在Ruby on Rails中从数据库预加载数据

时间:2022-08-07 15:15:58

I'm trying to do something like this to preload all data, so I don't have to a database call every time the loop runs.


# Get all data and do some eager loading
bets = Bet.find(:all, :include => :team_id)

games = Game.find(:all)

games.each do |game|
  bets.find_all_by_user_id(user.id) # Now I want to get the specific bets, but I can't do  find() on the returned array

and the other way I've tried


bets = Bet.where(:user_id => users) # users are an array of ID's

games = Game.find(:all)

games.each do |game|
  bets.find_all_by_user_id(user.id) # This works, but it makes a db call every time, which makes the site really slow.

So basically what I'm trying to do is to load all data, and then use it in the loop without having to contact the database. What is the best approach to this?


2 个解决方案



You'll probably have to make the call at some previous point, save the data in a variable, and then access that variable in the loop. Something like this:


games = Game.all

bets = Bet.all

games.each do |game|
    bets.select {|b| b.user_id == user.id}

Don't use finder methods inside the array: if you do, you'll query the database again. Stick with the Ruby enumerable methods to act on the data you already have.




I'm not sure what are you trying to do... Where did you get user variable. Why did you need to show all bets in each game? So, I'm hoping that your Bet belongs to User and posted to some Game. And you need to list all Bets for each Game that User had participated at? So, in user should be:


has_many :bets    
has_many :games, :through => :bets

And now:

user.games.all( :include => :bets ).each do |game|
  game.bets # will be already loaded

Here: :include - Names associations that should be loaded alongside. The symbols named refer to already defined associations. - quote from Rails API.

这里:: include - 命名应该加载的关联。命名符号表示已定义的关联。 - 来自Rails API的引用。



You'll probably have to make the call at some previous point, save the data in a variable, and then access that variable in the loop. Something like this:


games = Game.all

bets = Bet.all

games.each do |game|
    bets.select {|b| b.user_id == user.id}

Don't use finder methods inside the array: if you do, you'll query the database again. Stick with the Ruby enumerable methods to act on the data you already have.




I'm not sure what are you trying to do... Where did you get user variable. Why did you need to show all bets in each game? So, I'm hoping that your Bet belongs to User and posted to some Game. And you need to list all Bets for each Game that User had participated at? So, in user should be:


has_many :bets    
has_many :games, :through => :bets

And now:

user.games.all( :include => :bets ).each do |game|
  game.bets # will be already loaded

Here: :include - Names associations that should be loaded alongside. The symbols named refer to already defined associations. - quote from Rails API.

这里:: include - 命名应该加载的关联。命名符号表示已定义的关联。 - 来自Rails API的引用。