跟踪Google Analytics中的所有出站链接

时间:2021-02-23 15:20:45

I've been using a script to track outbound links for a couple of months now. The script WORKS, but in the report generated by Google Analytics many URLs are having a trailing ":80" (default port number) at their end. Read on for more details.

我一直在使用脚本来跟踪出站链接几个月了。该脚本为WORKS,但在Google Analytics生成的报告中,许多网址末尾都有一个尾随“:80”(默认端口号)。请阅读以获得更多详情。

It's maybe important to mention that the website tracking these outbound links has a tremendous amount of outbound traffic (multiply your fantasy by ∞).


The script's purpose

It tracks ALL outbound links and tag them as "Outbound Links" in Google Analytics.

它会跟踪所有出站链接,并将其标记为Google Analytics中的“出站链接”。

The script is heavily commented and has a few instances of console.log() to help debugging (these are kept commented out).


"Outbound Links" show on GA alright, under:


Content > Events > Top Events > "Outbound Links" [click on it] > [report showing all urls clicked]

内容>活动>热门活动>“出站链接”[点击]> [报告显示所有点击的网址]

The problem

Under the "Outbound Links" report, where I get all the links that were clicked, I get ":80" at the end of at least 2/3 of all links reported (probably more). GA treats http://example.com and http://example.com:80 as different links, separating them in the report. That's of course not desired.

在“出站链接”报告中,我获得了所有被点击的链接,在报告的所有链接中至少有2/3结束时得到“:80”(可能更多)。 GA将http://example.com和http://example.com:80视为不同的链接,在报告中将它们分开。这当然不是所希望的。

Worth mentioning:


Links that end with ":80" always have more hits than their equivalent without ":80", anything from 40% to 60% more hits.


The wanted solution

  • Merge the links that end with ":80" with those without it, OR
  • 将以“:80”结尾的链接与没有它的链接合并,或者
  • Avoid appending ":80" to links, if possible.
  • 如果可能,请避免在链接中附加“:80”。
  • Bonus: Understand why we get links ending with ":80" at all.
  • 奖励:了解为什么我们得到以“:80”结尾的链接。

The script

// Outbound Link Tracking with Google Analytics
// Requires jQuery 1.7 or higher (use .live if using a lower version)
$(function() {
        var url = $(this).attr("href");
        // Console logs shows the domain name of the link being clicked and the current window
        // console.log('e.currentTarget.host: ' + e.currentTarget.host);
        // console.log('window.location.host: ' + window.location.host);
        // If the domains names are different, it assumes it is an external link
        // Be careful with this if you use subdomains
        if (e.currentTarget.host != window.location.host) {
            // console.log('external link click');
            // Outbound link! Fires the Google tracker code.
            _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host, url, 0);
            // Checks to see if the ctrl or command key is held down
            // which could indicate the link is being opened in a new tab
            if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
                // console.log('ctrl or meta key pressed');
                var newtab = true;
            // If it is not a new tab, we need to delay the loading
            // of the new link for a just a second in order to give the
            // Google track event time to fully fire
            if (!newtab) {
                // console.log('default prevented');
                // console.log('loading link after brief timeout');
                setTimeout('document.location = "' + url + '"', 100);
        else {
            console.log('internal link click');

7 个解决方案



The reason for the :80 in your output is because of e.currentTarget.host




I'm not sure why you are tracking that in addition to your already functional url variable, but you can always insure that :80 is not there with a simple string replace


_gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''), url, 0);

_gat._getTrackerByName()._ trackEvent(“Outbound Links”,e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''),url,0);



Fresheyeball answer is the correct one, but because many people have been asking for a complete answer, I'm going to post the final script with Fresheyeball's contribution.


