Target: 7.0 and UP
Testing on: iPhone6 Device
I have been testing Regular Push Notifications (Remote).
I have discovered that if a user clicks on the app icon -- the "applicationDidFinishLaunching:" method is never called.
I have been reading and re-reading the guide on "Handling Local and Remote Notifications" and to confirm that I understood everything referred to: Handling Remote Notifications
It says If a user taps the default button in the alert or taps (or clicks) the app icon, then the app should call its delegate "application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" method. And if its a remote notification, it should call "application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:".
Neither one of these methods get called if I click on the app icon.
The only method that does get called is applicationWillEnterForeground
I do have a storyboard file. So the way it loads:
--> navigation controller --> table view controller --> so on
Am I supposed to somehow set the appDelegate in the storyboard file?
我是否应该在故事板文件中设置appDelegate ?
I have done a lot of research and so far I have had no luck.
My push alerts do come through so I know that it works. I just haven't been able to determine why these other methods are not being called when the user clicks on the app icon.
Any suggestions or help is appreciated.
1 个解决方案
The only solution if you want to handle when a user clicks on the app icon is to either A.) set up silent notifications or B.) Set up something on your server so that you can make a request to it to find out if there was a new update.
The only solution if you want to handle when a user clicks on the app icon is to either A.) set up silent notifications or B.) Set up something on your server so that you can make a request to it to find out if there was a new update.