
时间:2022-06-15 15:16:57

Let's say that I want to merge from a release branch to the master branch and there are some commits in the release branch that I don't want to include in the master branch. Is there a way to do the merge so that one or more of those commits will not be merged?


My strategy so far is to do the following (in master):


git merge --no-commit release-branch
# Resolve conflicts and apply reverse patch of the commits that I don't want included
git commit # Edit commit message so that it lists the commits that have been reverse-patched

Is there a better way to do this?


7 个解决方案



Create a new branch, rebase the branch interactively and drop commits you don't want, and then merge that.


You can't take changes out of the middle of a branch without rehashing, but the right thing will happen when it sees the same changes in a later merge (e.g. from cherry-picking and what-not).




I've found a solution that works for me in the Pro Git book.

我在Pro Git书中找到了适合我的解决方案。

Let's say you want to exclude the file config.php.


On branch A:


  1. Create a file named .gitattributes in the same dir, with this line: config.php merge=ours. This tells git what strategy to use when merging the file. In this case it always keep your version, ie. the version on the branch you are merging into.

    在同一个目录中创建一个名为.gitattributes的文件,使用以下行:config.php merge = ours。这告诉git在合并文件时要使用什么策略。在这种情况下,它始终保持您的版本,即。您正在合并的分支上的版本。

  2. Add the .gitattributes file and commit


On branch B: repeat steps 1-2


Try merging now. Your file should be left untouched.




If you have a support branch where you fix bugs and build new versions. On master you have the next version where you also build new versions frequently.


Every time you build a new version you change the version in some file, commit that new file, create a tag and push. Now merges from support to master will always have conflicts in the file containing the version info.


If the file containing the version information only contains the version information, you can go with the answer of fcurella. But if it does indeed may also contain mergeable information (pom.xml, gradle.properties, MANIFEST.MF, ...), you must perform some extra action.


Lets use the following example


      C---D*---E---F* support
A---B---G---H*---I master

where commits with stars contain only changes due to version changes that should be ignored during merge.


To merge support into master without merge-conflicts due to the version builds, you can do either of the following:


Multiple merge commits

git checkout master
git merge C
git merge D -s ours
git merge E
git merge F -s ours

With the -s ours argument we are telling git to only record a merge without altering the workspace. This is comparable to the --record-only option of svn.


The above will result in the following layout


      -------------C---D*---E---F* support
     /              \   \    \   \
A---B---G---H*---I---J---K----L---M master

One merge commit using cherry-pick

git checkout master
git merge support -s ours --no-commit
git cherry-pick C E --no-commit
git commit -m 'merged support into master'

first we are starting a merge but only record that we are merging, without altering the workspace and without doing the merge commit. Then we are cherry-picking the commits to merge, again without commit. Finally we are committing the merge.


The above will result in the following layout


      C---D*---E---F* support
     /              \
A---B---G---H*---I---J master

One could even automate the cherry-picking.


git checkout master
git merge support -s ours --no-commit
for id in `git log support --reverse --not HEAD --format="%H [%an] %s" |
  grep -v "bump version" |
  sed "s/\(\w*\)\s.*/\1/g"`
  git cherry-pick --no-commit $id
git commit -m 'merged support into master'



The reason why this can't be done directly is that every commit contains links to the parent commits (typically just one but several for merges). That way if you have one commit (by its SHA1 sum) the whole history is also fixed as the parents also contain links to their parents and so on. So the only way to leave out patches in the history is to write a new one. git rebase -i on a newly created branch is probably the easiest way of achieving that.

这不能直接完成的原因是每个提交都包含指向父提交的链接(通常只有一个提交但有几个用于合并)。这样,如果你有一个提交(通过它的SHA1总和),整个历史也是固定的,因为父母也包含他们父母的链接等等。因此,在历史记录中省略补丁的唯一方法是编写一个新补丁。新创建的分支上的git rebase -i可能是实现这一目标的最简单方法。



It's also possible to modify .git/info/attributes file and keep it inside .git folder instead of adding .gitattribute files all over that will require adding them to source control eventually.

也可以修改.git / info / attributes文件并将其保存在.git文件夹中,而不是添加.gitattribute文件,这些文件最终都需要将它们添加到源代码控制中。



The main question is: how do you want to represent the commits you want to skip?


  1. sneakily hide them (not my favorite)
  2. 偷偷地隐藏他们(不是我最喜欢的)

  3. explicitly skip them
  4. 明确跳过它们

  5. explicitly undo them
  6. 明确撤消它们

Unfortunately no. 2 is impossible to express in the history graph.

很不幸的是,不行。 2在历史图表中是不可能表达的。

No. 1 is possible, but I would never do that: a merge commit can contain changes. – Normally a merge commit points to the result of the merge of two more more branches: all things developed in those branches should be in the code after the merge (i.e. in the code pointed to by the merge commit). And nothing else should be in this commit.

第1号是可能的,但我永远不会这样做:合并提交可以包含更改。 - 通常,合并提交指向两个或多个分支的合并结果:在这些分支中开发的所有内容应该在合并之后的代码中(即在合并提交指向的代码中)。此提交中没有其他内容。

But surprise, surprise, you can change the entire code base and represent it as a merge. The effect of a merge is two-fold: it merges the history tree and it should merge two code bases. The former it does for sure (otherwise no-one calls it a merge), for the latter it might fail, e.g. when a merge conflict arose and it was resolved wrongly (then the code bases were not merged properly).


Some of the other answers suggest this hiding. I recommend the explicit way: merge plus revert commits.

