
时间:2022-01-26 15:21:23

The VS Database Project does not seem to have the "Show All Files" option in the Solution Explorer. Does anyone know of a way to turn the option on in VS?


The "Show All Files" option on the solution explorer actually does two things. With the option selected, VS shows "hidden/nested" files within the project AND it shows files within the directory of the project that are not currently part of the project. (It shows the latter with a ghosted icon.)

解决方案资源管理器中的“显示所有文件”选项实际上做了两件事。选择该选项后,VS将在项目中显示“隐藏/嵌套”文件,并显示项目目录中当前不属于项目的文件。 (它显示后者带有幻影图标。)

While DB projects may not have nested or hidden files within the project, there is no other way that I know of to have the solution explorer show files within the directory that are not part of the project.


Also, while this action occurs within the solution explorer, it is actually a project issue.


2 个解决方案



The correct answer to this issue is:-

这个问题的正确答案是: -

You must have the Database Project root node selected in the Solution Explorer.


Selecting any other node in the Solution Explorer other than the Database Project root node will cause the "Show All Files" button to become hidden.




it is by design. Some project types just don't allow you to. You might be able to go into the sln file in notepad and try something, but it might just screw up your solution.




The correct answer to this issue is:-

这个问题的正确答案是: -

You must have the Database Project root node selected in the Solution Explorer.


Selecting any other node in the Solution Explorer other than the Database Project root node will cause the "Show All Files" button to become hidden.




it is by design. Some project types just don't allow you to. You might be able to go into the sln file in notepad and try something, but it might just screw up your solution.
