declare @AlarmTypes nvarchar(255)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AlarmType') is not null
drop table #AlarmType
select * into tempdb..#AlarmType from
(select id = 1,告警类型+':'+convert(varchar(max),数量) as AlarmTypeNum
from (select c.告警类型,count(1) 数量
from 事件信息表 a with(nolock),遥信描述表 b with(nolock),告警类型表 c with(nolock),设备信息表 d with(nolock),终端信息表 e with(nolock),配电房信息表 f with(nolock)
where b.设备类型 = a.设备类型
and b.告警ID = a.遥信ID
and b.遥信值 = a.当前遥信值
and b.设备类型 = c.设备类型
and b.告警id = c.告警id
and a.DeviceID = d.DeviceID
and d.TerminalID = e.TerminalID
and e.RoomID = f.RoomID
and (a.事件发生时间 between '2017-06-01 00:00:00' and '2017-06-30 23:59:59')
and c.告警类型 != '开门(关门)事件'
group by b.设备类型,b.告警ID,c.告警类型) A) B
select @AlarmTypes = stuff((select ','+AlarmTypeNum from #AlarmType where = id for xml path('')),1,1,'') from #AlarmType c group by
7 个解决方案
想要数量倒序排序,然后用top 4取出前四个,或者有其他方法也行
declare @AlarmTypes nvarchar(255)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AlarmType') is not null
drop table #AlarmType
select * into tempdb..#AlarmType from
(select TOP 4 id = 1,告警类型+':'+convert(varchar(max),数量) as AlarmTypeNum
from (select c.告警类型,count(1) 数量
from 事件信息表 a with(nolock),遥信描述表 b with(nolock),告警类型表 c with(nolock)
,设备信息表 d with(nolock),终端信息表 e with(nolock),配电房信息表 f with(nolock)
where b.设备类型 = a.设备类型
and b.告警ID = a.遥信ID
and b.遥信值 = a.当前遥信值
and b.设备类型 = c.设备类型
and b.告警id = c.告警id
and a.DeviceID = d.DeviceID
and d.TerminalID = e.TerminalID
and e.RoomID = f.RoomID
and (a.事件发生时间 between '2017-06-01 00:00:00' and '2017-06-30 23:59:59')
and c.告警类型 != '开门(关门)事件'
group by b.设备类型,b.告警ID,c.告警类型) A
ORDER by AlarmTypeNum
) B
select @AlarmTypes = stuff((select ','+AlarmTypeNum from #AlarmType where = id for xml path('')),1,1,'') from #AlarmType c group by
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AlarmType') is not null
drop table #AlarmType
select * into tempdb..#AlarmType from
(select TOP 4 id = 1,告警类型+':'+convert(varchar(max),数量) as AlarmTypeNum
from (select c.告警类型,count(1) 数量
from 事件信息表 a with(nolock),遥信描述表 b with(nolock),告警类型表 c with(nolock)
,设备信息表 d with(nolock),终端信息表 e with(nolock),配电房信息表 f with(nolock)
where b.设备类型 = a.设备类型
and b.告警ID = a.遥信ID
and b.遥信值 = a.当前遥信值
and b.设备类型 = c.设备类型
and b.告警id = c.告警id
and a.DeviceID = d.DeviceID
and d.TerminalID = e.TerminalID
and e.RoomID = f.RoomID
and (a.事件发生时间 between '2017-06-01 00:00:00' and '2017-06-30 23:59:59')
and c.告警类型 != '开门(关门)事件'
group by b.设备类型,b.告警ID,c.告警类型) A
ORDER by AlarmTypeNum
) B
select @AlarmTypes = stuff((select ','+AlarmTypeNum from #AlarmType where = id for xml path('')),1,1,'') from #AlarmType c group by
ORDER by AlarmTypeNum DESC
子句中用order by 会报错的,已经找到一个办法了,用ROW_NUMBER() over(order by 数量 desc)可以排序
想要数量倒序排序,然后用top 4取出前四个,或者有其他方法也行
declare @AlarmTypes nvarchar(255)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AlarmType') is not null
drop table #AlarmType
select * into tempdb..#AlarmType from
(select TOP 4 id = 1,告警类型+':'+convert(varchar(max),数量) as AlarmTypeNum
from (select c.告警类型,count(1) 数量
from 事件信息表 a with(nolock),遥信描述表 b with(nolock),告警类型表 c with(nolock)
,设备信息表 d with(nolock),终端信息表 e with(nolock),配电房信息表 f with(nolock)
where b.设备类型 = a.设备类型
and b.告警ID = a.遥信ID
and b.遥信值 = a.当前遥信值
and b.设备类型 = c.设备类型
and b.告警id = c.告警id
and a.DeviceID = d.DeviceID
and d.TerminalID = e.TerminalID
and e.RoomID = f.RoomID
and (a.事件发生时间 between '2017-06-01 00:00:00' and '2017-06-30 23:59:59')
and c.告警类型 != '开门(关门)事件'
group by b.设备类型,b.告警ID,c.告警类型) A
ORDER by AlarmTypeNum
) B
select @AlarmTypes = stuff((select ','+AlarmTypeNum from #AlarmType where = id for xml path('')),1,1,'') from #AlarmType c group by
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AlarmType') is not null
drop table #AlarmType
select * into tempdb..#AlarmType from
(select TOP 4 id = 1,告警类型+':'+convert(varchar(max),数量) as AlarmTypeNum
from (select c.告警类型,count(1) 数量
from 事件信息表 a with(nolock),遥信描述表 b with(nolock),告警类型表 c with(nolock)
,设备信息表 d with(nolock),终端信息表 e with(nolock),配电房信息表 f with(nolock)
where b.设备类型 = a.设备类型
and b.告警ID = a.遥信ID
and b.遥信值 = a.当前遥信值
and b.设备类型 = c.设备类型
and b.告警id = c.告警id
and a.DeviceID = d.DeviceID
and d.TerminalID = e.TerminalID
and e.RoomID = f.RoomID
and (a.事件发生时间 between '2017-06-01 00:00:00' and '2017-06-30 23:59:59')
and c.告警类型 != '开门(关门)事件'
group by b.设备类型,b.告警ID,c.告警类型) A
ORDER by AlarmTypeNum
) B
select @AlarmTypes = stuff((select ','+AlarmTypeNum from #AlarmType where = id for xml path('')),1,1,'') from #AlarmType c group by
ORDER by AlarmTypeNum DESC
子句中用order by 会报错的,已经找到一个办法了,用ROW_NUMBER() over(order by 数量 desc)可以排序