如何在点击时从JavaScript调用@ Url.Action()调用添加参数

时间:2022-06-27 15:16:39

I have a link that when clicked needs to call a controller action with certain data which must be retrieved via JavaScript. The action will be returning a FileStreamResult.


I looked at @Url.Action but I couldn't figure out how (or even if) I could pass value dictionary stuff which had to be retrieved via JS.

我查看了@ Url.Action,但我无法弄清楚如何(或者甚至)我可以传递必须通过JS检索的值字典内容。

So then I went with a $.post from a click handler. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure what to do in my success: function() to return the file stream result to the user. Or even if I can.

然后我从点击处理程序中获取了$ .post。我遇到的问题是我不知道该怎么做才能成功:function()将文件流结果返回给用户。或者即使我可以。

So any help on how you would do something like this would be great..


2 个解决方案



So then I went with a $.post from a click handler. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure what to do in my success: function() to return the file stream result to the user. Or even if I can.

然后我从点击处理程序中获取了$ .post。我遇到的问题是我不知道该怎么做才能成功:function()将文件流结果返回给用户。或者即使我可以。

Exactly. You can't do much with a received byte in javascritpt: obviously you cannot save it on the client computer nor pass it to some external program on the client. So don't call actions that are supposed to return files using AJAX. For those actions you should use normal links:


@Html.ActionLink("download file", "download", new { id = 123 })

and let the user decide what to do with the file. You could play with the Content-Disposition header and set it to either inline or attachment depending on whether you want the file to be opened with the default associated program inside the browser or prompt the user with a Save File dialog.



It seems that I have misunderstood the question. If you want to append parameters to an existing link you could subscribe for the click event in javascript and modify the href by appending the necessary parameters to the query string:


$(function() {
    $('#mylink').click(function() {
        var someValue = 'value of parameter';
        $(this).attr('href', this.href + '?paramName=' + encodeURIComponent(someValue));
        return true;



Instead of going with a post, I'd go with associate a JQuery on click handler of the link which would call the controller action. This is assuming that the action method returns a FileStreamResult and sets the correct content type so that the browser interprets the result and renders it accordingly.


With your approach you'd have to interpret in the onSuccessHandler of the post on how to render the generated stream.




So then I went with a $.post from a click handler. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure what to do in my success: function() to return the file stream result to the user. Or even if I can.

然后我从点击处理程序中获取了$ .post。我遇到的问题是我不知道该怎么做才能成功:function()将文件流结果返回给用户。或者即使我可以。

Exactly. You can't do much with a received byte in javascritpt: obviously you cannot save it on the client computer nor pass it to some external program on the client. So don't call actions that are supposed to return files using AJAX. For those actions you should use normal links:


@Html.ActionLink("download file", "download", new { id = 123 })

and let the user decide what to do with the file. You could play with the Content-Disposition header and set it to either inline or attachment depending on whether you want the file to be opened with the default associated program inside the browser or prompt the user with a Save File dialog.



It seems that I have misunderstood the question. If you want to append parameters to an existing link you could subscribe for the click event in javascript and modify the href by appending the necessary parameters to the query string:


$(function() {
    $('#mylink').click(function() {
        var someValue = 'value of parameter';
        $(this).attr('href', this.href + '?paramName=' + encodeURIComponent(someValue));
        return true;



Instead of going with a post, I'd go with associate a JQuery on click handler of the link which would call the controller action. This is assuming that the action method returns a FileStreamResult and sets the correct content type so that the browser interprets the result and renders it accordingly.


With your approach you'd have to interpret in the onSuccessHandler of the post on how to render the generated stream.
