
时间:2022-01-26 15:21:17

Alright so I'm making a lexer and a parser using Ocamlyacc. I've done my research and I think it's something to do with my makefile not picking the right bit version for my compiler or something like it? I don't know much about makefiles which is why I'm asking.


I've run my program on another computer where it works without trouble so it gotta be something to do with my machine.


It's a MacBook Pro 64 bit. I'm using Xcode 4.2.1.

它是一台MacBook Pro 64位。我使用Xcode 4.2.1。准备

Here's the makefile:


SHELL        = /bin/sh

C_C          = gcc 
CPP_C        = g++ 
ifdef GPROF
C_CPP_FLAGS = -pg -O3
ifndef DEBUG
C_LD         = $(C_C)
CPP_LD       = $(CPP_C)

C_YACC       = bison
C_LEX        = flex

AR           = ar
RANLIB       = ranlib

OCAML_C      = ocamlc
OCAML_OPT_C  = ocamlopt
ifdef GPROF
OCAML_C_FLAGS     = -dtypes 
OCAML_LD     = $(OCAML_C) -g
ifndef DEBUG
OCAML_C_FLAGS     = -dtypes 
OCAML_LD     = $(OCAML_C) -g
OCAML_C_FLAGS     = -dtypes
OCAML_LD     = $(OCAML_C) -g
OCAML_MKTOP  = ocamlmktop
OCAML_CP     = ocamlcp
OCAML_DEP    = ocamldep
OCAML_LEX    = ocamllex
OCAML_YACC   = ocamlyacc

OCAML_C_CPP_INC = -I $(shell $(OCAML_C) -v | tail -1 | sed -e \
                         's/^Standard library directory: //')

The error that I'm getting is:


ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

Here's the full output:


Linking OCAML (top level) program nanoml.top
ocamlmktop    -o nanoml.top -custom   nano.cmo nanoLex.cmo nanoParse.cmo main.cmo \
-cc g++  -cclib ' '
/var/folders/n3/jgblhwmj40lchgq71bmgr8sw0000gn/T/camlprimbd6a63.c:784: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
. //The same line ALOT of times. Removed due to limit of chars in a single post.
/var/folders/n3/jgblhwmj40lchgq71bmgr8sw0000gn/T/camlprimbd6a63.c:784: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/lib/ocaml/libcamlrun.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_main", referenced from:
      start in crt1.10.6.o
  "_caml_alloc_dummy", referenced from:
      _caml_builtin_cprim in ccZbZ9Mf.o
. //And many of these lines
  "_caml_get_exception_backtrace", referenced from:
      _caml_builtin_cprim in ccZbZ9Mf.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
File "_none_", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: Error while building custom runtime system
make: *** [nanoml.top] Error 2

Thank you in advance!


EDIT: I'm only using Ocaml. No C++ or C that needs to be linked with it. I've never tried running my ocaml code with a makefile before but I can run other ocaml code on this computer. This is the first time it fails but it is the first time I use a makefile.


And the same makefile and code works on other machines(older machines though) so I think it has something to do with this one using 64 bits.


I found I've been given another makefile which looks like this:


# Generic compilation rules

%.o : %.c
    @echo Compiling C file $<
    $(C_C) $(C_CPP_FLAGS) $(C_CPP_INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@

%.o : %.cc
    @echo Compiling C++ file $<
    $(CPP_C) $(C_CPP_FLAGS) $(C_CPP_INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@

%.o : %.cpp
    @echo Compiling C++ file $<
    $(CPP_C) $(C_CPP_FLAGS) $(C_CPP_INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@

%.cmi: %.mli
    @echo Compiling OCAML interface $<
    $(OCAML_C) $(OCAML_C_FLAGS) $(OCAML_INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@

%.cmo: %.ml
    @echo Compiling \(to byte code\) OCAML module $<
    $(OCAML_C) $(OCAML_C_FLAGS) $(OCAML_INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@

