如何以编程方式获取Google Play中的下载次数

时间:2022-07-31 15:16:12

I have uploaded my Android app in Google Play... The downloads whatever is displaying in Google Play of my app... I need that count in my website. So, please help me out with this.

我已经在谷歌播放中上传了我的Android应用程序...下载了我的应用程序的Google Play中显示的内容...我需要在我的网站上计算。所以,请帮我解决这个问题。

1 个解决方案



Sorry this is not possible. The only indication you can get is a range between it's been downloaded. For example between 50 - 100.




Sorry this is not possible. The only indication you can get is a range between it's been downloaded. For example between 50 - 100.
