google analytics 中的UTM参数对于流量区分追踪用途大大的有,拷贝了一份很详细的文档过来
变量 | 描述 | 值示例 |
utmac | 用于区别不同帐号的字串,所有请求中都有 | utmac=UA-2202604-2 |
utmcc | Cookie 值,这个请求参数发送所有的cookie请求 | utmcc=__utma%3D117243.1695285.22%3B%2B __utmz%3D117945243.1202416366.21.10. utmcsr%3Db%7C utmccn%3D(referral)%7C utmcmd%3Dreferral%7C utmcct%3D%252Fissue%3B%2B |
utmcn | Starts a new campaign session. Either utmcn or utmcr is present on any given request. Changes the campaign tracking data; but does not start a new session | utmcn=1 |
utmcr | Indicates a repeat campaign visit. This is set when any subsequent clicks occur on the same link. Either utmcn or utmcr is present on any given request. | utmcr=1 |
utmcs | 浏览器的语言编码,某些浏览器不支持此项,在这种情况下会被社会设置为 "-" | utmcs=ISO-8859-1 |
utmdt | 页面标题,是一个URL-encoded 字串 | utmdt=analytics%20page%20test |
utme | 扩展参数 | Value is encoded. Used for events and custom variables. |
utmfl | Flash 版本 | utmfl=9.0%20r48& |
utmhn | 主机名,是一个URL-encoded 字串 | |
utmipc | 产品码。这是一个特定产品SKU码 | utmipc=989898ajssi |
utmipn | 产品名称,是一个URL-encoded 字串 | utmipn=tee%20shirt |
utmipr | 单品价格。仅美元格式 | utmipr=17100.32 |
utmiqt | 数量 | utmiqt=4 |
utmiva | Variations on an item. For example: large, medium, small, pink, white, black, green. String is URL-encoded. | utmiva=red; |
utmje | 浏览器是否启用java小程序,1 为真 | utmje=1 |
utmn | Unique ID generated for each GIF request to prevent caching of the GIF image. | utmn=1142651215 |
utmp | 当前页面的页面请求 | utmp=/testDirectory/myPage.html |
utmr | 完整的来源页面 | utmr= |
utmsc | 屏幕的颜色质量 | utmsc=24-bit |
utmsr | 屏幕分辨率 | utmsr=2400x1920& |
utmt | 定义请求的类型,为其中之一:event、 transaction、item、custom variable。如果GIF请求中不包含这些值,则请求类型为page。 |
utmt=event |
utmtci | Billing City | utmtci=San%20Diego |
utmtco | Billing Country | utmtco=United%20Kingdom |
utmtid | Order ID, URL-encoded string. | utmtid=a2343898 |
utmtrg | Billing region, URL-encoded string. | utmtrg=New%20Brunswick |
utmtsp | Shipping cost. Values as for unit and price. | utmtsp=23.95 |
utmtst | Affiliation. Typically used for brick and mortar applications in ecommerce. | utmtst=google%20mtv%20store |
utmtto | 总计 | utmtto=334.56 |
utmttx | 税 | utmttx=29.16 |
utmul | 浏览器语言 | utmul=pt-br |
utmwv | 跟踪代码的版本 | utmwv=1 |