The short version

// Outbound Link Tracking with Google Analytics
// Wallace Sidhrée - http://dreamyguy.com/
// Requires jQuery 1.7 or higher (use .live if using a lower version)
$(function() {
        var url = $(this).attr("href");
        if (e.currentTarget.host != window.location.host) {
            _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''), url, 0);
            if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || this.target == "_blank") {
                var newtab = true;
            if (!newtab) {
                setTimeout('document.location = "' + url + '"', 100);

The complete version (commented and 'debug-able')

// Outbound Link Tracking with Google Analytics
// Wallace Sidhrée - http://dreamyguy.com/
// Requires jQuery 1.7 or higher (use .live if using a lower version)
$(function() {
        var url = $(this).attr("href");
        // Console logs shows the domain name of the link being clicked and the current window
        // console.log('e.currentTarget.host: ' + e.currentTarget.host);
        // console.log('window.location.host: ' + window.location.host);
        // If the domains names are different, it assumes it is an external link
        // Be careful with this if you use subdomains
        if (e.currentTarget.host != window.location.host) {
            // console.log('external link click');
            // Outbound link! Fires the Google tracker code.
            _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''), url, 0);
            // Checks to see if the ctrl or command key is held down
            // which could indicate the link is being opened in a new tab
            // Also checks if target="_blank" on the link tag which indicates it should always be opened in a new tab
            if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || this.target == "_blank")) {
                // console.log('ctrl or meta key pressed');
                var newtab = true;
            // If it is not a new tab, we need to delay the loading
            // of the new link for a just a second in order to give the
            // Google track event time to fully fire
            if (!newtab) {
                // console.log('default prevented');
                // console.log('loading link after brief timeout');
                setTimeout('document.location = "' + url + '"', 100);
        else {
            console.log('internal link click');



The problem with window.open is that the referrer will be lost. A better solution is to use onmousedown instead of onclick. Having done some tests, I know this work better that using window.open or using setTimeout. You got some false positive from people clicking the right mouse button and not choosing "Open in new tab" or "Open in new window", but onclick doesn't always fire for middle and right click on all browser. It's a choice between the lesser of two evils here.


  $('a:not([href*="' + document.domain + '"])').mousedown(function(event){
    // Just in case, be safe and don't do anything
    if (typeof _gat == 'undefined') {

    var link = $(this);
    var href = link.attr('href');
    var noProtocol = href.replace(/http[s]?:\/\//, '');

    // Track the event
    _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent('Outbound Links', noProtocol);



use location.hostname instead of location.host . hostname does not include the port.

使用location.hostname而不是location.host。 hostname不包含端口。



This small piece of code worked for me :


    var hostname = window.location.hostname; 

    jQuery("body a").click(function(){

          if(jQuery(this).attr("href").indexOf(hostname)== -1){

               ga('send', 'event', {'eventCategory': "Outbound Links", 'eventAction': "OnClick", 'eventLabel': jQuery(this).attr("href")});




Google has an officially supported library that does this stuff for you.




So your entire Analytics snippet would be something like:

因此,您的整个Google Analytics代码段将类似于:

window.ga=window.ga||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');

// Replace the following lines with the plugins you want to use.
ga('require', 'eventTracker');
ga('require', 'outboundLinkTracker');
ga('require', 'urlChangeTracker');
// ...

ga('send', 'pageview');
<script async src="https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js"></script>
<script async src="path/to/autotrack.js"></script>



Here's my solution using Google suggested code


Put this right after your GA tracking code (probably in <head>)


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    var trackOutboundLink = function(url) {
       ga('send', 'event', 'outbound', 'click', url, {
         'transport': 'beacon',
         'hitCallback': function(){document.location = url;}

    var a = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
        if (a[i].href.indexOf(location.host) == -1 && a[i].href.match(/^http?s:\/\//i)){
            a[i].onclick = function(){
// END



The reason for the :80 in your output is because of e.currentTarget.host




I'm not sure why you are tracking that in addition to your already functional url variable, but you can always insure that :80 is not there with a simple string replace


_gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''), url, 0);

_gat._getTrackerByName()._ trackEvent(“Outbound Links”,e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''),url,0);



Fresheyeball answer is the correct one, but because many people have been asking for a complete answer, I'm going to post the final script with Fresheyeball's contribution.


