I have a product page with the following call to actions: 1) Add Monogramming 2) Add Personalization 3) Add Product to Bag
'Add Monogram' button will make the text entry field visible to user to enter their monogram characters.
'Add Personalization' will confirm the monogram addition to the product the user is viewing.
'Add to Bag' will convert to bag.
I would like to report against the following:
Product #, # of prod page views, # monogram views (when 'add monogram' was clicked', # of monogram added ('add personalization' clicked), # of products w/ monogram added to bag ('add to bag' clicked), #units, $total of product added, $total product completed checkout
产品#,prod页面浏览量#,monogram视图(点击'添加会标'时',添加会标#(点击'添加个性化'),添加到包中的产品数#(点击'添加到包') ),#unit,$添加的产品总数,$总产品完成结帐
Any suggestions on what the best way to track this?
1 个解决方案
For simple tracking of buttons clicks you can use Universal Analytics Events:
要简单跟踪按钮点击次数,您可以使用Universal Analytics Events:
<button id="add_to_bag">Add to bag</button>
var addToCartButton = document.getElementById('add_to_bag');
addListener(addToCartButton, 'click', function() {
ga('send', 'event', 'Buttons', 'Add to cart click', 'Product name');
But if you want to track a full sales cycle(how many products was shown, detaily viewed, added to cart, removed from cart, sold, etc.) I recommend you to use Universal Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce.
但是,如果您想跟踪完整的销售周期(显示的产品数量,详细查看,添加到购物车,从购物车中移除,销售等),我建议您使用Universal Analytics增强型电子商务。
For simple tracking of buttons clicks you can use Universal Analytics Events:
要简单跟踪按钮点击次数,您可以使用Universal Analytics Events:
<button id="add_to_bag">Add to bag</button>
var addToCartButton = document.getElementById('add_to_bag');
addListener(addToCartButton, 'click', function() {
ga('send', 'event', 'Buttons', 'Add to cart click', 'Product name');
But if you want to track a full sales cycle(how many products was shown, detaily viewed, added to cart, removed from cart, sold, etc.) I recommend you to use Universal Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce.
但是,如果您想跟踪完整的销售周期(显示的产品数量,详细查看,添加到购物车,从购物车中移除,销售等),我建议您使用Universal Analytics增强型电子商务。