当我在localhost中删除google analytics时,如何在整个网站中忽略ga()事件跟踪代码?

时间:2020-12-18 15:15:49

On localhost, I disable my google analytics code by incorporating it into an if statement like so:

在localhost上,我通过将其合并到if语句中来禁用我的Google Analytics代码,如下所示:

var s = window.location + "";

if (s.indexOf('localhost') < 0) {
    //GA universal analytics tracking snippet

However, throughout my site there are various event tags using ga('send', 'event', etc...); - when my GA snippet is disabled on localhost these functions return errors (Uncaught ReferenceError: ga is not defined).

但是,在我的网站中,有各种使用ga的事件标签('发送','事件'等...); - 当我在本地主机上禁用我的GA片段时,这些函数会返回错误(Uncaught ReferenceError:ga未定义)。

Is there a way to disable these functions without putting them all into their own individual if statements? I was thinking some kind of global statement like this might work, but it doesn't:


var s = window.location + "";

if (s.indexOf('localhost') > 0) {
    ga = function () {};

Is there a good best practice for solving this? Thanks!


1 个解决方案



It would be simpler to do this :


var ga = ga || (function(){});

If ga is defined, this does nothing. If it's undefined, it sets its value to a no-op function, preventing the error.


But I don't think it's a good idea to disable the script when you develop : it makes one more reason to have an unexpected bug in production. The best practice here would be, in my opinion, to add a filter in Google Analytics. See Exclude internal traffic.

但是我认为在开发时禁用脚本并不是一个好主意:它还有一个原因让生产中出现意外错误。在我看来,这里的最佳做法是在Google Analytics中添加过滤器。请参阅排除内部流量。



It would be simpler to do this :


var ga = ga || (function(){});

If ga is defined, this does nothing. If it's undefined, it sets its value to a no-op function, preventing the error.


But I don't think it's a good idea to disable the script when you develop : it makes one more reason to have an unexpected bug in production. The best practice here would be, in my opinion, to add a filter in Google Analytics. See Exclude internal traffic.

但是我认为在开发时禁用脚本并不是一个好主意:它还有一个原因让生产中出现意外错误。在我看来,这里的最佳做法是在Google Analytics中添加过滤器。请参阅排除内部流量。