如何链接到Android Market应用程序

时间:2023-02-09 15:19:09

What's the best way to link to an Android Market app without knowing who will get the link (Android user/non-Android user) and from where (desktop/mobile)?

在不知道谁将获得链接(Android用户/非Android用户)以及从何处(桌面/移动设备)链接到Android Market应用程序的最佳方式是什么?

For iPhone I use the itunes.apple.com app links. They show a complete description of the app, and if you have iTunes installed, either on the desktop or on your mobile, it allows you to download the app directly. Example: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ibooks/id364709193?mt=8

对于iPhone,我使用itunes.apple.com应用程序链接。它们显示了应用程序的完整描述,如果您在桌面或移动设备上安装了iTunes,则可以直接下载应用程序。示例:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ibooks/id364709193?mt = 8

For Android I currently use a third-party Android Market web browser (see answer below), but I was wondering if there was a better alternative, and hoping to learn from others who have dealt with this issue.

对于Android,我目前使用第三方Android Market网络浏览器(请参阅下面的答案),但我想知道是否有更好的选择,并希望向处理此问题的其他人学习。

5 个解决方案



I was looking into this yesterday, and what a coincidence: the new Android Market** was just released today!

我昨天正在研究这个问题,这真是一个巧合:新的Android Market **今天刚刚发布!

  • Going to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.earth from your desktop computer now shows a full page about the selected app, with screenshots, reviews etc. You can even install the app on your phone remotely!


  • Opening the same URL from a mobile phone will prompt you if you want to view the website or go straight to the Google play app.

    如果您想查看网站或直接访问Google Play应用,则从手机打开相同的网址会提示您。

I'm guessing this will now be the preferred method to link to an app.


** Currently called Google Play

**目前称为Google Play



I think this will help you: http://d.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent


Currently, the Android Market does not have a web interface, or a desktop client. Basically, you have two types of URIs you can use:

目前,Android Market没有网络界面或桌面客户端。基本上,您可以使用两种类型的URI:

  1. market://details?id=com.google.earth
  2. http://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.earth

Both options will open up the Android Market if clicked from an Android device (that has the Market installed). Details about each one:


  1. This one is only understood by Android devices with the Market installed. The Market is opened immediately. This is best embedded into QR codes that can be read with any Android device with a camera. You can show these QR codes on your website or wherever. Check out http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ for a nice QR code generator (you can even hotlink to them)
  2. 只有安装了Market的Android设备才能理解这个。市场立即开放。这最好嵌入到QR码中,可以使用带摄像头的任何Android设备读取。您可以在您的网站或任何地方显示这些QR码。查看http://qrcode.kaywa.com/获取一个不错的二维码生成器(你甚至可以链接到它们)

  3. This one is understood by any device (since it's http://), but opening it up in a browser gives a 404 Not Found error (because, as I said, there's no web interface for the Market, yet). However, it is possible that Google will, at some point, make a web interface for the Market and keep this link structure. If you click on such a link with an Android device, you will get a "Complete this action with..." dialog, giving you a choice between the Browser and Android Market.
  4. 任何设备都可以理解这个(因为它是http://),但是在浏览器中打开它会产生404 Not Found错误(因为,正如我所说,市场上还没有Web界面)。但是,谷歌有可能在某个时候为市场建立一个网络界面并保持这种链接结构。如果您点击Android设备的此类链接,您将看到“使用...完成此操作”对话框,您可以在浏览器和Android电子市场之间进行选择。

Quote from the link at the beginning (emphasis mine):


Note that these URIs work only when passed as Intent data — you can't currently load the URIs in a web browser, either on a desktop machine or on the device.

请注意,这些URI仅在作为Intent数据传递时才起作用 - 您当前无法在桌面计算机或设备上的Web浏览器中加载URI。

Make sure to give it a read, it's a good resource.


Edit: in the meantime (i.e. until Google makes an interface for the Android Market), it's perfectly fine to use services such as Crycket and I've seen a lot of people do it.




The new format for making sure urls to apps open in Google Play is for example market://details?id=com.adobe.reader of course you'll need to look at the url in a browser to get the "com.?.?" part of the url.

