iOS - 更改2 UIView之间的垂直间距

时间:2022-06-04 15:21:38

I have 3 different scenarios for a single XIB File.


Here is the XIB File, I have 3 different UIView.


iOS  - 更改2 UIView之间的垂直间距

My scenarios are :


  • View 2 is displayed and View 1 and View 3 are hidden.
  • 显示视图2,隐藏视图1和视图3。
  • View 1 and View 3 are displayed and View 2 is hidden.
  • 显示视图1和视图3,隐藏视图2。
  • View 1, View 2 and View 3 are displayed.
  • 显示视图1,视图2和视图3。

My question is concerning the second case, where only View 1 and View 3 are displayed.


I can hide View 2, but I would like for this specific case to make View 1 and View 3 closer.

我可以隐藏View 2,但我希望这个特定情况能够使View 1和View 3更接近。

iOS  - 更改2 UIView之间的垂直间距

How can I do it ?

我该怎么做 ?

I tried with something like this but without success.


-(void)setConstraints {

    [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:_infoView1
                                 attribute:NSLayoutAttributeTop relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual
                                    toItem:_infoView3 attribute:NSLayoutAttributeBottom
                                multiplier:1.0 constant:0];

4 个解决方案



Step 1 : Connect top constraint of view 2 with view 1 similarly connect top constraint of view 3 with view 2 then create and map height constraints for view 1 view 2 and view 3.

Step 2 : For scenarios mentioned in question, put conditions for your cases and do steps mentioned below

1) View 2 is displayed and View 1 and View 3 are hidden.
set height constraint for view 1 and view 3 to zero 
heightConstraintOfView1.constant = 0
heightConstraintOfView3.constant = 0

2) View 1 and View 3 are displayed and View 2 is hidden.
set height constraint for view 2 to zero 
heightConstraintOfView2.constant = 0

3) View 1, View 2 and View 3 are displayed.
Don’t set height constraint for any view to zero.

I assume all other constraints are set properly.




Set constraints from storyBoard :-

从storyBoard设置约束: -

1: View 2 set the center(Horizontal and vertical) , leading and trailing (zero) and height set according multiplier the height of Xib.


2: View 1 set Equal leading , trailing and height of View 2 and bottom space from View 2 is zero.


3: View 3 set Equal leading , trailing and height of View 2 and top space from View 2 is zero.


•   View 2 is displayed and View 1 and View 3 are hidden.

     View2.isHidden = false
     View1.isHidden = true
     View3.isHidden = true

• View 1 and View 3 are displayed and View 2 is hidden.


     View2.isHidden = true
     View1.isHidden = false
     View3.isHidden = false

• View 1, View 2 and View 3 are displayed.


      View2.isHidden = false
      View1.isHidden = false
      View3.isHidden = false

And set color According as required.




Do you want to fill the parent view with the non-hidden views keeping the parent view height same as before ??




Assign the height constraints for view1, view2 and view3. Create the outlets for these constraints - heightConstraintView1, heightConstraintView2 and heightConstraintView3.

为view1,view2和view3指定高度约束。为这些约束创建出口 - heightConstraintView1,heightConstraintView2和heightConstraintView3。

For the case, you want to hide the view2,set the height constraint for view2 as the height you want.


heightConstraintView2.constant = 5

In other case, set the height constraint as equal value for all views.


heightConstraint1.constant = heightConstraint2.constant = heightConstraint3.constant = <A constant value>



Step 1 : Connect top constraint of view 2 with view 1 similarly connect top constraint of view 3 with view 2 then create and map height constraints for view 1 view 2 and view 3.

Step 2 : For scenarios mentioned in question, put conditions for your cases and do steps mentioned below

1) View 2 is displayed and View 1 and View 3 are hidden.
set height constraint for view 1 and view 3 to zero 
heightConstraintOfView1.constant = 0
heightConstraintOfView3.constant = 0

2) View 1 and View 3 are displayed and View 2 is hidden.
set height constraint for view 2 to zero 
heightConstraintOfView2.constant = 0

3) View 1, View 2 and View 3 are displayed.
Don’t set height constraint for any view to zero.

I assume all other constraints are set properly.




Set constraints from storyBoard :-

从storyBoard设置约束: -

1: View 2 set the center(Horizontal and vertical) , leading and trailing (zero) and height set according multiplier the height of Xib.


2: View 1 set Equal leading , trailing and height of View 2 and bottom space from View 2 is zero.


3: View 3 set Equal leading , trailing and height of View 2 and top space from View 2 is zero.


•   View 2 is displayed and View 1 and View 3 are hidden.

     View2.isHidden = false
     View1.isHidden = true
     View3.isHidden = true

• View 1 and View 3 are displayed and View 2 is hidden.


     View2.isHidden = true
     View1.isHidden = false
     View3.isHidden = false

• View 1, View 2 and View 3 are displayed.


      View2.isHidden = false
      View1.isHidden = false
      View3.isHidden = false

And set color According as required.




Do you want to fill the parent view with the non-hidden views keeping the parent view height same as before ??




Assign the height constraints for view1, view2 and view3. Create the outlets for these constraints - heightConstraintView1, heightConstraintView2 and heightConstraintView3.

为view1,view2和view3指定高度约束。为这些约束创建出口 - heightConstraintView1,heightConstraintView2和heightConstraintView3。

For the case, you want to hide the view2,set the height constraint for view2 as the height you want.


heightConstraintView2.constant = 5

In other case, set the height constraint as equal value for all views.


heightConstraint1.constant = heightConstraint2.constant = heightConstraint3.constant = <A constant value>