如何将来自2个不同网站的数据合并到1个Google Analytics帐户中

时间:2022-09-04 15:16:55

I have a client with 2 separate domains. We are combining them into one site with a new site build. I dont want to lose the historical data from the 2 seperate Google Analytics profiles. Is there a way to combine data from the 2 sites without losing any historical data? (One site is an online store and the other is a regular site - we are combining the two).

我有一个拥有2个独立域名的客户。我们将它们组合到一个具有新站点构建的站点中。我不想丢失2个单独的Google Analytics配置文件中的历史数据。有没有办法组合来自2个站点的数据而不会丢失任何历史数据? (一个站点是在线商店,另一个站点是常规站点 - 我们将两者结合起来)。

2 个解决方案


Unfortunately, this is not possible. You could do a bunch of reporting on your existing data and store that information yourself, but that would be a manual process.



As Philip said, you cannot combine domains while retaining historical data for both. However, you can combine sites with cross-domain linking. I'd suggest checking it out.



Unfortunately, this is not possible. You could do a bunch of reporting on your existing data and store that information yourself, but that would be a manual process.



As Philip said, you cannot combine domains while retaining historical data for both. However, you can combine sites with cross-domain linking. I'd suggest checking it out.
