
时间:2022-10-07 15:16:18

If I were to take a query string from an incoming request HTTP request in a web application, store it directly in a MySql database, then use it later to re-build the original request url, would that be considered OK?


I'm wondering if there are any "gotchas" like special characters or multi-byte characters on the query string that might require me to encode the data or something before storing it.


Thank you in advance.


EDIT: My particular use case would be something like the following. Although my main concern is more about whether or not any special characters on a query string could cause unexpected problems.


  • User submits a form.
  • 用户提交表单。

  • During form processing, we determine that user needs to confirm their email
  • 在表单处理期间,我们确定用户需要确认他们的电子邮件

  • We send the user an email for confirmation and store the original query string in database because we always want to carry through any query string parameters that were on the request.
  • 我们向用户发送确认电子邮件并将原始查询字符串存储在数据库中,因为我们总是希望执行请求中的任何查询字符串参数。

  • After the user confirms their email, we redirect them back to the original form url, and append the original query string to ensure query string parameters are carried through.
  • 用户确认其电子邮件后,我们将其重定向回原始表单URL,并附加原始查询字符串以确保查询字符串参数通过。

5 个解决方案



I don't see anything inherently wrong with it, but it makes more sense to me to store the parsed out values instead of the data in querystring format. It might future-proof it a little more, for example if you changed the name of the query string parameters in your app at a later time.


Instead of storing "?param1=A&param2=B&param3=C" into a field called "querystring" it would probably be better to store A, B, and C into three fields called "Param1, Param2, and Param3.

阐述:不是将“?param1 = A&param2 = B&param3 = C”存储到名为“querystring”的字段中,而是将A,B和C存储到称为“Param1,Param2和Param3”的三个字段中可能更好。

Based on the use case you added to your question, specifically the part about this data only needing to be stored temporarily until the user has confirmed their account, I don't think there is anything wrong with storing the query string in raw format. If you were intending long term storage of this info my original recommendation stands.




I would be sure to use bindings on the queries stored.


INSERT INTO TABLE_OF_QUERIES (field1, field2, field3) VALUES (?,?,?);



Why stop at the QueryString? If you want to save some of the header, why not save the entire header info including cookies, post data, etc..




Not at all. I worked in a financial institution where every transaction that occurred were stored in a database, including the SQL query. This was used for transaction audit, used for auditing and report generation. Also, it gives good history of a user's transaction.




Depends on what for really.


If you're dealing with another server, and the query string is all you have to identify the request (well, the URI, but presumably you are banking on the rest being static, maybe check that assumption), then it's ideal to use what is essentially an identifier, as an identifier.


If your code is on the server processing the query itself, then it won't be ideal for many purposes, though can be for logging and some caching uses.


If your code deals with the actual parameters of the query, then probably not.




I don't see anything inherently wrong with it, but it makes more sense to me to store the parsed out values instead of the data in querystring format. It might future-proof it a little more, for example if you changed the name of the query string parameters in your app at a later time.


Instead of storing "?param1=A&param2=B&param3=C" into a field called "querystring" it would probably be better to store A, B, and C into three fields called "Param1, Param2, and Param3.

阐述:不是将“?param1 = A&param2 = B&param3 = C”存储到名为“querystring”的字段中,而是将A,B和C存储到称为“Param1,Param2和Param3”的三个字段中可能更好。

Based on the use case you added to your question, specifically the part about this data only needing to be stored temporarily until the user has confirmed their account, I don't think there is anything wrong with storing the query string in raw format. If you were intending long term storage of this info my original recommendation stands.




I would be sure to use bindings on the queries stored.


INSERT INTO TABLE_OF_QUERIES (field1, field2, field3) VALUES (?,?,?);



Why stop at the QueryString? If you want to save some of the header, why not save the entire header info including cookies, post data, etc..




Not at all. I worked in a financial institution where every transaction that occurred were stored in a database, including the SQL query. This was used for transaction audit, used for auditing and report generation. Also, it gives good history of a user's transaction.




Depends on what for really.


If you're dealing with another server, and the query string is all you have to identify the request (well, the URI, but presumably you are banking on the rest being static, maybe check that assumption), then it's ideal to use what is essentially an identifier, as an identifier.


If your code is on the server processing the query itself, then it won't be ideal for many purposes, though can be for logging and some caching uses.


If your code deals with the actual parameters of the query, then probably not.
