在Objective C中等效Swift的.map? [重复]

时间:2022-10-25 15:02:47

This question already has an answer here:


Say I have NSArray *x = @[@1, @2, @3, @4];

说我有NSArray * x = @ [@ 1,@ 2,@ 3,@ 4];

Now say I want an array like @[@2, @4, @6, @8]

现在说我想要一个像@ [@ 2,@ 4,@ 6,@ 8]的数组

In good ole Swift, I can just do :


xDoubled = x.map({($0) * 2})

Can someone tell me how I can do this in Objective-C without doing -

有人能告诉我如何在Objective-C中做到这一点而不做 -

NSMutableArray *xDoubled = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSInteger xVal in x) {
    [xDoubled addObject:xVal * 2];


2 个解决方案



NSArray doesn't have a map method. It has an enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: method (and related ones) that do something similar; they don't automatically convert an object into another and return another array, but you can do that manually easily enough. However, they're not all that much different than your example.


I wrote a library called collections that adds a map method (and other collections-oriented methods) to NSArray, NSDictionary, and NSSet, though.




I don't necessarily recommend this, but you can do some funky stuff leveraging categories and Key-Value Coding. For example:


@interface NSNumber (DoubledValue)
- (NSNumber*) doubledValue;

@implementation NSNumber (DoubledValue)
- (NSNumber*) doubledValue
    return @([self doubleValue] * 2);

xDoubled = [x valueForKey:@"doubledValue"];

In general, for any operation that can be expressed as a key or key path to a property of the object, -valueForKey[Path]: acts as a primitive form of map().

通常,对于任何可以表示为对象属性的键或键路径的操作,-valueForKey [Path]:充当map()的原始形式。



NSArray doesn't have a map method. It has an enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: method (and related ones) that do something similar; they don't automatically convert an object into another and return another array, but you can do that manually easily enough. However, they're not all that much different than your example.


I wrote a library called collections that adds a map method (and other collections-oriented methods) to NSArray, NSDictionary, and NSSet, though.




I don't necessarily recommend this, but you can do some funky stuff leveraging categories and Key-Value Coding. For example:


@interface NSNumber (DoubledValue)
- (NSNumber*) doubledValue;

@implementation NSNumber (DoubledValue)
- (NSNumber*) doubledValue
    return @([self doubleValue] * 2);

xDoubled = [x valueForKey:@"doubledValue"];

In general, for any operation that can be expressed as a key or key path to a property of the object, -valueForKey[Path]: acts as a primitive form of map().

通常,对于任何可以表示为对象属性的键或键路径的操作,-valueForKey [Path]:充当map()的原始形式。