
时间:2022-07-07 15:22:17

I'm trying to get a list of all users and all groups on Mac OS X 10.5+. How can I do this?

我想要得到Mac OS X 10.5+上所有用户和所有组的列表。我该怎么做呢?

For example, the list of all users on my machine should return: _amavisd, _appowner, _appserver, _ard, _atsserver, _calendar, _carddav, _clamav, _coreaudiod, _cvmsroot, _cvs, _cyrus, _devdocs, _dovecot, _eppc, _installer, _jabber, _lda, _locationd, _lp, _mailman, _mcxalr, _mdnsresponder, _mysql, _pcastagent, _pcastserver, _postfix, _qtss, _sandbox, _screensaver, _securityagent, _serialnumberd, _softwareupdate, _spotlight, _sshd, _svn, _teamsserver, _timezone, _tokend, _trustevaluationagent, _unknown, _update_sharing, _usbmuxd, _uucp, _windowserver, _www, _xgridagent, _xgridcontroller, daemon, dave, nobody, root (that was painstakingly compiled manually).

例如,我的机器上所有用户的列表应该返回:_amkavisd, _appserver, _appserver, _atsserver, _carddav, _clamav, _coreaudiod, _cvmsroot, _cyrus, _devdocs, _dovecot, _eppc, _jabber, _jabber, _coreaudiod, _cvs_ms_ms_ms_ms_msroot, _dev, _dev, _dev, _dev, _dev, _web_dev_tw_tw_tech_tech_developmentd,_xgridagent、_xgridcontroller、守护进程、dave、nobody、root(这是手工编写的)。

How can I get that list (and the corresponding list of all groups) programmatically? I'm open to alternative (non-c based) solutions, such as Applescript, commandline, etc.


Update a long time later


TALlama's answer prompted me to investigate the API to Open Directory, and I found that this list can be easily acquired programmatically:


#import <OpenDirectory/OpenDirectory.h>
ODSession *s = [ODSession defaultSession];
ODNode *root = [ODNode nodeWithSession:s name:@"/Local/Default" error:nil];
ODQuery *q = [ODQuery queryWithNode:root forRecordTypes:kODRecordTypeUsers attribute:nil matchType:0 queryValues:nil returnAttributes:nil maximumResults:0 error:nil];

NSArray *results = [q resultsAllowingPartial:NO error:nil];
for (ODRecord *r in results) {
    NSLog(@"%@", [r recordName]);

That will log the usernames of every user on the system. Substituting in kODRecordTypeGroups will get you the list of all the groups.


The -[ODQuery resultsAllowingPartial:error:] method is a blocking call, so you'd either want to execute this code on a background thread, or use an <ODQueryDelegate> to aggregate the results.

方法是一个阻塞调用,所以您要么希望在后台线程上执行此代码,要么使用 聚合结果。

5 个解决方案



The tool you want is almost certainly dscl. The shortest way to do it was already pointed out:


$ dscl . list /users
$ dscl . list /groups

If you want to output information about each user, though, use readall:


$ dscl . readall /users
$ dscl . readall /groups

And if you need to programatically parse said information, use -plist to make your life easier:


$ dscl -plist . readall /users
$ dscl -plist . readall /groups



Open Directory approach (from: http://rickcogley.blogspot.com/2008/11/listing-open-directory-users-on-os-x.html):


dscacheutil -q user
dscacheutil -q group

Take each line from the respective output that starts with "name:" strip off the "name:" and you have your list. If you do not have dscacheutil, you can use the manual commands:


root# dscl localhost list /Local/Default/Users
root# dscl localhost list /LDAPv3/

Old school approach for before Open Directory....(sigh): For list of users:


  • Grab the /etc/passwd file from the system.
  • 从系统中获取/etc/passwd文件。
  • Split it out by lines
  • 把它分成几行
  • Split out each line based on ":"
  • 根据“:”将每行分开
  • Take the first symbol for each line
  • 取每行的第一个符号

For list of groups:


  • Grab the /etc/group file from the system.
  • 从系统中获取/etc/group文件。
  • Split it out by lines
  • 把它分成几行
  • Split out each line based on ":"
  • 根据“:”将每行分开
  • Take the first symbol for each line
  • 取每行的第一个符号



Non-garbbled/no-tempfile commands:

Non-garbbled / no-tempfile命令:

# dscl . list /users
# dscl . list /groups



check out, for example, dsexport.


Here are some examples:


dsexport /tmp/export.out /Local/Default dsRecTypeStandard:Groups

dsexport /tmp/export.out /Local/Default dsRecTypeStandard:Users

the outputs are a bit rubbish, but something like sed could clean them up for you.




Back in the old days, we'd do this trivially with the NetInfo Kit, but today there's no tidy Objective-C way to do it. You'll have to dig in to the OpenDirectory API.

在过去,我们会用NetInfo工具包做这个简单的事情,但是现在还没有一个干净的Objective-C方法。您将不得不深入到OpenDirectory API。



The tool you want is almost certainly dscl. The shortest way to do it was already pointed out:


$ dscl . list /users
$ dscl . list /groups

If you want to output information about each user, though, use readall:


$ dscl . readall /users
$ dscl . readall /groups

And if you need to programatically parse said information, use -plist to make your life easier:


$ dscl -plist . readall /users
$ dscl -plist . readall /groups



Open Directory approach (from: http://rickcogley.blogspot.com/2008/11/listing-open-directory-users-on-os-x.html):


dscacheutil -q user
dscacheutil -q group

Take each line from the respective output that starts with "name:" strip off the "name:" and you have your list. If you do not have dscacheutil, you can use the manual commands:


root# dscl localhost list /Local/Default/Users
root# dscl localhost list /LDAPv3/

Old school approach for before Open Directory....(sigh): For list of users:


  • Grab the /etc/passwd file from the system.
  • 从系统中获取/etc/passwd文件。
  • Split it out by lines
  • 把它分成几行
  • Split out each line based on ":"
  • 根据“:”将每行分开
  • Take the first symbol for each line
  • 取每行的第一个符号

For list of groups:


  • Grab the /etc/group file from the system.
  • 从系统中获取/etc/group文件。
  • Split it out by lines
  • 把它分成几行
  • Split out each line based on ":"
  • 根据“:”将每行分开
  • Take the first symbol for each line
  • 取每行的第一个符号



Non-garbbled/no-tempfile commands:

Non-garbbled / no-tempfile命令:

# dscl . list /users
# dscl . list /groups



check out, for example, dsexport.


Here are some examples:


dsexport /tmp/export.out /Local/Default dsRecTypeStandard:Groups

dsexport /tmp/export.out /Local/Default dsRecTypeStandard:Users

the outputs are a bit rubbish, but something like sed could clean them up for you.




Back in the old days, we'd do this trivially with the NetInfo Kit, but today there's no tidy Objective-C way to do it. You'll have to dig in to the OpenDirectory API.

在过去,我们会用NetInfo工具包做这个简单的事情,但是现在还没有一个干净的Objective-C方法。您将不得不深入到OpenDirectory API。