当推送到iOS时,使用Cordova和Phonegap Push Plugin在app服务器上获得invalidRegistration

时间:2022-01-08 15:17:46

I used this instruction on Google Cloud Messaging site to set certificates for APNS. I'm on development phase and set only development certificate in Apple Developer Console. Then I set up phonegap-plugin-push and initialized it in JS like that (on deviceready of course):

我在Google Cloud Messaging网站上使用此说明为APNS设置证书。我正处于开发阶段,只在Apple Developer Console中设置了开发证书。然后我设置了phonegap-plugin-push并在JS中初始化它(当然是在设备上):

var pushController = PushNotification.init({
    "android": {
      "senderID": "_",
      "forceShow": true
    "ios": {
      "alert": "true",
      "badge": "true",
      "sound": "true"

pushController.on('registration', function (data) {
  console.log("Push registration", data);

So when registration is successful I see registration id of the device in console. But when I try to push message from server to this registration id I get error response with code invalidRegistration. I'm pushing from node.js server with gcm package.


Same setup works great on Android. I wasn't sure about correctness of certificates and repeated process strictly following instructions. But result on iOS is the same.


1 个解决方案



As it heppens best way to solve the problem is to recheck every stage of process 100th time. The problem was in server side sertificate. It wasn't the same as the one that app and apns used.


Now I have problem with ad hoc production version but that's another story.

现在我对ad hoc制作版本有疑问,但这是另一个故事。



As it heppens best way to solve the problem is to recheck every stage of process 100th time. The problem was in server side sertificate. It wasn't the same as the one that app and apns used.


Now I have problem with ad hoc production version but that's another story.

现在我对ad hoc制作版本有疑问,但这是另一个故事。