
时间:2021-03-05 15:21:12

I have two arrays of x-y coordinates, and I would like to find the minimum Euclidean distance between each point in one array with all the points in the other array. The arrays are not necessarily the same size. For example:


[[  243,  3173],
[  525,  2997]])

[[ 682, 2644],
[ 277, 2651],
[ 396, 2640]])

My current method loops through each coordinate xy in xy1 and calculates the distances between that coordinate and the other coordinates.



for i,xy in enumerate(xy1):

Is there a way to eliminate the for loop and somehow do element-by-element calculations between the two arrays? I envision generating a distance matrix for which I could find the minimum element in each row or column.


Another way to look at the problem. Say I concatenate xy1 (length m) and xy2 (length p) into xy (length n), and I store the lengths of the original arrays. Theoretically, I should then be able to generate a n x n distance matrix from those coordinates from which I can grab an m x p submatrix. Is there a way to efficiently generate this submatrix?


5 个解决方案



(Months later) scipy.spatial.distance.cdist( X, Y ) gives all pairs of distances, for X and Y 2 dim, 3 dim ...
It also does 22 different norms, detailed here .

(几个月后)scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X,Y)给出所有距离对,X和Y 2 dim,3 dim ......它还有22种不同的规范,详见此处。

# cdist example: (nx,dim) (ny,dim) -> (nx,ny)

from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

dim = 10
nx = 1000
ny = 100
metric = "euclidean"
seed = 1

    # change these params in sh or ipython: run this.py dim=3 ...
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( 2, threshold=100, edgeitems=10, suppress=True )

title = "%s  dim %d  nx %d  ny %d  metric %s" % (
        __file__, dim, nx, ny, metric )
print "\n", title

X = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(nx,dim) )
Y = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(ny,dim) )
dist = cdist( X, Y, metric=metric )  # -> (nx, ny) distances

print "scipy.spatial.distance.cdist: X %s Y %s -> %s" % (
        X.shape, Y.shape, dist.shape )
print "dist average %.3g +- %.2g" % (dist.mean(), dist.std())
print "check: dist[0,3] %.3g == cdist( [X[0]], [Y[3]] ) %.3g" % (
        dist[0,3], cdist( [X[0]], [Y[3]] ))

# (trivia: how do pairwise distances between uniform-random points in the unit cube
# depend on the metric ? With the right scaling, not much at all:
# L1 / dim      ~ .33 +- .2/sqrt dim
# L2 / sqrt dim ~ .4 +- .2/sqrt dim
# Lmax / 2      ~ .4 +- .2/sqrt dim



To compute the m by p matrix of distances, this should work:


>>> def distances(xy1, xy2):
...   d0 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,0], xy2[:,0])
...   d1 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,1], xy2[:,1])
...   return numpy.hypot(d0, d1)

the .outer calls make two such matrices (of scalar differences along the two axes), the .hypot calls turns those into a same-shape matrix (of scalar euclidean distances).




For what you're trying to do:


dists = numpy.sqrt((xy1[:, 0, numpy.newaxis] - xy2[:, 0])**2 + (xy1[:, 1, numpy.newaxis - xy2[:, 1])**2)
mindist = numpy.min(dists, axis=1)
minid = numpy.argmin(dists, axis=1)

Edit: Instead of calling sqrt, doing squares, etc., you can use numpy.hypot:


dists = numpy.hypot(xy1[:, 0, numpy.newaxis]-xy2[:, 0], xy1[:, 1, numpy.newaxis]-xy2[:, 1])



The accepted answer does not fully address the question, which requests to find the minimum distance between the two sets of points, not the distance between every point in the two sets.


Altough a straightforward solution to the original question indeed consists of computing the distance between every pair and susequently finding the minimum one, this is not necessary if one is only interested in the minimum distances. A much faster solution exists for the latter problem.


All the proposed solutions have a running time that scales as m*p = len(xy1)*len(xy2). This is OK for small datasets, but an optimal solution can be written that scales as m*log(p), producing huge savings for large xy2 datasets.

