如何使用PHP在重定向页面上使用Google Analytics跟踪?

时间:2021-05-25 15:17:24

I have a website where I want to track who has clicked on specific links with GA.


Let's say I have this page: /index.php?id=32

假设我有这个页面:/index.php?id = 32

On this page I run some query based on the ID variable (in this case: 32), and I get the URL of the 32 id item from the Database to redirect the visitor.

在这个页面上,我根据ID变量运行一些查询(在本例中为32),我从数据库中获取32 id项的URL以重定向访问者。

I'm using a PHP function: header('Location: http://www.example.com');. Before I'm redirecting the user, I want Google to capture the visitor's information and only then redirect to the desired webpage.


I have tried to paste the GA code and ECHO it just before the redirection, however it did not work. How is it possible to track these kind of pages with GA?


4 个解决方案



Generally speaking

If your page uses redirects, the redirecting page becomes the landing page's referrer. For example, if you've changed your site so that index.html now redirects to home.html, then index.html becomes the referrer for home.html. If someone reached your site via a Google search that sent them first to index.html, you won't have any data regarding the Google search.


For this reason, you should place the Google Analytics tracking code on the redirecting page as well as on the landing page. This way, the redirecting page will capture the actual referrer information for your reports.

因此,您应将Google Analytics跟踪代码放在重定向页面以及着陆页上。这样,重定向页面将捕获报告的实际引荐来源信息。

Note, some browsers may actually redirect before the JavaScript call from the code can be made.


(cf. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009614?hl=en)

Your specific case

Since PHP is rendered and executed before any Javascript, Google Analytics tracker has no chance to send data to its server.

由于PHP在任何Javascript之前呈现并执行,因此Google Analytics跟踪器无法将数据发送到其服务器。


Considering that you cannot track a PHP redirection page, there are a number of possible alternatives:


  • Javascript redirection: https://*.com/a/4745622/1672895
    • window.location = "http://www.yoururl.com";
    • window.location =“http://www.yoururl.com”;

  • Javascript重定向:https://*.com/a/4745622/1672895 window.location =“http://www.yoururl.com”;

  • Campaign tracking (I wouldn't personally use this method in this specific case.)
    • /products.php?utm_source=index&utm_medium=redirection-page&utm_campaign=32
  • 广告系列跟踪(在这种特定情况下我不会亲自使用此方法。)/ product.php?utm_source = index&utm_medium = redirection-page&utm_campaign = 32

The last two items in the list are implemented on the individual links on the initial page before you get on the PHP redirection page.




I would suggest something like the following. It uses hitCallback to do the redirect so the event will be sent to GA and then the redirect will occur. It also sets a Timeout so that should analytics.js be unavailable (for whatever reason) the viewer is still (eventually) sent to the correct place.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
            setTimeout(redirect, 2000);
            var redirected = false;
            function redirect() {
                if (!redirected) {
                    redirected = true;
                    location.href = 'http://your.website.here.com';
                (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
            ga('create', 'UA-NNNNNNN-N', 'auto');
            ga('send', 'event', 'Event Name', 'redirect', {
                hitCallback: redirect

tracking codes and urls should of course be updated to match yours.





If you would look at your error log you'd see an error that roughly says "Cannot send redirect header, header was already sent". It is not possible to do a redirect via location header when you already have had HTML/Javascript output before your PHP snippet (because at that moment you have already implicitly send your http headers).

如果您查看错误日志,您会看到一个错误,大致上说“无法发送重定向标头,标头已经发送”。当您在PHP片段之前已经有HTML / Javascript输出时,无法通过位置标题进行重定向(因为此时您已经隐式发送了您的http标头)。

It would be possible to use Googles measurement protocol to create a server-side solution that tracks the page before redirect. In that case you would need to create a client_id yourself and, in case the properties you redirect are your own, append it to the redirect url for cross-domain tracking.


If that's not concern you could use Curl or fopen to send a call to GA via a Url like this:



Where UA-XXXX-Y ist the account id from google, cid is the client id you generated and /redirect is the name of your page. If you want to recognize recurring users you need to save the client id to a cookie and check for every visit if the cookie exists and retrieve the id if it does.

