Google AdWords服务器端转换跟踪

时间:2022-11-20 15:23:11

I've been trying to add Google AdWords conversion tracking to a single page Application I've been working on, and I have an interesting use case that I can't seem to figure out how to work with:

我一直在尝试将Google AdWords转换跟踪添加到我正在处理的单个页面应用程序中,我有一个有趣的用例,我似乎无法弄清楚如何使用:

  1. A user fires an event that I want to use as a conversion.
  2. 用户触发我想用作转换的事件。

  3. I collect data about the event, and send it to an asynchronous service
  4. 我收集有关该事件的数据,并将其发送到异步服务

  5. The service maps that event to a conversion label, and does other data transformation.
  6. 该服务将该事件映射到转换标签,并进行其他数据转换。

  7. The transformed, now AdWords compatible object is sent to AdWords.
  8. 已转换的,现在与AdWords兼容的对象会发送给AdWords。

The problem I'm having is that the snippet provided by google uses some global variables and then includes a script (, and displays a tracking pixel.


My questions are as follows:


  • If I were to just make a request for that pixel, will my conversion fire? (This would be done on the server side, so I wouldn't be able to include the conversion.js file).
  • 如果我只是请求该像素,我的转换会被解雇吗? (这将在服务器端完成,因此我无法包含conversion.js文件)。

  • Are there any documented or known ways of firing conversion events other than iFraming the snippet? I really don't want to have to do any data transformation on the client, but even if I did, this seems like an ugly way to achieve the conversion tracking.
  • 除了iFraming代码段之外,是否有任何记录或已知的方法来触发转换事件?我真的不想在客户端上进行任何数据转换,但即使我这样做,这似乎是实现转换跟踪的一种丑陋方式。


3 个解决方案



AdWords conversion pixels are cookie based, so the pixel request must be made from the client. Google unfortunately doesn't support server-to-server tracking yet, as far as I know, so you're stuck with client-side tracking.


As ugly as it is, it's the most popular method...




It's possible - see this version for google analytics - but no one seems to have done it for adwords yet unfortunately

这是可能的 - 请参阅此版本的谷歌分析 - 但似乎没有人为adwords做过但不幸的是



So, it turns out you can get away using "offline conversion tracking".


Basically you can export a CSV from your system and import into Google Adwords:

基本上,您可以从系统中导出CSV并导入到Google Adwords中: = zh-CN



AdWords conversion pixels are cookie based, so the pixel request must be made from the client. Google unfortunately doesn't support server-to-server tracking yet, as far as I know, so you're stuck with client-side tracking.


As ugly as it is, it's the most popular method...




It's possible - see this version for google analytics - but no one seems to have done it for adwords yet unfortunately

这是可能的 - 请参阅此版本的谷歌分析 - 但似乎没有人为adwords做过但不幸的是



So, it turns out you can get away using "offline conversion tracking".


Basically you can export a CSV from your system and import into Google Adwords:

基本上,您可以从系统中导出CSV并导入到Google Adwords中: = zh-CN