时间:2021-10-07 15:04:32

I have a PHP script that is generating a MySQL select statement:

我有一个生成MySQL select语句的PHP脚本:

select * from words where word = 'Classic'

select * from words where word ='Classic'

There is exactly one word in the words table with the variable word equal to Classic.


When my PHP page executes, I get no results from the query. If I echo the string that is being used to execute the query, cut and paste that into the SQL window in PHPMyAdmin in the database, I also get no results. However, if I re-type that EXACT string into the SQL window in PHPMyAdmin (with the same quote characters), I get the proper result of one row.


The word Classic from the select statement is gotten from a PHP GET (see code below). I can echo the $word variable, and get the correct result of 'Classic'. What am I doing wrong?

select语句中的单词Classic来自PHP GET(参见下面的代码)。我可以回显$ word变量,并获得'Classic'的正确结果。我究竟做错了什么?

Here is my code:



  require ('dbconnect.php');

  $word = $_GET["word"];

  $selectStr = "SELECT * FROM words WHERE word = '" . $word . "'";

  if ($results = MySQL($dbName, $selectStr))
    $rowCount = MySQL_NUMROWS($results);

  $resultRow = MYSQL_FETCH_ROW($results);

  $wordID = $resultRow[0];


2 个解决方案



Please, please, please sanitize that word. mysql_real_escape_string() should do the trick.

拜托,请消毒那个词。 mysql_real_escape_string()应该可以解决问题。

$selectStr = "SELECT * FROM words WHERE word LIKE '" . $sanitized_word_i_promise . "'"; should work :)

$ selectStr =“SELECT * FROM words WHERE word LIKE'”。 $ sanitized_word_i_promise。 “'”;应该管用 :)

Just to explain: "=" should work for exact matches. This includes uppercase / lowercase, spaces etc. You should probably trim that result first too, before using it in the query.


If you have foo stored in the database (note the space at the end) - it won't match foo, without a space. You'll want to use LIKE 'foo%' - probably.

如果你有foo存储在数据库中(注意末尾的空格) - 它将不匹配foo,没有空格。你可能想要使用LIKE'foo%' - 可能。

Either way, Sourabh is right, although performance wise, this isn't a big hit when trying to match exact strings, you should look for the problem in other places first (such as, is the item in the database an exact match?).

无论哪种方式,Sourabh是对的,虽然性能明智,但在尝试匹配完全字符串时这不是一个大打击,你应该首先在其他地方寻找问题(例如,数据库中的项目是完全匹配吗?) 。



First off you should not take any user input and directly input it into a query without sanitizing it, or using a prepared statement.


Now that we've gotten that out of the way: have you tried doing a strcmp() with the variable and your string written in? Such as


echo strcmp($_GET['word'], "Classic")

echo strcmp($ _ GET ['word'],“Classic”)

If you get a result other than 0 it means they are not the same, most likely there will be a whitespace of some sort in the $_GET variable. use trim() on it to take out whitespace. Also could be a case sensitivity issue as well.

如果得到的结果不是0,则意味着它们不相同,很可能在$ _GET变量中会有某种空格。使用trim()来取出空格。也可能是区分大小写的问题。



Please, please, please sanitize that word. mysql_real_escape_string() should do the trick.

拜托,请消毒那个词。 mysql_real_escape_string()应该可以解决问题。

$selectStr = "SELECT * FROM words WHERE word LIKE '" . $sanitized_word_i_promise . "'"; should work :)

$ selectStr =“SELECT * FROM words WHERE word LIKE'”。 $ sanitized_word_i_promise。 “'”;应该管用 :)

Just to explain: "=" should work for exact matches. This includes uppercase / lowercase, spaces etc. You should probably trim that result first too, before using it in the query.


If you have foo stored in the database (note the space at the end) - it won't match foo, without a space. You'll want to use LIKE 'foo%' - probably.

如果你有foo存储在数据库中(注意末尾的空格) - 它将不匹配foo,没有空格。你可能想要使用LIKE'foo%' - 可能。

Either way, Sourabh is right, although performance wise, this isn't a big hit when trying to match exact strings, you should look for the problem in other places first (such as, is the item in the database an exact match?).

无论哪种方式,Sourabh是对的,虽然性能明智,但在尝试匹配完全字符串时这不是一个大打击,你应该首先在其他地方寻找问题(例如,数据库中的项目是完全匹配吗?) 。



First off you should not take any user input and directly input it into a query without sanitizing it, or using a prepared statement.


Now that we've gotten that out of the way: have you tried doing a strcmp() with the variable and your string written in? Such as


echo strcmp($_GET['word'], "Classic")

echo strcmp($ _ GET ['word'],“Classic”)

If you get a result other than 0 it means they are not the same, most likely there will be a whitespace of some sort in the $_GET variable. use trim() on it to take out whitespace. Also could be a case sensitivity issue as well.

如果得到的结果不是0,则意味着它们不相同,很可能在$ _GET变量中会有某种空格。使用trim()来取出空格。也可能是区分大小写的问题。