确保在Google Play中打开应用的网址的新格式是例如market:// details?id = com.adobe.reader当然,您需要在浏览器中查看网址以获取“com。?” 。?”网址的一部分。



market://details?id=com.your.app.id instead of http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.your.app.id will do the thing automatically.

market:// details?id = com.your.app.id而不是http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.your.app.id会自动执行此操作。



Here is what I'm using in my web pages. It is based on JavaScript and jQuery. The idea is to search for 'android' sub-string inside browser's UserAgent and if that is the case - replace HTTP URI part with Android Market URI part, inside all links:

这是我在我的网页中使用的内容。它基于JavaScript和jQuery。我们的想法是在浏览器的UserAgent中搜索“android”子字符串,如果是这种情况,请在所有链接中使用Android Market URI部分替换HTTP URI部分:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  // some more core here ... 

  function updateAndroidMarketLinks()
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    if (0 <= ua.indexOf("android")) {
      // we have android
      $("a[href^='http://market.android.com/']").each(function() {
        this.href = this.href.replace(/^http:\/\/market\.android\.com\//,

<a href="http://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.earth" target="_blank">Download for Android</a>




I was looking into this yesterday, and what a coincidence: the new Android Market** was just released today!

我昨天正在研究这个问题,这真是一个巧合:新的Android Market **今天刚刚发布!

  • Going to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.earth from your desktop computer now shows a full page about the selected app, with screenshots, reviews etc. You can even install the app on your phone remotely!


  • Opening the same URL from a mobile phone will prompt you if you want to view the website or go straight to the Google play app.

    如果您想查看网站或直接访问Google Play应用,则从手机打开相同的网址会提示您。

I'm guessing this will now be the preferred method to link to an app.


** Currently called Google Play

**目前称为Google Play



I think this will help you: http://d.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent


Currently, the Android Market does not have a web interface, or a desktop client. Basically, you have two types of URIs you can use:

目前,Android Market没有网络界面或桌面客户端。基本上,您可以使用两种类型的URI:

  1. market://details?id=com.google.earth
  2. http://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.earth

Both options will open up the Android Market if clicked from an Android device (that has the Market installed). Details about each one:


  1. This one is only understood by Android devices with the Market installed. The Market is opened immediately. This is best embedded into QR codes that can be read with any Android device with a camera. You can show these QR codes on your website or wherever. Check out http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ for a nice QR code generator (you can even hotlink to them)
  2. 只有安装了Market的Android设备才能理解这个。市场立即开放。这最好嵌入到QR码中,可以使用带摄像头的任何Android设备读取。您可以在您的网站或任何地方显示这些QR码。查看http://qrcode.kaywa.com/获取一个不错的二维码生成器(你甚至可以链接到它们)

  3. This one is understood by any device (since it's http://), but opening it up in a browser gives a 404 Not Found error (because, as I said, there's no web interface for the Market, yet). However, it is possible that Google will, at some point, make a web interface for the Market and keep this link structure. If you click on such a link with an Android device, you will get a "Complete this action with..." dialog, giving you a choice between the Browser and Android Market.
  4. 任何设备都可以理解这个(因为它是http://),但是在浏览器中打开它会产生404 Not Found错误(因为,正如我所说,市场上还没有Web界面)。但是,谷歌有可能在某个时候为市场建立一个网络界面并保持这种链接结构。如果您点击Android设备的此类链接,您将看到“使用...完成此操作”对话框,您可以在浏览器和Android电子市场之间进行选择。

Quote from the link at the beginning (emphasis mine):


Note that these URIs work only when passed as Intent data — you can't currently load the URIs in a web browser, either on a desktop machine or on the device.

请注意,这些URI仅在作为Intent数据传递时才起作用 - 您当前无法在桌面计算机或设备上的Web浏览器中加载URI。

Make sure to give it a read, it's a good resource.


Edit: in the meantime (i.e. until Google makes an interface for the Android Market), it's perfectly fine to use services such as Crycket and I've seen a lot of people do it.




The new format for making sure urls to apps open in Google Play is for example market://details?id=com.adobe.reader of course you'll need to look at the url in a browser to get the "com.?.?" part of the url.

确保在Google Play中打开应用的网址的新格式是例如market:// details?id = com.adobe.reader当然,您需要在浏览器中查看网址以获取“com。?” 。?”网址的一部分。



market://details?id=com.your.app.id instead of http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.your.app.id will do the thing automatically.

market:// details?id = com.your.app.id而不是http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.your.app.id会自动执行此操作。



Here is what I'm using in my web pages. It is based on JavaScript and jQuery. The idea is to search for 'android' sub-string inside browser's UserAgent and if that is the case - replace HTTP URI part with Android Market URI part, inside all links:

这是我在我的网页中使用的内容。它基于JavaScript和jQuery。我们的想法是在浏览器的UserAgent中搜索“android”子字符串,如果是这种情况,请在所有链接中使用Android Market URI部分替换HTTP URI部分:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  // some more core here ... 

  function updateAndroidMarketLinks()
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    if (0 <= ua.indexOf("android")) {
      // we have android
      $("a[href^='http://market.android.com/']").each(function() {
        this.href = this.href.replace(/^http:\/\/market\.android\.com\//,

<a href="http://market.android.com/details?id=com.google.earth" target="_blank">Download for Android</a>
