
时间:2021-10-25 15:01:09

I am trying to learn some new iOS programming patterns. I have read a bunch about the UIViewController transitioning APIs added in iOS 7. They look cool but also feel pretty heavy for what seems like a simpler task.

我正在尝试学习一些新的iOS编程模式。我已经阅读了一些关于iOS 7中添加的UIViewController转换API的内容。它们看起来很酷但是对于看起来更简单的任务也感觉相当沉重。

Consider this use case: I have a custom container view controller that manages "slides". It holds an array of slide view controllers and the user can move forward and backward though them by tapping a button.


I can implement the transition for this as follows:


private func transitionToViewController(viewController: UIViewController, direction: TransitionDirection = .Forward, animated: Bool = true) {
    currentViewController.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
    // ... set up frames, other animation prep ...
    UIView.animate(duration: 0.5, animations: { 
        // do the animations
    }) { (finished) in
        viewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
        // final clean up

How would the newer transitioning APIs improve this? From what I understand, these APIs are even more complicated to use if you are rolling your own container view controllers (see custom-container view controller transitions.


Is the value in the transitioning APIs mostly for interactive transitions?


Thanks for clarifying


2 个解决方案



I think the new transitioning API (UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and friends) is simply a final step in the generalization of view transitions between controllers.


In first versions of UIKit we had to hack the system transition code to get any custom transitions at all. Years later we got controller containment that made it possible to manage view controllers as first-class citizens and create our own interactive transitions. The final step is having a full-featured general system API for any transition that you can dream of – that’s the new transition API.

在UIKit的第一个版本中,我们不得不破解系统转换代码以获得任何自定义转换。多年以后,我们获得了控制器控制功能,可以将视图控制器作为一等公民进行管理,并创建自己的交互式转换。最后一步是为您可以实现的任何转换提供功能齐全的通用系统API - 这是新的转换API。

The new API makes it possible to extract the transitions into standalone classes. Which, in turn, makes it finally possible to just download a transition library off GitHub and plug it into your existing code as a simple transition delegate. No need to derive your view controllers from some particular superclass, no need to use a third-party controller container, no need to add extensions to UIKit classes. Now the transitions are finally first-class citizens in UIKit, too.




How would the newer transitioning APIs improve this?


TL;DR Maintainability via Encapsulation, Reusability, Testability.

TL; DR通过封装,可重用性,可测试性的可维护性。

Encapsulation: The comments indicate that there's logic to set up and state to track with the animation. Your view controller is probably plenty big enough already; putting transition logic somewhere else makes each piece smaller and therefore more maintainable.


Reusability: What's the next thing you'll do after this? Set up the transition back from the transitioned to controller, no doubt. And is it likely to be a reversal of this animation? Pretty likely. So you'll copy and paste this code to that controller and reverse it there, probably. Now you've got two copies. One copy using the transitions would be more maintainable. (Also note the existence of pods of custom transitions, as reusability and shareability go hand in hand.)

可重用性:接下来你会做什么呢?毫无疑问,设置从过渡到控制器的过渡。它可能是这个动画的逆转吗?很有可能。因此,您可以将此代码复制并粘贴到该控制器,并在那里将其反转。现在你有两份副本。使用转换的一个副本将更易于维护。 (还要注意自定义过渡的pod的存在,因为可重用性和可共享性是相辅相成的。)

Testability: Code embedded in a heavyweight view controller is notoriously difficult to test. A custom transition can be tested in isolation without the state overhead of the live views.


So for any code you intend to look at more than once, the transitioning APIs are probably worth the effort!




I think the new transitioning API (UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and friends) is simply a final step in the generalization of view transitions between controllers.


In first versions of UIKit we had to hack the system transition code to get any custom transitions at all. Years later we got controller containment that made it possible to manage view controllers as first-class citizens and create our own interactive transitions. The final step is having a full-featured general system API for any transition that you can dream of – that’s the new transition API.

在UIKit的第一个版本中,我们不得不破解系统转换代码以获得任何自定义转换。多年以后,我们获得了控制器控制功能,可以将视图控制器作为一等公民进行管理,并创建自己的交互式转换。最后一步是为您可以实现的任何转换提供功能齐全的通用系统API - 这是新的转换API。

The new API makes it possible to extract the transitions into standalone classes. Which, in turn, makes it finally possible to just download a transition library off GitHub and plug it into your existing code as a simple transition delegate. No need to derive your view controllers from some particular superclass, no need to use a third-party controller container, no need to add extensions to UIKit classes. Now the transitions are finally first-class citizens in UIKit, too.




How would the newer transitioning APIs improve this?


TL;DR Maintainability via Encapsulation, Reusability, Testability.

TL; DR通过封装,可重用性,可测试性的可维护性。

Encapsulation: The comments indicate that there's logic to set up and state to track with the animation. Your view controller is probably plenty big enough already; putting transition logic somewhere else makes each piece smaller and therefore more maintainable.


Reusability: What's the next thing you'll do after this? Set up the transition back from the transitioned to controller, no doubt. And is it likely to be a reversal of this animation? Pretty likely. So you'll copy and paste this code to that controller and reverse it there, probably. Now you've got two copies. One copy using the transitions would be more maintainable. (Also note the existence of pods of custom transitions, as reusability and shareability go hand in hand.)

可重用性:接下来你会做什么呢?毫无疑问,设置从过渡到控制器的过渡。它可能是这个动画的逆转吗?很有可能。因此,您可以将此代码复制并粘贴到该控制器,并在那里将其反转。现在你有两份副本。使用转换的一个副本将更易于维护。 (还要注意自定义过渡的pod的存在,因为可重用性和可共享性是相辅相成的。)

Testability: Code embedded in a heavyweight view controller is notoriously difficult to test. A custom transition can be tested in isolation without the state overhead of the live views.


So for any code you intend to look at more than once, the transitioning APIs are probably worth the effort!
