
时间:2021-03-23 15:25:33

Suppose i have an array which contain n integers .
How to find subset of size k such that the minimum distance between all pairs of integers in the subset is maximized , i mean they are at farthest distance .


example : array a[]={1,2,6,7,10} and k=3 ,
subset = {1,6,10} , the minimum distance is 4 between 10 and 6 .
Wrong subsets :
{1,7,10} , minimum distance is 3
{1,2,6} , minimum distance is 1


I came up with a solution :


1) sort array
2) select a[0] , now find ceil(a[0]+ x) = Y in array ....and then ceil(Y+ x) and so on k-1 times , also kth element will be a[n-1]

1)排序数组2)选择a[0],现在在数组中找到ceil(a[0]+ x) = Y然后是ceil(Y+ x)和k-1乘以,第k个元素也会是a[n-1]

To find x :
dp[i,j] be the x for selecting j elements from first i elements .
Finally we want dp[n][k] which is x

要找到x: dp[i,j]就是从第i个元素中选择j元素的x。最后我们想要dp[n][k]也就是x。

But i am facing problem in finding x .


dp[i,j] = max( min( dp[k,j-1], dp[i]-A[k] ) )
over k=1 to i-1 , i=2 to n , j=2 to i

dp[i,j] = max(min, dp[k,j-1], dp[i]-A[i] a [i] a [i] a [i] a [i], i=2 to n,j =2 to i。

dp[i][1] = 0 over i = 1 to n

dp[i][1] = 0 / i = 1到n。

EDIT : I want to correct the dynamic programming solution , though i know x can be found out by binary searching over x .


UPDATE 2 : I have updated the code , but still not getting correct solution . Please point the error .
code : http://ideone.com/J5vvR9


UPDATE 3 : Thanks @Gassa , @Niklas B. and @Fallen for your answers !.

更新3:感谢@Gassa, @Niklas B.和@ drop for your answer !

3 个解决方案



The base should be:


dp[i][1] = INFINITY for i = 1 to n

The reason being that minimum of an empty set is positive infinity.


In practice, any integer larger than the maximum possible a[i] - a[j] for some i and j will suffice as an INFINITY constant.

实际上,任何大于最大可能a[i] - a[j]的整数都可以作为一个无穷常数。

Additionally, the correct transition would be:


dp[i,j] = max{for k=1 to i-1} (min(dp[k,j-1], a[i]-a[k]))



I think there is no need in finding x if time allows to search for possible values of x. Just add the outer loop which will be a binary search on the answer (that is, the minimum distance, let us call it x).


Once x is fixed, you can greedily pick values starting from a[0]. The next selected value will be such a[i] that i is minimal and a[i] - a[0] >= x. The third one will be a[j] such that j is minimal and a[j] - a[i] >= x, and so on. If you are able to pick at least k values in this fashion, the actual answer is at least the current x; if not, the answer is less than x.

一旦x是固定的,您可以从[0]开始贪婪地选择值。下一个选择的值将是这样一个[i], i是最小的,a[i] - a[0] >= x,第三个值是a[j],这样j是最小的,a[j] - a[i] >= x,等等。如果你能以这种方式选择至少k值,那么实际的答案至少是当前的x;如果不是,答案是小于x。

The total running time will be O (n log (C)) where C is the total number of possible values in the array. Say, if the integers in the array are from 0 to 1000000, C will be 1000001 and log (C) (rounded up) will be 20. First, you try x = 500000; if it fails, you are left with the range [0; 500000) for the answer; if not, with the range [500000; 1000000], etc.

总运行时间为O (n log (C)),其中C为数组中可能值的总数。如果数组中的整数从0到1000000,C将是1000001,log (C)(整数)将是20。首先,你尝试x = 500000;如果失败,则只剩下范围[0;500000)的答案;如果没有,范围为[500,000;1000000),等等。



Do a binary search over value of X. Then for each such x, write a DP/Greedy function that checks if there's an array with result(maximal distance between elements) more than or equal to X.


Correctness: If for any X, we can have M elements, such that minimum distance between them is greater than or equal to X, then for every x, x < X, at least this same array will server as result. And for any X, if there's no M elements, such that the minimum distance between the elements is greater than or equal to X, then for no x, x > X, M such elements are available. So we can binary search on X.

正确性:如果对于任何X,我们可以有M个元素,这样它们之间的最小距离大于或等于X,那么对于每一个X, X < X,至少这个数组将会是结果。对于任意X,如果没有M元素,那么元素之间的最小距离大于或等于X,那么对于X, X > X, M这些元素都是可用的。我们可以对X进行二分查找。



The base should be:


dp[i][1] = INFINITY for i = 1 to n

The reason being that minimum of an empty set is positive infinity.


In practice, any integer larger than the maximum possible a[i] - a[j] for some i and j will suffice as an INFINITY constant.

实际上,任何大于最大可能a[i] - a[j]的整数都可以作为一个无穷常数。

Additionally, the correct transition would be:


dp[i,j] = max{for k=1 to i-1} (min(dp[k,j-1], a[i]-a[k]))



I think there is no need in finding x if time allows to search for possible values of x. Just add the outer loop which will be a binary search on the answer (that is, the minimum distance, let us call it x).


Once x is fixed, you can greedily pick values starting from a[0]. The next selected value will be such a[i] that i is minimal and a[i] - a[0] >= x. The third one will be a[j] such that j is minimal and a[j] - a[i] >= x, and so on. If you are able to pick at least k values in this fashion, the actual answer is at least the current x; if not, the answer is less than x.

一旦x是固定的,您可以从[0]开始贪婪地选择值。下一个选择的值将是这样一个[i], i是最小的,a[i] - a[0] >= x,第三个值是a[j],这样j是最小的,a[j] - a[i] >= x,等等。如果你能以这种方式选择至少k值,那么实际的答案至少是当前的x;如果不是,答案是小于x。

The total running time will be O (n log (C)) where C is the total number of possible values in the array. Say, if the integers in the array are from 0 to 1000000, C will be 1000001 and log (C) (rounded up) will be 20. First, you try x = 500000; if it fails, you are left with the range [0; 500000) for the answer; if not, with the range [500000; 1000000], etc.

总运行时间为O (n log (C)),其中C为数组中可能值的总数。如果数组中的整数从0到1000000,C将是1000001,log (C)(整数)将是20。首先,你尝试x = 500000;如果失败,则只剩下范围[0;500000)的答案;如果没有,范围为[500,000;1000000),等等。



Do a binary search over value of X. Then for each such x, write a DP/Greedy function that checks if there's an array with result(maximal distance between elements) more than or equal to X.


Correctness: If for any X, we can have M elements, such that minimum distance between them is greater than or equal to X, then for every x, x < X, at least this same array will server as result. And for any X, if there's no M elements, such that the minimum distance between the elements is greater than or equal to X, then for no x, x > X, M such elements are available. So we can binary search on X.

正确性:如果对于任何X,我们可以有M个元素,这样它们之间的最小距离大于或等于X,那么对于每一个X, X < X,至少这个数组将会是结果。对于任意X,如果没有M元素,那么元素之间的最小距离大于或等于X,那么对于X, X > X, M这些元素都是可用的。我们可以对X进行二分查找。