%.cmx: %.ml
    @echo Compiling \(to native code\) OCAML module $<

%.ml: %.mll
    @echo Lexing OCAML file $<
    $(OCAML_LEX) $<

%.ml %.mli: %.mly
    @echo Yaccing OCAML file $<
    $(OCAML_YACC) $<

# Generic cleaning rules

    rm -f *~ *.o *.cmo *.cmx .*.depend *.cmi

.PHONY: default-clean

# Generic link rules and library creation rules
# These rules assume that the following variables are set (when necessary):
# - C_EXE          : name of the C executable
# - CPP_EXE        : name of the C++ executable
# - OCAML_EXE      : name of the OCaml executable (without suffix)
# - OCAML_TPL_EXE  : name of the OCaml custom toplevel (without suffix)
# - C_CPP_LIB      : name of the C/C++ library
# - OCAML_LIB      : name of the OCaml library (without suffix)
# - C_CPP_EXE_OBJ  : list of C/C++ objects (without suffix) to build exe
# - OCAML_EXE_OBJ  : list of OCaml modules (without suffix) to build exe
# - C_CPP_LIB_OBJ  : list of C/C++ objects (without suffix) to build lib
# - OCAML_LIB_OBJ  : list of OCaml modules (without suffix) to build lib
# - C_CPP_LD_FLAGS : C and C++ linker flags
# - OCAML_LD_FLAGS : OCaml linker (both native and bytecode) flags
# - C_CPP_LD_LIBS  : C and C++ linker libraries
# - OCAML_LD_LIBS  : OCaml linker (both native and bytecode) libraries

ifdef C_EXE
$(C_EXE): $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o)
    @echo Linking C program $@
    $(C_LD) $(C_CPP_LD_FLAGS) -o $@ $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(C_CPP_LD_LIBS)

ifdef CPP_EXE
$(CPP_EXE): $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o)
    @echo Linking C++ program $@
    $(CPP_LD) $(C_CPP_LD_FLAGS) -o $@ $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(C_CPP_LD_LIBS)

ifdef C_CPP_LIB
$(C_CPP_LIB).a: $(C_CPP_LIB_OBJ:%=%.o)
    @echo Creating C/C++ library $@
    $(AR) r $@ $?
    $(RANLIB) $@

$(OCAML_EXE).byte: $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmo)
    @echo Linking OCAML \(byte code\) program $@
    $(OCAML_LD) $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -o $@ -custom $(OCAML_LD_LIBS:%=%.cma) $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmo) \
    -cc $(CPP_C) -cclib '$(C_CPP_LD_FLAGS) $(C_CPP_LD_LIBS)'

$(OCAML_EXE).opt: $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmx)
    @echo Linking OCAML \(native code\) program $@
    $(OCAML_OPT_LD) $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -o $@ $(OCAML_LD_LIBS:%=%.cmxa) $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmx) \
    -cc $(CPP_C) -cclib '$(C_CPP_LD_FLAGS) $(C_CPP_LD_LIBS)'

$(OCAML_EXE).top: $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmo)
    @echo Linking OCAML \(top level\) program $@
    $(OCAML_MKTOP)   $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -o $@ -custom $(OCAML_LD_LIBS:%=%.cma) $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmo) \
    -cc $(CPP_C) -cclib '$(C_CPP_LD_FLAGS) $(C_CPP_LD_LIBS)'


$(OCAML_TPL_EXE).byte: $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmo)
    @echo Linking OCAML \(byte code\) toplevel $@
    $(OCAML_MKTOP) $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -o $@ -custom $(OCAML_LD_LIBS:%=%.cma) $(C_CPP_EXE_OBJ:%=%.o) $(OCAML_EXE_OBJ:%=%.cmo) \
    -cc $(CPP_C) -cclib '$(C_CPP_LD_FLAGS) $(C_CPP_LD_LIBS)'

$(OCAML_LIB).cma: $(OCAML_LIB_OBJ:%=%.cmo)
    @echo Creating OCAML \(byte code\) library $@
    $(OCAML_LD) $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -a -o $@ $(OCAML_LIB_OBJ:%=%.cmo)

$(OCAML_LIB).cmxa $(OCAML_LIB).a: $(OCAML_LIB_OBJ:%=%.cmx)
    @echo Creating OCAML \(native code\) library $@
    $(OCAML_OPT_LD) $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -a -o $@ $(OCAML_LIB_OBJ:%=%.cmx)

    @echo Creating OCAML \(native code\) C interface library $@
    $(OCAML_LD) $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -output-obj -o $@ $(OCAML_LD_LIBS:%=%.cma) $(OCAML_CINTF_OBJ:%=%.cmo)

    @echo Creating C/C++ interface library $@
    $(AR) r $@ $?
    $(RANLIB) $@
    @echo Creating OCAML \(native code\) C interface library $@
    $(OCAML_OPT_LD) $(OCAML_LD_FLAGS) -output-obj -o $@ $(OCAML_LD_LIBS:%=%.cmxa) $(OCAML_CINTF_OBJ:%=%.cmx)

    @echo Creating C/C++ interface library $@
    $(AR) r $@ $?
    $(RANLIB) $@

# Generic dependencies creation rules

.%.mli.depend: %.mli
    @echo Generating dependencies for OCAML interface $<
    $(OCAML_DEP) $< > $@

.%.ml.depend: %.ml
    @echo Generating dependencies for OCAML module $<
    $(OCAML_DEP) $< > $@

3 个解决方案



The interesting line is


ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/lib/ocaml/libcamlrun.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64)


It tells you that your ocaml runtime is a probably a 32 bit library, instead of the 64 bits you need.