其他一些答案表明这种隐藏。我建议使用显式方式:merge plus revert commit。



If you only want to exclude some commits that are at the end, you can just commit to a specific commit number:


git checkout partlyMergedFrom
git whatchanged
--> find the commit hash up to where you want to merge
git checkout partlyMergedInto
git merge e40a0e384f58409fe3c864c655a8d252b6422bfc
git whatchanged
--> check that you really got all the changes you want to have



Create a new branch, rebase the branch interactively and drop commits you don't want, and then merge that.


You can't take changes out of the middle of a branch without rehashing, but the right thing will happen when it sees the same changes in a later merge (e.g. from cherry-picking and what-not).




I've found a solution that works for me in the Pro Git book.

我在Pro Git书中找到了适合我的解决方案。

Let's say you want to exclude the file config.php.


On branch A:


  1. Create a file named .gitattributes in the same dir, with this line: config.php merge=ours. This tells git what strategy to use when merging the file. In this case it always keep your version, ie. the version on the branch you are merging into.

    在同一个目录中创建一个名为.gitattributes的文件,使用以下行:config.php merge = ours。这告诉git在合并文件时要使用什么策略。在这种情况下,它始终保持您的版本,即。您正在合并的分支上的版本。

  2. Add the .gitattributes file and commit


On branch B: repeat steps 1-2


Try merging now. Your file should be left untouched.




If you have a support branch where you fix bugs and build new versions. On master you have the next version where you also build new versions frequently.


Every time you build a new version you change the version in some file, commit that new file, create a tag and push. Now merges from support to master will always have conflicts in the file containing the version info.


If the file containing the version information only contains the version information, you can go with the answer of fcurella. But if it does indeed may also contain mergeable information (pom.xml, gradle.properties, MANIFEST.MF, ...), you must perform some extra action.


Lets use the following example


      C---D*---E---F* support
A---B---G---H*---I master

where commits with stars contain only changes due to version changes that should be ignored during merge.


To merge support into master without merge-conflicts due to the version builds, you can do either of the following:


Multiple merge commits

git checkout master
git merge C
git merge D -s ours
git merge E
git merge F -s ours

With the -s ours argument we are telling git to only record a merge without altering the workspace. This is comparable to the --record-only option of svn.


The above will result in the following layout


      -------------C---D*---E---F* support
     /              \   \    \   \
A---B---G---H*---I---J---K----L---M master

One merge commit using cherry-pick

git checkout master
git merge support -s ours --no-commit
git cherry-pick C E --no-commit
git commit -m 'merged support into master'

first we are starting a merge but only record that we are merging, without altering the workspace and without doing the merge commit. Then we are cherry-picking the commits to merge, again without commit. Finally we are committing the merge.


The above will result in the following layout


      C---D*---E---F* support
     /              \
A---B---G---H*---I---J master

One could even automate the cherry-picking.


git checkout master
git merge support -s ours --no-commit
for id in `git log support --reverse --not HEAD --format="%H [%an] %s" |
  grep -v "bump version" |
  sed "s/\(\w*\)\s.*/\1/g"`
  git cherry-pick --no-commit $id
git commit -m 'merged support into master'



The reason why this can't be done directly is that every commit contains links to the parent commits (typically just one but several for merges). That way if you have one commit (by its SHA1 sum) the whole history is also fixed as the parents also contain links to their parents and so on. So the only way to leave out patches in the history is to write a new one. git rebase -i on a newly created branch is probably the easiest way of achieving that.

这不能直接完成的原因是每个提交都包含指向父提交的链接(通常只有一个提交但有几个用于合并)。这样,如果你有一个提交(通过它的SHA1总和),整个历史也是固定的,因为父母也包含他们父母的链接等等。因此,在历史记录中省略补丁的唯一方法是编写一个新补丁。新创建的分支上的git rebase -i可能是实现这一目标的最简单方法。



It's also possible to modify .git/info/attributes file and keep it inside .git folder instead of adding .gitattribute files all over that will require adding them to source control eventually.

也可以修改.git / info / attributes文件并将其保存在.git文件夹中,而不是添加.gitattribute文件,这些文件最终都需要将它们添加到源代码控制中。



The main question is: how do you want to represent the commits you want to skip?


  1. sneakily hide them (not my favorite)
  2. 偷偷地隐藏他们(不是我最喜欢的)

  3. explicitly skip them
  4. 明确跳过它们

  5. explicitly undo them
  6. 明确撤消它们

Unfortunately no. 2 is impossible to express in the history graph.

很不幸的是,不行。 2在历史图表中是不可能表达的。

No. 1 is possible, but I would never do that: a merge commit can contain changes. – Normally a merge commit points to the result of the merge of two more more branches: all things developed in those branches should be in the code after the merge (i.e. in the code pointed to by the merge commit). And nothing else should be in this commit.

第1号是可能的,但我永远不会这样做:合并提交可以包含更改。 - 通常,合并提交指向两个或多个分支的合并结果:在这些分支中开发的所有内容应该在合并之后的代码中(即在合并提交指向的代码中)。此提交中没有其他内容。

But surprise, surprise, you can change the entire code base and represent it as a merge. The effect of a merge is two-fold: it merges the history tree and it should merge two code bases. The former it does for sure (otherwise no-one calls it a merge), for the latter it might fail, e.g. when a merge conflict arose and it was resolved wrongly (then the code bases were not merged properly).


Some of the other answers suggest this hiding. I recommend the explicit way: merge plus revert commits.

其他一些答案表明这种隐藏。我建议使用显式方式:merge plus revert commit。



If you only want to exclude some commits that are at the end, you can just commit to a specific commit number:


git checkout partlyMergedFrom
git whatchanged
--> find the commit hash up to where you want to merge
git checkout partlyMergedInto
git merge e40a0e384f58409fe3c864c655a8d252b6422bfc
git whatchanged
--> check that you really got all the changes you want to have