtpassword");
var txtuserID = parseInt (Request.QueryString("txtuserID"));
  if (txtpassword == "" || txtuserID == "")

sql= "SELECT * FROM UserOmnivox WHERE UserID=" +txtuserID+ " AND UserPassword='" + txtpassword + "';";    
var sql;
myrec. Open (sql, mycon);   


3 个解决方案



tb_Message table with sample data


| MessageID | MessageFrom | MessageTo | MessageSubject | Message      |
| 1         | 1           | 2         | Test Subject   | Test Message |

tb_User table with sample data


| UserID | UserName | Password |
| 1      | User1    | 1234     |
| 2      | User2    | 4321     |

Considering above data structure, below query may help you to pull the data -

考虑到以上数据结构,下面的查询可以帮助您提取数据 -

SELECT M.MessageID, U1.UserName AS MessageFrom, U2.UserName AS MessageTo, M.MessageSubject, M.Message
FROM (tb_Message M
INNER JOIN tb_Users U1 ON M.MessageFrom = U1.UserID)
INNER JOIN tb_Users U2 ON M.MessageTo = U2.UserID

This will show result as -

这将显示结果为 -

| MessageID | MessageFrom | MessageTo | MessageSubject | Message      |
| 1         | User1       | User2     | Test Subject   | Test Message |



You can uses JOINS, in this case you query could be (It's an example with some of the columns): SELECT U.username, U.password, M.messages FROM User U INNER JOIN Message M ON U.UserID=M.MessageTO

你可以使用JOINS,在这种情况下你可以查询(这是一些列的例子):SELECT U.username,U.password,M.messages FROM User U INNER JOIN Message M ON U.UserID = M.MessageTO

You have to use alias to reference to table User (U) or Message (M), and add the JOIN on the condition, that means the columns with the relationship.


PD: It's a good practice use words in singular in the table names, not plural.




Your join query would basically be


Select M.MessageFrom, M.MessageTO, M.MessageSubject
FROM Messages M
ON M.MessageTO = U.UserID;

However, there is more to fix here. You should use paramterized queries instead of string concatenation. You are currently vulnerable to SQL injection


I am also curious as to why I see <% in your code. This leads me to believe that I am looking at an aspx file instead of an aspx.cs file. This code should be in a file that ends in .cs


Having said that, I do not have a ton of webforms experience, nor do I have many reputation points. My answer may not be exactly what you need, but hopefully the links will be of some assistance.




tb_Message table with sample data


| MessageID | MessageFrom | MessageTo | MessageSubject | Message      |
| 1         | 1           | 2         | Test Subject   | Test Message |

tb_User table with sample data


| UserID | UserName | Password |
| 1      | User1    | 1234     |
| 2      | User2    | 4321     |

Considering above data structure, below query may help you to pull the data -

考虑到以上数据结构,下面的查询可以帮助您提取数据 -

SELECT M.MessageID, U1.UserName AS MessageFrom, U2.UserName AS MessageTo, M.MessageSubject, M.Message
FROM (tb_Message M
INNER JOIN tb_Users U1 ON M.MessageFrom = U1.UserID)
INNER JOIN tb_Users U2 ON M.MessageTo = U2.UserID

This will show result as -

这将显示结果为 -

| MessageID | MessageFrom | MessageTo | MessageSubject | Message      |
| 1         | User1       | User2     | Test Subject   | Test Message |



You can uses JOINS, in this case you query could be (It's an example with some of the columns): SELECT U.username, U.password, M.messages FROM User U INNER JOIN Message M ON U.UserID=M.MessageTO

你可以使用JOINS,在这种情况下你可以查询(这是一些列的例子):SELECT U.username,U.password,M.messages FROM User U INNER JOIN Message M ON U.UserID = M.MessageTO

You have to use alias to reference to table User (U) or Message (M), and add the JOIN on the condition, that means the columns with the relationship.


PD: It's a good practice use words in singular in the table names, not plural.




Your join query would basically be


Select M.MessageFrom, M.MessageTO, M.MessageSubject
FROM Messages M
ON M.MessageTO = U.UserID;

However, there is more to fix here. You should use paramterized queries instead of string concatenation. You are currently vulnerable to SQL injection


I am also curious as to why I see <% in your code. This leads me to believe that I am looking at an aspx file instead of an aspx.cs file. This code should be in a file that ends in .cs


Having said that, I do not have a ton of webforms experience, nor do I have many reputation points. My answer may not be exactly what you need, but hopefully the links will be of some assistance.