You might want to try the "-m32" flag of g++ to compile everything in 32 bits, or to install a 64 bit version of ocaml.




It looks like maybe your OCaml compiler is producing 32-bit executables. One way to tell is to say:


$ ocamlopt -config

If you see architecture i386, it's a 32-bit compiler. If you see architecture amd64, it's a 64-bit compiler. At any rate, these are the two different values I see on my Macbook Pro.

如果您看到架构i386,它是一个32位的编译器。如果您看到架构amd64,它是一个64位的编译器。无论如何,这是我在Macbook Pro上看到的两个不同的值。



The Makefile you give doesn't really describe what you're trying to do. It just defines names for some language processors. The real Makefile is possibly elsewhere.


Since the Makefile doesn't actually say anything about what you're doing, I realized that I don't see any evidence that you're linking OCaml and C++ (or C) together. The first line of output doesn't show anything except what looks like OCaml files. Furthermore, they're named xyz.cmo, which are bytecode OCaml files. That is, they're not 32-bit or 64-bit (native) files.


Do you have some C++ and some OCaml components that need to be linked together, or is your project pure OCaml? If it's pure OCaml, I'd say the problem is all in the Makefile. You shouldn't have to worry about the architecture if you just want to run OCaml code.


If there's some C++ or C, then you need to compile it with -arch i386 (to get 32-bit objects) and then link everything together with a linker (ld) that knows it's producing a 32-bit target. (Or, as Fabrice Le Fessant says, you could install a 64-bit OCaml compler.)

如果有一些c++或C,那么您需要用-arch i386(得到32位对象)编译它,然后将所有内容与一个链接器(ld)链接起来,该链接器知道它正在生成一个32位的目标。(或者,正如Fabrice Le Fessant所说,你可以安装一个64位的OCaml补充器。)

A possible suggestion is to create a tiny OCaml file and just see if you can compile and run it.


Using the bytecode compiler, it looks like this:


$ uname -rs
Darwin 10.8.0
$ cat tiny.ml
Printf.printf "hello world\n"
$ ocamlc -o tiny tiny.ml
$ file tiny.cmo
tiny.cmo: Objective caml object file (.cmo) (Version 006).
$ file tiny
tiny: a /sw/bin/ocamlrun script text executable
$ tiny
hello world

Using a native 32-bit compiler, it looks like this:


$ ocamlopt -o tiny tiny.ml
$ file tiny.cmx
tiny.cmx: Objective caml native object file (.cmx) (Version 011).
$ file tiny.o
tiny.o: Mach-O object i386
$ file tiny
tiny: Mach-O executable i386
$ tiny
hello world

Edit 2


Your second makefile still doesn't show what you're trying to do, specifically. It just defines some make rules for compiling and linking different types of executables. However, since you say your project is all OCaml, then I'd say the entire problem is in this Makefile.


The problem appears to be that this Makefile specifies which C compiler and libraries the OCaml compiler should use as its back-end, using the -cc and -cclib options. On most systems, it will work OK to just specify the standard C compiler as the back-end for OCaml. On Mac OS X, there are 32-bit/64-bit architectural complications. Since you can compile OCaml successfully without this Makefile, I'd suggest that the OCaml compiler already knows how to compile and link OCaml programs. So you might try just removing the -cc and -cclib options from the Makefile.

问题似乎是,这个Makefile指定了OCaml编译器应该作为其后端使用的C编译器和库,使用-cc和-cclib选项。在大多数系统中,只要将标准C编译器指定为OCaml的后端就可以了。在Mac OS X上,有32位/64位的架构复杂性。由于您可以在没有这个Makefile的情况下成功编译OCaml,所以我建议OCaml编译器已经知道如何编译和链接OCaml程序。因此,您可以尝试从Makefile中删除-cc和-cclib选项。

To do this: In all three sections under OCAML_EXE remove the third line entirely (the line with -cc and -cclib), and remove the trailing backslash on the previous line.




I've been having this problem for the past two days while trying to compile gphoto2. I just recently upgraded from OS X 10.8 to OS X 10.9. At first I thought it would have been issues on the new XCode version and the command line tools.

在尝试编译gphoto2时,我在过去两天一直遇到这个问题。我刚刚从OS X 10.8升级到OS X 10.9。起初,我以为它会出现在新的XCode版本和命令行工具上。

I made sure to update everything but the architecture inconsistency on ocaml was still there so, I decided to install the homebrew version of ocaml:


$ brew install ocaml

et voilà




The interesting line is


ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/lib/ocaml/libcamlrun.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64)


It tells you that your ocaml runtime is a probably a 32 bit library, instead of the 64 bits you need.


