
时间:2021-08-27 15:24:59

Chemical rockets have max delta v ( max.speed ) about 10 km/s.

化学火箭的最大增量v(max.speed)约为10 km / s。

Can you refuel them in deep space to increase the speed ?


For example Nasa Deep space habitat (DSH). Once it is assembled in orbit with full tanks it can achieve max.speed 10 km/s which makes about 6 months trip to mars.


But can you at same time send other rocket with same speed and trajectory with all payload being fuel. After DSH run from fuel, connect them bout, refuel DSH and throw away rocket like expendable stage. Than repeat this with other rockets which were already refueled 2,3,4 times.


This way you can theoretically increase max.speed (delta v) above 10 km/s and shorten 6 mounts trip to mars to just 3,2,1 mount.

通过这种方式,理论上可以将max.speed(delta v)提高到10 km / s以上,并将火星的6次安装时间缩短到3,2,1 mount。

Am I wrong with this ? If yes then why? It is physically impossible or just too expansive and did NASA considered this for Mars mission ?


2 个解决方案



You work against the very same old problem of Tyranny of Rocket Equation, except you distribute the rocket - many smaller instead of one huge, sending the many pieces that are to meet up deeper in space. Yes, you can increase the speed that way. And the increase will be small, or the cost will be prohibitive. After all, you must accelerate the rockets that deliver fuel to the speed of the "final rocket" - and with what fuel?

你解决了火箭方程式Tyranny的老问题,除了你分发火箭 - 许多小而不是一个巨大的,发送了许多在空间更深处相遇的碎片。是的,你可以通过这种方式提高速度。增加的幅度很小,或者成本太高。毕竟,你必须加速发射燃料的火箭以达到“最终火箭”的速度 - 并使用什么燃料?

If, like in normal rockets, 90% launch mass is fuel, 5% is payload (5% to structural overhead) and you want the rocket to be refueled to the launch state, doubling its delta-V - then you have to send 18 refueling rockets with payload of fuel. Want to triple the delta-V? Each of these 18 supply rockets needs to be refueled in orbit before it can catch up with the 'core'. One core rocket. One orbital refueling for 2x delta-V - 18 rockets, plus one refueling 'on the fly' - another 18. And 18 per each of these. All in all your delta-V increases 3x. Your number of launches - 361x.

如果像普通火箭一样,90%的发射质量是燃料,5%是有效载荷(5%用于结构开销),你希望火箭加油到发射状态,使其delta-V加倍 - 那么你必须发送18用燃料有效载荷加油火箭。想要将delta-V三倍?这18个供应火箭中的每一个都需要在它能够赶上“核心”之前在轨道上加油。一枚核心火箭。一次轨道加油为2x delta-V-18火箭,加上一次“飞行中加油” - 另外18次,每次18次加油。总而言之,你的delta-V增加了3倍。您的发布次数 - 361x。

But yes, a moderate, middle-ground approach makes sense. BFR is planned for orbital refueling. It launches on a booster that is way insufficient to reach orbit, then flies to orbit under own power, depleting most of its own fuel supply, then receives fuel from other BFR launches which use the payload/passenger space as extra fuel tank (6 fueling launches, if memory serves me correctly) and then it's ready for departure to Mars.

但是,一个温和的中间路线方法是有道理的。 BFR计划用于轨道加油。它以不足以进入轨道的助推器发射,然后以自己的力量飞入轨道,耗尽其自身的大部分燃料供应,然后从其他BFR发射装置接收燃料,其中使用有效载荷/乘客空间作为额外的燃料箱(6加油)发射,如果记忆正确地为我服务)然后它准备好离开火星。



Yes you can but not with only chemical rockets. The solution is to send your deepspace refuel tanks using a high isp electric engine, which will require a very long time to reach their destination (unless powered by a nuclear reactor), but since they unmanned, cosmic/artificial radiation is not an issue.




You work against the very same old problem of Tyranny of Rocket Equation, except you distribute the rocket - many smaller instead of one huge, sending the many pieces that are to meet up deeper in space. Yes, you can increase the speed that way. And the increase will be small, or the cost will be prohibitive. After all, you must accelerate the rockets that deliver fuel to the speed of the "final rocket" - and with what fuel?

你解决了火箭方程式Tyranny的老问题,除了你分发火箭 - 许多小而不是一个巨大的,发送了许多在空间更深处相遇的碎片。是的,你可以通过这种方式提高速度。增加的幅度很小,或者成本太高。毕竟,你必须加速发射燃料的火箭以达到“最终火箭”的速度 - 并使用什么燃料?

If, like in normal rockets, 90% launch mass is fuel, 5% is payload (5% to structural overhead) and you want the rocket to be refueled to the launch state, doubling its delta-V - then you have to send 18 refueling rockets with payload of fuel. Want to triple the delta-V? Each of these 18 supply rockets needs to be refueled in orbit before it can catch up with the 'core'. One core rocket. One orbital refueling for 2x delta-V - 18 rockets, plus one refueling 'on the fly' - another 18. And 18 per each of these. All in all your delta-V increases 3x. Your number of launches - 361x.

如果像普通火箭一样,90%的发射质量是燃料,5%是有效载荷(5%用于结构开销),你希望火箭加油到发射状态,使其delta-V加倍 - 那么你必须发送18用燃料有效载荷加油火箭。想要将delta-V三倍?这18个供应火箭中的每一个都需要在它能够赶上“核心”之前在轨道上加油。一枚核心火箭。一次轨道加油为2x delta-V-18火箭,加上一次“飞行中加油” - 另外18次,每次18次加油。总而言之,你的delta-V增加了3倍。您的发布次数 - 361x。

But yes, a moderate, middle-ground approach makes sense. BFR is planned for orbital refueling. It launches on a booster that is way insufficient to reach orbit, then flies to orbit under own power, depleting most of its own fuel supply, then receives fuel from other BFR launches which use the payload/passenger space as extra fuel tank (6 fueling launches, if memory serves me correctly) and then it's ready for departure to Mars.

但是,一个温和的中间路线方法是有道理的。 BFR计划用于轨道加油。它以不足以进入轨道的助推器发射,然后以自己的力量飞入轨道,耗尽其自身的大部分燃料供应,然后从其他BFR发射装置接收燃料,其中使用有效载荷/乘客空间作为额外的燃料箱(6加油)发射,如果记忆正确地为我服务)然后它准备好离开火星。



Yes you can but not with only chemical rockets. The solution is to send your deepspace refuel tanks using a high isp electric engine, which will require a very long time to reach their destination (unless powered by a nuclear reactor), but since they unmanned, cosmic/artificial radiation is not an issue.