其中UA-XXXX-Y是来自谷歌的帐户ID,cid是您生成的客户端ID,/ redirect是您的页面名称。如果要识别定期用户,则需要将客户端ID保存到cookie,并检查cookie是否存在时的每次访问,如果存在,则检索id。



if you disable the redirect, and inspect the page, do you see the call being made to GA in your network tab? I've found that sometimes the push events don't show up in GA for like 24 hours.


If you see that it is indeed sending out to google then I would leave it enabled, and wait a day before checking GA to see if anything has been logged.




Generally speaking

If your page uses redirects, the redirecting page becomes the landing page's referrer. For example, if you've changed your site so that index.html now redirects to home.html, then index.html becomes the referrer for home.html. If someone reached your site via a Google search that sent them first to index.html, you won't have any data regarding the Google search.


For this reason, you should place the Google Analytics tracking code on the redirecting page as well as on the landing page. This way, the redirecting page will capture the actual referrer information for your reports.

因此,您应将Google Analytics跟踪代码放在重定向页面以及着陆页上。这样,重定向页面将捕获报告的实际引荐来源信息。

Note, some browsers may actually redirect before the JavaScript call from the code can be made.


(cf. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009614?hl=en)

Your specific case

Since PHP is rendered and executed before any Javascript, Google Analytics tracker has no chance to send data to its server.

由于PHP在任何Javascript之前呈现并执行,因此Google Analytics跟踪器无法将数据发送到其服务器。


Considering that you cannot track a PHP redirection page, there are a number of possible alternatives:


  • Javascript redirection: https://*.com/a/4745622/1672895
    • window.location = "http://www.yoururl.com";
    • window.location =“http://www.yoururl.com”;

  • Javascript重定向:https://*.com/a/4745622/1672895 window.location =“http://www.yoururl.com”;

  • Campaign tracking (I wouldn't personally use this method in this specific case.)
    • /products.php?utm_source=index&utm_medium=redirection-page&utm_campaign=32
  • 广告系列跟踪(在这种特定情况下我不会亲自使用此方法。)/ product.php?utm_source = index&utm_medium = redirection-page&utm_campaign = 32

The last two items in the list are implemented on the individual links on the initial page before you get on the PHP redirection page.




I would suggest something like the following. It uses hitCallback to do the redirect so the event will be sent to GA and then the redirect will occur. It also sets a Timeout so that should analytics.js be unavailable (for whatever reason) the viewer is still (eventually) sent to the correct place.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
            setTimeout(redirect, 2000);
            var redirected = false;
            function redirect() {
                if (!redirected) {
                    redirected = true;
                    location.href = 'http://your.website.here.com';
                (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
            ga('create', 'UA-NNNNNNN-N', 'auto');
            ga('send', 'event', 'Event Name', 'redirect', {
                hitCallback: redirect

tracking codes and urls should of course be updated to match yours.





If you would look at your error log you'd see an error that roughly says "Cannot send redirect header, header was already sent". It is not possible to do a redirect via location header when you already have had HTML/Javascript output before your PHP snippet (because at that moment you have already implicitly send your http headers).

如果您查看错误日志,您会看到一个错误,大致上说“无法发送重定向标头,标头已经发送”。当您在PHP片段之前已经有HTML / Javascript输出时,无法通过位置标题进行重定向(因为此时您已经隐式发送了您的http标头)。

It would be possible to use Googles measurement protocol to create a server-side solution that tracks the page before redirect. In that case you would need to create a client_id yourself and, in case the properties you redirect are your own, append it to the redirect url for cross-domain tracking.


If that's not concern you could use Curl or fopen to send a call to GA via a Url like this:



Where UA-XXXX-Y ist the account id from google, cid is the client id you generated and /redirect is the name of your page. If you want to recognize recurring users you need to save the client id to a cookie and check for every visit if the cookie exists and retrieve the id if it does.

其中UA-XXXX-Y是来自谷歌的帐户ID,cid是您生成的客户端ID,/ redirect是您的页面名称。如果要识别定期用户,则需要将客户端ID保存到cookie,并检查cookie是否存在时的每次访问,如果存在,则检索id。



if you disable the redirect, and inspect the page, do you see the call being made to GA in your network tab? I've found that sometimes the push events don't show up in GA for like 24 hours.


If you see that it is indeed sending out to google then I would leave it enabled, and wait a day before checking GA to see if anything has been logged.
