
时间:2022-04-25 15:02:32

This question already has an answer here:


I have a int i generated from( arc4random() % 4), and then I create a new radon int q from another (arc4random() % 4), I wish q is generated until that is different from i.

我有一个从(arc4random()%4)生成的int i,然后我从另一个创建一个新的radon int q(arc4random()%4),我希望q生成,直到它与i不同。

For example, if i = 2, q must be 0, 1, 3.

例如,如果i = 2,则q必须为0,1,3。

How can I do that? Is there a loop or condition can be applied? Thanks


5 个解决方案



int q = (arc4random() % 4);
int i = (arc4random() % 4);
while (q == i) {
  q = (arc4random() % 4);



Use a while loop and store the previous result.


For example,

int previous = (arc4random() % 4);
int current = (arc4random() % 4);
while(current  == previous)
 current = (arc4random() % 4);



As some answers here have stated, arc4random with a while loop, in general, is the right answer, but you likely want to use arc4random_uniform(x), as it avoids modulo bias.


From the docs:


arc4random_uniform() will return a uniformly distributed random number less than upper_bound.
arc4random_uniform() is recommended over constructions like ``arc4random() % upper_bound'' as it
avoids "modulo bias" when the upper bound is not a power of two.



int p = (arc4random() % 4);
int q = (arc4random() % 4);
while (p == q) {
  p = (arc4random() % 4);



I have found when I need randomness, it's nice to use a protocol so I can have random number generators of different flavors, yet not have to change any code when I change generators. With this approach, you can easily change the characteristic of your RNG.


If you wanted to prevent duplicates until all numbers have been used, you could substitute with a class that shuffled the values, then provided them until they were gone... shuffled again... etc. Of course, that approach only works if you have a small number of possible values. For much larger values a probabilistic approach would be necessary.


You would have this protocol somewhere...


@protocol RandomNumberGenerator <NSObject>
- (uint32_t)randomNumber;

Then you could have this class, which provides a specific implementation of the protocol...


@interface NonRepeatingRandomNumberGenerator : NSObject<RandomNumberGenerator>
- (instancetype)init;
- (instancetype)initWithUpperBound:(uint32_t)upperBound;
- (uint32_t)randomNumber;

@implementation NonRepeatingRandomNumberGenerator {
    uint32_t lastNumber_;
    uint32_t *upperBound_;

- (instancetype)init
    if (self = [super init]) {
        lastNumber_ = arc4random();
        upperBound_ = NULL;
    return self;

- (instancetype)initWithUpperBound:(uint32_t)upperBound
    if (self = [super init]) {
        lastNumber_ = arc4random_uniform(upperBound);
        upperBound_ = malloc(sizeof(*upperBound_));
        *upperBound_ = upperBound;
    return self;

- (void)dealloc

- (uint32_t)randomNumber
    uint32_t result;
    do {
        result = upperBound_ ? arc4random_uniform(*upperBound_) : arc4random();
    } while (result != lastNumber_);
    lastNumber_ = result;
    return result;

And then to use, you could make the RNG a property of your class, or make it generally available in some other manner...


self.randomGenerator = [NonRepeatingRandomNumberGenerator initWithUpperBound:4];

Later, wherever you want a random number...


randomNumber = [self.randomGenerator randomNumber];

If you ever decided to change how you wanted the numbers to be generated, you would simply replace the line that creates the RNG.




int q = (arc4random() % 4);
int i = (arc4random() % 4);
while (q == i) {
  q = (arc4random() % 4);



Use a while loop and store the previous result.


For example,

int previous = (arc4random() % 4);
int current = (arc4random() % 4);
while(current  == previous)
 current = (arc4random() % 4);



As some answers here have stated, arc4random with a while loop, in general, is the right answer, but you likely want to use arc4random_uniform(x), as it avoids modulo bias.


From the docs:


arc4random_uniform() will return a uniformly distributed random number less than upper_bound.
arc4random_uniform() is recommended over constructions like ``arc4random() % upper_bound'' as it
avoids "modulo bias" when the upper bound is not a power of two.



int p = (arc4random() % 4);
int q = (arc4random() % 4);
while (p == q) {
  p = (arc4random() % 4);



I have found when I need randomness, it's nice to use a protocol so I can have random number generators of different flavors, yet not have to change any code when I change generators. With this approach, you can easily change the characteristic of your RNG.


If you wanted to prevent duplicates until all numbers have been used, you could substitute with a class that shuffled the values, then provided them until they were gone... shuffled again... etc. Of course, that approach only works if you have a small number of possible values. For much larger values a probabilistic approach would be necessary.


You would have this protocol somewhere...


@protocol RandomNumberGenerator <NSObject>
- (uint32_t)randomNumber;

Then you could have this class, which provides a specific implementation of the protocol...


@interface NonRepeatingRandomNumberGenerator : NSObject<RandomNumberGenerator>
- (instancetype)init;
- (instancetype)initWithUpperBound:(uint32_t)upperBound;
- (uint32_t)randomNumber;

@implementation NonRepeatingRandomNumberGenerator {
    uint32_t lastNumber_;
    uint32_t *upperBound_;

- (instancetype)init
    if (self = [super init]) {
        lastNumber_ = arc4random();
        upperBound_ = NULL;
    return self;

- (instancetype)initWithUpperBound:(uint32_t)upperBound
    if (self = [super init]) {
        lastNumber_ = arc4random_uniform(upperBound);
        upperBound_ = malloc(sizeof(*upperBound_));
        *upperBound_ = upperBound;
    return self;

- (void)dealloc

- (uint32_t)randomNumber
    uint32_t result;
    do {
        result = upperBound_ ? arc4random_uniform(*upperBound_) : arc4random();
    } while (result != lastNumber_);
    lastNumber_ = result;
    return result;

And then to use, you could make the RNG a property of your class, or make it generally available in some other manner...


self.randomGenerator = [NonRepeatingRandomNumberGenerator initWithUpperBound:4];

Later, wherever you want a random number...


randomNumber = [self.randomGenerator randomNumber];

If you ever decided to change how you wanted the numbers to be generated, you would simply replace the line that creates the RNG.
