如何从GAE java代码而不是Maven运行Dataflow pipline?

时间:2022-01-17 15:22:22

I have a Google Cloud DataFlow pipline which i can run it from command line using the following command:

我有一个Google Cloud DataFlow pipline,我可以使用以下命令从命令行运行它:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.dataflow.myApp -Dexec.args="--streaming --stagingLocation=gs://gcp-myApp-staging --project=myProject"

I need to schedule this process using Cron and i need to run the pipline from a GAE java code. How can I run my pipline code via java instead of using maven?

我需要使用Cron安排此过程,我需要从GAE java代码运行pipline。如何通过java而不是使用maven运行我的pipline代码?

2 个解决方案



These two posts explain how to run Dataflow pipelines from GAE and trigger them via Cron:


1) How to do data processing and analytics from Google App Engine with Google Cloud Dataflow by Amy Unruh

1)如何通过Amy Unruh使用Google Cloud Dataflow从Google App Engine进行数据处理和分析

2) Scheduling Dataflow pipelines using App Engine Cron Service or Cloud Functions by Mete Atamel.

2)使用Mete Atamel的App Engine Cron服务或云功能来调度数据流管道。



You should follow the post Configuring PipelineOptions for Execution on the Cloud Dataflow Service

您应该按照云数据流服务上的配置PipelineOptions for Execution一文进行操作



These two posts explain how to run Dataflow pipelines from GAE and trigger them via Cron:


1) How to do data processing and analytics from Google App Engine with Google Cloud Dataflow by Amy Unruh

1)如何通过Amy Unruh使用Google Cloud Dataflow从Google App Engine进行数据处理和分析

2) Scheduling Dataflow pipelines using App Engine Cron Service or Cloud Functions by Mete Atamel.

2)使用Mete Atamel的App Engine Cron服务或云功能来调度数据流管道。



You should follow the post Configuring PipelineOptions for Execution on the Cloud Dataflow Service

您应该按照云数据流服务上的配置PipelineOptions for Execution一文进行操作