You might want to try the "-m32" flag of g++ to compile everything in 32 bits, or to install a 64 bit version of ocaml.




It looks like maybe your OCaml compiler is producing 32-bit executables. One way to tell is to say:


$ ocamlopt -config

If you see architecture i386, it's a 32-bit compiler. If you see architecture amd64, it's a 64-bit compiler. At any rate, these are the two different values I see on my Macbook Pro.

如果您看到架构i386,它是一个32位的编译器。如果您看到架构amd64,它是一个64位的编译器。无论如何,这是我在Macbook Pro上看到的两个不同的值。



The Makefile you give doesn't really describe what you're trying to do. It just defines names for some language processors. The real Makefile is possibly elsewhere.


Since the Makefile doesn't actually say anything about what you're doing, I realized that I don't see any evidence that you're linking OCaml and C++ (or C) together. The first line of output doesn't show anything except what looks like OCaml files. Furthermore, they're named xyz.cmo, which are bytecode OCaml files. That is, they're not 32-bit or 64-bit (native) files.


Do you have some C++ and some OCaml components that need to be linked together, or is your project pure OCaml? If it's pure OCaml, I'd say the problem is all in the Makefile. You shouldn't have to worry about the architecture if you just want to run OCaml code.


If there's some C++ or C, then you need to compile it with -arch i386 (to get 32-bit objects) and then link everything together with a linker (ld) that knows it's producing a 32-bit target. (Or, as Fabrice Le Fessant says, you could install a 64-bit OCaml compler.)

如果有一些c++或C,那么您需要用-arch i386(得到32位对象)编译它,然后将所有内容与一个链接器(ld)链接起来,该链接器知道它正在生成一个32位的目标。(或者,正如Fabrice Le Fessant所说,你可以安装一个64位的OCaml补充器。)

A possible suggestion is to create a tiny OCaml file and just see if you can compile and run it.


Using the bytecode compiler, it looks like this:


$ uname -rs
Darwin 10.8.0
$ cat tiny.ml
Printf.printf "hello world\n"
$ ocamlc -o tiny tiny.ml
$ file tiny.cmo
tiny.cmo: Objective caml object file (.cmo) (Version 006).
$ file tiny
tiny: a /sw/bin/ocamlrun script text executable
$ tiny
hello world

Using a native 32-bit compiler, it looks like this:


$ ocamlopt -o tiny tiny.ml
$ file tiny.cmx
tiny.cmx: Objective caml native object file (.cmx) (Version 011).
$ file tiny.o
tiny.o: Mach-O object i386
$ file tiny
tiny: Mach-O executable i386
$ tiny
hello world

Edit 2


Your second makefile still doesn't show what you're trying to do, specifically. It just defines some make rules for compiling and linking different types of executables. However, since you say your project is all OCaml, then I'd say the entire problem is in this Makefile.


The problem appears to be that this Makefile specifies which C compiler and libraries the OCaml compiler should use as its back-end, using the -cc and -cclib options. On most systems, it will work OK to just specify the standard C compiler as the back-end for OCaml. On Mac OS X, there are 32-bit/64-bit architectural complications. Since you can compile OCaml successfully without this Makefile, I'd suggest that the OCaml compiler already knows how to compile and link OCaml programs. So you might try just removing the -cc and -cclib options from the Makefile.

问题似乎是,这个Makefile指定了OCaml编译器应该作为其后端使用的C编译器和库,使用-cc和-cclib选项。在大多数系统中,只要将标准C编译器指定为OCaml的后端就可以了。在Mac OS X上,有32位/64位的架构复杂性。由于您可以在没有这个Makefile的情况下成功编译OCaml,所以我建议OCaml编译器已经知道如何编译和链接OCaml程序。因此,您可以尝试从Makefile中删除-cc和-cclib选项。

To do this: In all three sections under OCAML_EXE remove the third line entirely (the line with -cc and -cclib), and remove the trailing backslash on the previous line.




I've been having this problem for the past two days while trying to compile gphoto2. I just recently upgraded from OS X 10.8 to OS X 10.9. At first I thought it would have been issues on the new XCode version and the command line tools.

在尝试编译gphoto2时,我在过去两天一直遇到这个问题。我刚刚从OS X 10.8升级到OS X 10.9。起初,我以为它会出现在新的XCode版本和命令行工具上。

I made sure to update everything but the architecture inconsistency on ocaml was still there so, I decided to install the homebrew version of ocaml:


$ brew install ocaml

et voilà
