在哪里可以找到存储在Google Analytics中的访问令牌?

时间:2022-01-09 15:16:01

Is there a way to find all the access tokens stored in google analytic's dashboard. And is it possible to fetch all the active access tokens ?


1 个解决方案


Google Analytics dashboard www.google.com/analytics/ does not store access tokens that it will give you. The only way for you to know who has been granted access to your Google Analytics account is to check the admin section for the Google Analytics Account.

Google Analytics信息中心www.google.com/analytics/不会存储它会为您提供的访问权限。了解谁已被授予访问您Google Analytics帐户权限的唯一方法是查看Google Analytics帐户的管理部分。

Top of the page Admin -> account -> user management.

页面顶部管理员 - >帐户 - >用户管理。

Access tokens are used for Authentication. If the Google Analytics webpage uses them which it probably does. It is not something that Google will share with you. You would have no use for it anyway as access tokens are created by a key par using the client id , client secret. You do not have access to Google's client id and client secret. so could not use an access token. Also access tokens are only good for an hour.

访问令牌用于身份验证。如果Google Analytics网页使用它可能会执行此操作。谷歌不会与您分享这些内容。无论如何你都没用它,因为访问令牌是由使用客户端ID,客户端密钥的密钥par创建的。您无权访问Google的客户端ID和客户端密钥。所以无法使用访问令牌。访问令牌也只有一个小时。

I don't understand why you would even want to see Googles access tokens you cant use them.



Google Analytics dashboard www.google.com/analytics/ does not store access tokens that it will give you. The only way for you to know who has been granted access to your Google Analytics account is to check the admin section for the Google Analytics Account.

Google Analytics信息中心www.google.com/analytics/不会存储它会为您提供的访问权限。了解谁已被授予访问您Google Analytics帐户权限的唯一方法是查看Google Analytics帐户的管理部分。

Top of the page Admin -> account -> user management.

页面顶部管理员 - >帐户 - >用户管理。

Access tokens are used for Authentication. If the Google Analytics webpage uses them which it probably does. It is not something that Google will share with you. You would have no use for it anyway as access tokens are created by a key par using the client id , client secret. You do not have access to Google's client id and client secret. so could not use an access token. Also access tokens are only good for an hour.

访问令牌用于身份验证。如果Google Analytics网页使用它可能会执行此操作。谷歌不会与您分享这些内容。无论如何你都没用它,因为访问令牌是由使用客户端ID,客户端密钥的密钥par创建的。您无权访问Google的客户端ID和客户端密钥。所以无法使用访问令牌。访问令牌也只有一个小时。

I don't understand why you would even want to see Googles access tokens you cant use them.