所有提出的解决方案都有一个运行时间,其范围为m * p = len(xy1)* len(xy2)。这对于小型数据集来说是可以的,但是可以编写一个最佳解决方案,可以缩放为m * log(p),从而为大型xy2数据集节省大量成本。

This optimal execution time scaling can be achieved using scipy.spatial.cKDTree as follows


import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial

xy1 = np.array(
    [[243,  3173],
     [525,  2997]])

xy2 = np.array(
    [[682, 2644],
     [277, 2651],
     [396, 2640]])

# This solution is optimal when xy2 is very large
tree = spatial.cKDTree(xy2)
mindist, minid = tree.query(xy1)

# This solution by @denis is OK for small xy2
mindist = np.min(spatial.distance.cdist(xy1, xy2), axis=1)

where mindist is the minimum distance between each point in xy1 and the set of points in xy2




import numpy as np
P = np.add.outer(np.sum(xy1**2, axis=1), np.sum(xy2**2, axis=1))
N = np.dot(xy1, xy2.T)
dists = np.sqrt(P - 2*N)



(Months later) scipy.spatial.distance.cdist( X, Y ) gives all pairs of distances, for X and Y 2 dim, 3 dim ...
It also does 22 different norms, detailed here .

(几个月后)scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X,Y)给出所有距离对,X和Y 2 dim,3 dim ......它还有22种不同的规范,详见此处。

# cdist example: (nx,dim) (ny,dim) -> (nx,ny)

from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

dim = 10
nx = 1000
ny = 100
metric = "euclidean"
seed = 1

    # change these params in sh or ipython: run this.py dim=3 ...
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( 2, threshold=100, edgeitems=10, suppress=True )

title = "%s  dim %d  nx %d  ny %d  metric %s" % (
        __file__, dim, nx, ny, metric )
print "\n", title

X = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(nx,dim) )
Y = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(ny,dim) )
dist = cdist( X, Y, metric=metric )  # -> (nx, ny) distances

print "scipy.spatial.distance.cdist: X %s Y %s -> %s" % (
        X.shape, Y.shape, dist.shape )
print "dist average %.3g +- %.2g" % (dist.mean(), dist.std())
print "check: dist[0,3] %.3g == cdist( [X[0]], [Y[3]] ) %.3g" % (
        dist[0,3], cdist( [X[0]], [Y[3]] ))

# (trivia: how do pairwise distances between uniform-random points in the unit cube
# depend on the metric ? With the right scaling, not much at all:
# L1 / dim      ~ .33 +- .2/sqrt dim
# L2 / sqrt dim ~ .4 +- .2/sqrt dim
# Lmax / 2      ~ .4 +- .2/sqrt dim



To compute the m by p matrix of distances, this should work:


>>> def distances(xy1, xy2):
...   d0 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,0], xy2[:,0])
...   d1 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,1], xy2[:,1])
...   return numpy.hypot(d0, d1)

the .outer calls make two such matrices (of scalar differences along the two axes), the .hypot calls turns those into a same-shape matrix (of scalar euclidean distances).




For what you're trying to do:


dists = numpy.sqrt((xy1[:, 0, numpy.newaxis] - xy2[:, 0])**2 + (xy1[:, 1, numpy.newaxis - xy2[:, 1])**2)
mindist = numpy.min(dists, axis=1)
minid = numpy.argmin(dists, axis=1)

Edit: Instead of calling sqrt, doing squares, etc., you can use numpy.hypot:


dists = numpy.hypot(xy1[:, 0, numpy.newaxis]-xy2[:, 0], xy1[:, 1, numpy.newaxis]-xy2[:, 1])



The accepted answer does not fully address the question, which requests to find the minimum distance between the two sets of points, not the distance between every point in the two sets.


Altough a straightforward solution to the original question indeed consists of computing the distance between every pair and susequently finding the minimum one, this is not necessary if one is only interested in the minimum distances. A much faster solution exists for the latter problem.


All the proposed solutions have a running time that scales as m*p = len(xy1)*len(xy2). This is OK for small datasets, but an optimal solution can be written that scales as m*log(p), producing huge savings for large xy2 datasets.

所有提出的解决方案都有一个运行时间,其范围为m * p = len(xy1)* len(xy2)。这对于小型数据集来说是可以的,但是可以编写一个最佳解决方案,可以缩放为m * log(p),从而为大型xy2数据集节省大量成本。

This optimal execution time scaling can be achieved using scipy.spatial.cKDTree as follows


import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial

xy1 = np.array(
    [[243,  3173],
     [525,  2997]])

xy2 = np.array(
    [[682, 2644],
     [277, 2651],
     [396, 2640]])

# This solution is optimal when xy2 is very large
tree = spatial.cKDTree(xy2)
mindist, minid = tree.query(xy1)

# This solution by @denis is OK for small xy2
mindist = np.min(spatial.distance.cdist(xy1, xy2), axis=1)

where mindist is the minimum distance between each point in xy1 and the set of points in xy2




import numpy as np
P = np.add.outer(np.sum(xy1**2, axis=1), np.sum(xy2**2, axis=1))
N = np.dot(xy1, xy2.T)
dists = np.sqrt(P - 2*N)