
时间:2021-11-27 15:22:12

I know we have os.walk but I can't figure out how to create this.


Lets say I have the following folder structure on a ubuntu linux box:

假设我有以下文件夹结构在ubuntu linux盒子上:

Maindir (as root called by script)
 +- subdir-one
 |   +-subdir-two
 |     +-file
 |     +-another file
 |     +-subdir-three
 |       +-file3
 |       +-file4
 |       +-subdir-four
 |         +- file5
 |         +- file6
 +- subdir-two
 +- subdir-three
 |   +-sub-subdir-two
 |     +-file
 |     +-another file
 |     +-subdir-three
 |       +-file3
 |       +-file4
 |       +-subdir-four
 |         +-file5
 |         +-file6
     +-another file

I want to move all files from the subdir's to the subdirs on level 2, not to the root level.


Take subdir-one as example: Move all files in subdir-four to subdir-one (in this case file5 and file6), Move all files from subdir-three to subdir-one (in this case file3 and file4)

以subdir1为例:将subdir- 4中的所有文件移动到subdir- 1(在本例中为file5和file6),将所有文件从subdir- 3移动到subdir- 1(在本例中为file3和file4)

Subdir-two has no other subdirs so can be skipped by the script.


Subdir-three: move all files from sub-subdir-two, subdir-three and subdir-four to subdir-three.

subdir3:将所有文件从subsubsubsubsubsubsub -two、subdir3和subdir4移动到subsubsub -three。

I think you get the point. No problem if files are overwritten, if they have the same name they are duplicates anyway, one reason for running this cleanup script.


When all files are moved from the subdir's it means the subdir's will be empty so I also want to remove the empty sub-dirs.


Update on 14-1-2012: This is the changed code given from jcollado but still not working. Btw I forgot to mention that I also need to filter some directory names. These directory names need to be excluded from being processed when found within the directory tree..


The code I slightly changed:


    import os, sys

    def main():

     main_dir = sys.argv[1]
     print main_dir
     # Get a list of all subdirectories of main_dir
     subdirs = filter(os.path.isdir,
             [os.path.join(main_dir, path)
              for path in os.listdir(main_dir)])
print subdirs
# For all subdirectories,
# collect all files and all subdirectories recursively

for subdir in subdirs:
 files_to_move = []
 subdirs_to_remove = []
 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(subdir):
  files_to_move.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                        for filename in filenames])
  subdirs_to_remove.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)
                        for dirname in dirnames])

                            # To move files, just rename them replacing the original directory
                            # with the target directory (subdir in this case)
print files_to_move
print subdirs_to_remove
for filename in files_to_move:
                              source = filename
                              destination = os.path.join(subdir, os.path.basename(filename))
                              print 'Destination ='+destination

                              if source != destination:
                                   os.rename(source, destination)
                                print 'Rename cancelled, source and destination were the same'

                                  # Reverse subdirectories order to remove them
                                  # starting from the lower level in the tree hierarchy

                                      # Remove subdirectories
for dirname in subdirs_to_remove:
                                        print dirname

except ValueError:
  print 'Please supply the path name on the command line'

 if __name__ == '__main__':

1 个解决方案



I'd something as follows:


import os

main_dir = 'main'

# Get a list of all subdirectories of main_dir
subdirs = filter(os.path.isdir,
                 [os.path.join(main_dir, path)
                  for path in os.listdir(main_dir)])

# For all subdirectories,
# collect all files and all subdirectories recursively
for subdir in subdirs:
  files_to_move = []
  subdirs_to_remove = []
  for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(subdir):
    files_to_move.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                          for filename in filenames])
    subdirs_to_remove.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)
                              for dirname in dirnames])

  # To move files, just rename them replacing the original directory
  # with the target directory (subdir in this case)
  for filename in files_to_move:
    source = filename
    destination = os.path.join(subdir, os.path.basename(filename))
    os.rename(source, destination)

  # Reverse subdirectories order to remove them
  # starting from the lower level in the tree hierarchy

  # Remove subdirectories
  for dirname in subdirs_to_remove:

Note: You can turn this into a function just using main_dir as a parameter.




I'd something as follows:


import os

main_dir = 'main'

# Get a list of all subdirectories of main_dir
subdirs = filter(os.path.isdir,
                 [os.path.join(main_dir, path)
                  for path in os.listdir(main_dir)])

# For all subdirectories,
# collect all files and all subdirectories recursively
for subdir in subdirs:
  files_to_move = []
  subdirs_to_remove = []
  for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(subdir):
    files_to_move.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                          for filename in filenames])
    subdirs_to_remove.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)
                              for dirname in dirnames])

  # To move files, just rename them replacing the original directory
  # with the target directory (subdir in this case)
  for filename in files_to_move:
    source = filename
    destination = os.path.join(subdir, os.path.basename(filename))
    os.rename(source, destination)

  # Reverse subdirectories order to remove them
  # starting from the lower level in the tree hierarchy

  # Remove subdirectories
  for dirname in subdirs_to_remove:

Note: You can turn this into a function just using main_dir as a parameter.
