系统会显示元素上的Google Analytics事件

时间:2021-08-30 15:19:26

I'm trying to call a Google Analytics event when an element with id=pricing is viewed. I cannot see a call being sent (checked via Network tab in Firebug).

我正在尝试在查看id = pricing的元素时调用Google Analytics事件。我看不到正在发送的呼叫(通过Firebug中的“网络”选项卡进行检查)。

My code looks as follows:


pricing_viewed = false;
function SendEvent() {
   if (pricing_viewed === false) {
        console.log("pricing viewed"); //this is properly shown in Console when the div with id=pricing is viewed
        ga('send', 'event', 'Conversions', 'Viewed', 'Pricing table');                
        pricing_viewed = true;
$('#pricing').on('appear', SendEvent);

I'm using Universal Analytics and GTM (although I'm trying to call the event directly from the code without GTM).

我正在使用Universal Analytics和GTM(虽然我试图直接从没有GTM的代码中调用事件)。

Any ideas on how to fix it?


1 个解决方案


As Philipp Walten points out you have a syntax error.

正如Philipp Walten指出你有语法错误。

Your other/bigger problem is that GTM does not create the tracker with the default name (t0), so your send calls probably go nowhere. The solution would be to use a named tracker.


In GTM (assuming v2) you can go to your analytics tag, advanced configuration, check "set tracker name" and enter a name, e.g. "myTracker". Then change your inline code to


ga('myTracker.send', 'event', 'Conversions', 'Viewed', 'Pricing table');

That way you make sure all calls go the same tracker instance.


Better yet use your sendEvent function to push data to the dataLayer variable, set up variables in GTM and use a second Analytics tag that's configured for event tracking.



As Philipp Walten points out you have a syntax error.

正如Philipp Walten指出你有语法错误。

Your other/bigger problem is that GTM does not create the tracker with the default name (t0), so your send calls probably go nowhere. The solution would be to use a named tracker.


In GTM (assuming v2) you can go to your analytics tag, advanced configuration, check "set tracker name" and enter a name, e.g. "myTracker". Then change your inline code to


ga('myTracker.send', 'event', 'Conversions', 'Viewed', 'Pricing table');

That way you make sure all calls go the same tracker instance.


Better yet use your sendEvent function to push data to the dataLayer variable, set up variables in GTM and use a second Analytics tag that's configured for event tracking.