The short version

// Outbound Link Tracking with Google Analytics
// Wallace Sidhrée - http://dreamyguy.com/
// Requires jQuery 1.7 or higher (use .live if using a lower version)
$(function() {
        var url = $(this).attr("href");
        if (e.currentTarget.host != window.location.host) {
            _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''), url, 0);
            if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || this.target == "_blank") {
                var newtab = true;
            if (!newtab) {
                setTimeout('document.location = "' + url + '"', 100);

The complete version (commented and 'debug-able')

// Outbound Link Tracking with Google Analytics
// Wallace Sidhrée - http://dreamyguy.com/
// Requires jQuery 1.7 or higher (use .live if using a lower version)
$(function() {
        var url = $(this).attr("href");
        // Console logs shows the domain name of the link being clicked and the current window
        // console.log('e.currentTarget.host: ' + e.currentTarget.host);
        // console.log('window.location.host: ' + window.location.host);
        // If the domains names are different, it assumes it is an external link
        // Be careful with this if you use subdomains
        if (e.currentTarget.host != window.location.host) {
            // console.log('external link click');
            // Outbound link! Fires the Google tracker code.
            _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host.replace(':80',''), url, 0);
            // Checks to see if the ctrl or command key is held down
            // which could indicate the link is being opened in a new tab
            // Also checks if target="_blank" on the link tag which indicates it should always be opened in a new tab
            if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || this.target == "_blank")) {
                // console.log('ctrl or meta key pressed');
                var newtab = true;
            // If it is not a new tab, we need to delay the loading
            // of the new link for a just a second in order to give the
            // Google track event time to fully fire
            if (!newtab) {
                // console.log('default prevented');
                // console.log('loading link after brief timeout');
                setTimeout('document.location = "' + url + '"', 100);
        else {
            console.log('internal link click');



The problem with window.open is that the referrer will be lost. A better solution is to use onmousedown instead of onclick. Having done some tests, I know this work better that using window.open or using setTimeout. You got some false positive from people clicking the right mouse button and not choosing "Open in new tab" or "Open in new window", but onclick doesn't always fire for middle and right click on all browser. It's a choice between the lesser of two evils here.


  $('a:not([href*="' + document.domain + '"])').mousedown(function(event){
    // Just in case, be safe and don't do anything
    if (typeof _gat == 'undefined') {

    var link = $(this);
    var href = link.attr('href');
    var noProtocol = href.replace(/http[s]?:\/\//, '');

    // Track the event
    _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent('Outbound Links', noProtocol);



use location.hostname instead of location.host . hostname does not include the port.

使用location.hostname而不是location.host。 hostname不包含端口。



This small piece of code worked for me :


    var hostname = window.location.hostname; 

    jQuery("body a").click(function(){

          if(jQuery(this).attr("href").indexOf(hostname)== -1){

               ga('send', 'event', {'eventCategory': "Outbound Links", 'eventAction': "OnClick", 'eventLabel': jQuery(this).attr("href")});




Google has an officially supported library that does this stuff for you.




So your entire Analytics snippet would be something like:

因此,您的整个Google Analytics代码段将类似于:

window.ga=window.ga||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');

// Replace the following lines with the plugins you want to use.
ga('require', 'eventTracker');
ga('require', 'outboundLinkTracker');
ga('require', 'urlChangeTracker');
// ...

ga('send', 'pageview');
<script async src="https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js"></script>
<script async src="path/to/autotrack.js"></script>



Here's my solution using Google suggested code


Put this right after your GA tracking code (probably in <head>)


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    var trackOutboundLink = function(url) {
       ga('send', 'event', 'outbound', 'click', url, {
         'transport': 'beacon',
         'hitCallback': function(){document.location = url;}

    var a = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
        if (a[i].href.indexOf(location.host) == -1 && a[i].href.match(/^http?s:\/\//i)){
            a[i].onclick = function(){
// END